Strawberry "black prince": the merits of the variety

Of the variety of strawberry varieties, gardeners always stand out for some of the most interesting. Large glossy berries of maroon, close to black, as a visiting card of an unusual and very promising variety "black prince", emphasize the excellent commercial qualities of the culture.

strawberry black prince
We will talk about other advantages of this berry and agricultural practices of its cultivation in the presented article.

Strawberry "Black Prince": variety description

Occupying a leading position in the market of garden berries, this mid-early ripening variety is characterized not only by excellent marketability. He has a very extensive range of valuable qualities, such as:

• large-fruited - the average weight of berries is 50 grams and the fruits do not grow smaller in subsequent harvests;

• consistency of berries - juicy, sweet, tasty, dense, aromatic flesh;

• high transportability and fruit preservation;

• viability and fruitfulness of bushes - more than 5-7 years; fruiting duration increases with the age of the bush;

• excellent resistance to garden pests and traditional strawberry diseases; no special treatments are required;

• high productivity - 20-28 tons per hectare;

• good frost resistance and ability to withstand short-term spring frosts without loss of yield.

strawberry black prince description

Strawberry "black prince", the description of which is given in the article, tolerates short periods without watering well. It is characterized by an average degree of drought tolerance.

Growing Features

Experienced gardeners claim that the “black prince” strawberry can fruitfully bear fruit in one place for up to ten years. High-quality bush growth and high yields will ensure the correct planting and agricultural technology of crop cultivation. The berry loves fertile light sandy loamy drained soils with good water and air permeability. Strawberry "black prince" does not tolerate heavy clay cold soils.

The best areas for berry cultivation are sunny, protected from northern winds, places without close standing of groundwater. Before planting, the earth in the beds is dug up with the introduction of high-quality organic matter (humus or compost) and treated with peat-humic fertilizers (Flora, Fitop), which improve the soil structure.

Strawberry Black Prince Photo

It is advisable to purchase planting material from trusted suppliers that are well established in the market. Due to the fact that the “black prince” strawberry variety is rapidly increasing its green mass, planting holes are located at a distance of at least 0.4 m from each other. Sockets are planted in well-watered holes, straightening the roots and preventing them from bending up. The growth bud of a seedling, called the heart, is not buried when embedded, but left just above the soil level. The soil under the bushes is compacted so that no air pockets remain near the roots, watered and mulched.

Landing care

Strawberry "black prince", the photo of which is presented in the article, is quite unpretentious, but getting good yields is impossible without some care, so you have to take care of the plants. Periodic weeding, loosening or, if plantings are mulched, updating the mulch layer are necessary. When whiskers appear, they are carefully removed if there are no plans for breeding a large berry plantation. Strawberry "Black Prince" should receive moisture regularly, but in moderation, stagnation of water will prevent the plant from developing normally. Watering increases during the loading of berries or with the onset of dry and hot weather.

strawberry variety black prince

In the fall, conduct winter training. Beginning in the second year of life, hives are carried out on bushes, since the roots are often exposed. A high-quality compost is introduced into the trench, which is formed in this case, is embedded in the garden bed and well watered.

Top dressing

High fruit-forming ability also requires high-quality top dressing over the entire life of the plantings.

In spring, strawberry "black prince" needs nitrogen, during budding and flowering - in phosphorus fertilizing. Pouring berries will require a comprehensive nutrition. They feed plants with mineral fertilizers, based on the norms specified in the instructions on the packages. They are brought in dry form, planted in the soil under bushes or dissolved in water.

These are the main points of agricultural technology that a black prince strawberry will require from a gardener. Photos of this excellent berry, giving an idea of ​​the culture, are presented in this review.


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