Alexey Zverev: biography, creativity

This story is about a great Soviet writer who was not afraid to talk about how he feels, and was not shy about showing his kindness and love for the world around him. Humanity and mercy, the denial of the evil principle in human nature - that is what is read in every line of the works he wrote. His stories are so picturesque that you can write pictures on them.

short biography

A talented teacher and writer was born in the Irkutsk province, in the village of Ust-Kuda, in 1913, February 24. He spent most of his life in Moscow and died in 1992, on March 26. Alexei Zverev, whose biography is full of myths and legends, was a children's writer. He was born and raised in a remote village, where the Old Believers lived, who still remembered the Decembrists who were exiled. Alexei's family was large and belonged to hereditary peasants, so their working day began very early. From early childhood Alexei already helped his parents in all household matters: he could feed both chickens and herd calves. And at the age of eight he could safely ride a horse and harrow the fields. But besides hard work on the peasant fields, there was still schooling. He graduated from the seven-year plan at the age of thirteen, and after graduation he left for the city of Irkutsk for further training in the profession of livestock technician. After training, Alex returned to his native village and began his career in the specialty.

alexey zverev

Years of work as a teacher

At that time, it was believed that every person who received an education should have taught others. For this reason, Alexei Zverev and became a teacher. Teaching became the meaning of his existence, he taught children about 40 years of his life. The craving for peace and people made him leave and work not only in his native village, but also in other provinces. He worked in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, then on the Volga and in Gorky. Interesting fact: in Gorky Zverev graduated from the Pedagogical Institute of distance learning.

alexey zverev creativity

Years of war

In 1942, the Great Patriotic War began, and Alexei Zverev decided to go to the front. Alex went through the whole war, was awarded the Order of the Red Star and many honorary medals. During the war, namely, in January 1945, he was seriously injured, because of which he could die. However, after prolonged treatment in military hospitals, the writer managed to defeat all the consequences of the disease.

alexei zverev biography

Early work

Alexei Zverev wrote his first poems at age 15. At first they were published in a local newspaper, and during the war they were printed in front-line news. In recent years, Zverev completely left teaching and was seriously interested in writing books, but even this did not interfere with his teaching career and from time to time he gave students private lessons. After himself, the writer left many books and works in which he captured his memories of early childhood and the most amazing moments of his life.

Famous works of the writer

Alexei Zverev, whose work dates back to the early 1930s, wrote short poems for local and regional newspapers. And in 1960, Zverev wrote his first novel, ā€œFar in the Country of Irkutskā€. In this novel, he introduced all the events that took place in his native village. He also described some episodes from his father's busy life. All the events that occur with the main character of the novel, as well as all his actions - this is the story of his father's life. In 1960, the literary culture began to change dramatically, and the writer had to leave the writing of large works and switch to shorter ones, in which he described the essence of the era and wrote briefly about the life of the heroes. His works then became "The Teacher" and "The Time for Searches." But even in them Zverev describes all the changes taking place with his native village.

eternal vacation alexei zverev

Feature of Zverev's works

The mid-70s is the pinnacle of a writerā€™s talent. Having gone through the war and having experienced many experiences, he begins to touch on military topics in his books and he writes about the war for 30 years. The most famous of his works is the story "Eternal Vacation." Alexey Zverev most accurately describes in this work the entire sequence of events of the Great Patriotic War.

All the writer's works are filled with spirituality and raise questions of morality, since he could not put up with indifference to the events taking place in his life. His view of the world and people was always filled with good, that is what he said in his works, and anger was only fair.
Criticism of the capital did not particularly pamper the writer with attention, while his fellow countrymen all the time turned to his work, as to something native and valuable.

Now Zverevā€™s books are almost never published, as the younger generation does not read them. Alexei Zverev died of recently tormented military wounds in 1992. And in 1998, in his honor, they approved the prize in honor of Alexei Zverev, which was awarded to writers and poets.

alexei zverev bibliography

Alexey Zverev: bibliography of a writer

In addition to short stories and short stories, Zverev wrote many novels. In all the works, his life path is traced, because he recorded any events that happened to him, starting from childhood and ending with the last years of his life.

So, in the work ā€œHome and Fieldā€ the writer describes all the most striking events of his childhood and youth. Created in 1972, the book of stories includes the works ā€œIn the Teacherā€, ā€œVaska and Secolā€, ā€œEarringā€, ā€œAntropkaā€ and ā€œChelkoā€.

The Sailing Scarf was published in 1976, and in 1977 the book The Last Fire was created, which consisted of three stories. These were Wounds, Recovery, and Breathing.

The novels of the writer were often intertwined with books of other authors, since the topics generally accepted at that time were raised - man, progress, nature. They were similar to the works ā€œTsar Fishā€ by V. Astafyev and ā€œFarewell to Materā€ by V. Rasputin.

Alexei Zverev Selected Bibliography

Alexei Zverev: Selected Bibliography

The selected bibliography of the writer includes 5 books, which are especially popular among older people, even today. In these books the most acute problems of being are raised, answers to questions about what is good and evil are found. All works describe the life of our ancestors and the path that they took for a bright victory in the war.
Here are books that are in the top five selected works:

  • "Far in the country of Irkutsk" - published in 1962.
  • "Sailing scarf" - 1976.
  • "Like the Blue Sea" - 1984.
  • "Efimova Power" - 1989.
  • "Recovery" - 1982.

Many critics believe that most modern writers should study the writerā€™s rich heritage and hear his voice. After all, Alexei Zverev is the national pride of the country.

Alexei Zverev interesting facts

Interesting about the writer

Alexei Zverev, interesting facts about which are known only to the elite, did not like to talk about his personal life. So, for example, the name "Far in the country of Irkutsk" was given not only to his work - in the middle of the 19th century, this name was a convict song. Also, the writer of the Soviet era, Franz Taurin, has a written trilogy with the same name as the novel by Alexei Zverev - ā€œFar in the country of Irkutskā€.

And in 2010, according to the plot of the story "Wounds", a production was performed in the theater under the name "Wrath". This production has found great success among spectators of various ages.

In 1998, in honor of the writer, the Alexey Zverev Prize was approved. And now all contemporary outstanding writers and talented poets are awarded this prize.

In memory of the writer

A lot has been done in memory of the outstanding writer of the Soviet era. He was named after the prize awarded by the magazine "Siberia". A memorial plaque was hung on the building of school No. 67, where Alexei Zverev taught for many years . Installed it in 2008. Now a new building has been built on the site of the old school at No. 38, but the writers in this school are still remembered. The plaque was established at the initiative of the teaching staff and the collective of students. And in 2010, a television film was shot in honor of the writer. The shooting was supported by the Irkutsk State Television Company, the Ministry of Culture, as well as all city archives of the city of Irkutsk and the Molchanovo-Sibirsky library. The project was called "How Our Word Will Respond ...".


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