Tomato "black baron": variety description, characteristics, features of growing in a greenhouse, reviews

What do you value in tomatoes? Maybe, first of all, you pay attention to the taste of the fruit or to the requirements for conditions and care? Or maybe you appreciate the look? If you prefer unusual tomatoes, we recommend that you turn your attention to the black baron tomato. Growing in a greenhouse and open ground, care features and reviews about this variety - this is the topic of today's article.

Grade characteristics

"Black Baron" with confidence can be called one of the most delicious varieties of dark-fruited tomatoes. Tomatoes after ripening acquire a sweet taste, they are incredibly juicy, ideal for making juice and salads. Of course, sprawling bushes will require formation and regular feeding, but you can be sure that a tomato will thank you for your efforts with an excellent crop.

tomato black baron characteristic

So what is the characteristic of the black baron tomato? We will tell you more about this!

Detailed description

This variety is indeterminate, which means that under favorable climatic conditions the bush can reach a height of about two to three meters, giving about 50 brushes! It should be said that tomatoes of this type do not have to wait for ripeness on the bush, the fact is that they can reach in a dark place. The main condition is that it must be dry.

The Black Baron tomato was added to the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation in 2010. It is noted that this plant can be grown throughout the country. True, in some regions of Russia the “baron" will feel fine only in greenhouses.

During its growth, the "black baron" reaches a fairly large size, its stems are compacted, and the leaves become so large that they require frequent formation. Bushes should be tied to strong and reliable supports. During flowering, large yellow saturated flowers appear on the plant.

autowatering in the greenhouse

Fruits: color, weight, shape

Tomatoes "black baron" are large: the average weight of one fruit reaches 250 grams, but larger tomatoes are also found. Gardeners say: one ripe tomato can hardly fit in the male palm!

In addition to the dark color, the "black baron" has another distinctive feature - next to the stem the surface is slightly ribbed. Taste characteristics make the variety ideal for cooking:

  • fresh salads;
  • ketchup and lecho;
  • tomato juice;
  • toppings for sandwiches and shawarma.

In a section, tomatoes of this variety look incredibly appetizing, they have a bright red core, a large number of large seeds and veins of saturated yellow color.

Features of the "Baron"

The manufacturer reports that the tomato "black baron" refers to mid-season. The first crop from the bush can be harvested 115 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. In one ovary, 5-7 fruits are formed. From one square meter, you can collect about seven kilograms of aromatic fruits. Of course, when grown in open ground, these indicators can be slightly lower - this is about 3-5 kilograms of tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the "black baron" include the following:

  • high productivity;
  • large fruit size;
  • sugary and juicy tomatoes;
  • dense skin that allows you to transport tomatoes;
  • high resistance to diseases and pests that are characteristic of the nightshade family;
  • The “black baron" does not need spraying with chemicals;
  • amazing appearance of fruits - the color from crimson goes to the shade of dark chocolate.

However, it is worth noting that the tomato "black baron" has its negative sides. So, due to its high growth, the variety is not suitable for growing small greenhouses or apartment conditions. In this case, he simply does not have enough space to form a full-fledged root system and fruits.

tomato black baron description

Rules for the care of tomato "black baron"

Almost all varieties of tomatoes grow very poorly in the shade, for growth and development they require a large amount of sunlight. Moreover, the light should be scattered, because direct rays lead to burns and death of seedlings. Another important condition is regular watering of the bushes. The lack of moisture leads to the fact that the culture dries up and is no longer restored. The best option is autowatering in the greenhouse. It is important not to overmoisten the earth so that fungal diseases do not develop, the number of ants and wood lice does not increase. In addition, we must not forget that too much water leads to cracking of the fruit.

In order for the fruits to be sweet and sugary, you will have to make mineral supplements. Complexes of minerals that are selected correctly will allow the "black baron" to grow faster. The required number of top dressings per season is 5-7.

tomato black baron growing in a greenhouse

It is impossible to imagine caring for this variety without loosening the soil around the stem of the bushes, this will enrich the upper soil layers with oxygen, which will enable the roots to grow faster. Experienced gardeners talk about the benefits of mulching the surface of the soil with bark and gravel. This layer will save moisture, prevent the appearance of weeds.

Sowing the seeds of the "black baron"

Experienced gardeners recommend starting to work with seedlings on favorable days for this according to the lunar calendar. It is believed that only in this case more seeds will germinate, their quality will be higher, they will all take root in a greenhouse or open ground.

Before planting seeds, soak them in plain water at room temperature or in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The latter, by the way, will disinfect the seeds and remove any fungi. You can use special growth stimulants - in order to accelerate the appearance of sprouts, literally a couple of drops will suffice. Leave the seeds for 10-12 hours. Make sure that the water does not evaporate completely and the seeds do not dry out!

tomato black baron outdoor cultivation

Soil selection

For tomato "black baron" the soil can be prepared independently, or you can purchase a suitable one in a specialized store. In order for the plant to better develop and bear fruit, a composition of 2-3 parts of fertile land and one part of sawdust and peat is suitable. Nightshade prefer loose airy soil, in which there should be no stones, dense lumps, old roots.

Experienced gardeners recommend using small cups of cardboard for planting small shoots, because this material decomposes perfectly when transplanted into the soil. The use of plastic containers is allowed. In the cups you need to pour the earth, make a small depression, put a seed, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil and moisten with a spray bottle. After that, it is worth sheltering the seeds to provide a greenhouse effect.


When the growth of seedlings begins to approach 20 centimeters, it is worth starting to temper the seedlings: daily you need to put it on an open window or even put it on the balcony. First, the time should be minimal - just a couple of minutes, every day you need to increase the time spent in the fresh air. This will help the "black baron" easier to transfer the transplant.

black baron tomato care rules

If you are planting tomatoes of this variety in open ground, the distance between the bushes should be about 40-50 centimeters, no more than three bushes per square meter. This amount in the greenhouse decreases - there should not be more than two bushes on one meter. The optimal distance between plants should be at least 60 centimeters. Such a step will ensure the normal development of the root system. It will also be more convenient to process tomatoes, remove yellowed leaves, watering and loosening. Immediately after planting the "baron", a support should be dug into the ground in order to tie up the plant.

Tomato "black baron": reviews of gardeners

People who decide to grow tomatoes of this variety on their site, note their excellent germination, the minimum number of defective seeds. They also say that the distance between the bushes recommended by the manufacturer should be observed - otherwise the greenhouse turns into impenetrable jungle.

tomato black baron yield

Residents of the southern regions of the country plant tomatoes in open ground. Gardeners of the Volga region say that neither cold summers, nor prolonged rains, nor even drought, can negatively affect tomatoes of this variety. Gardeners and tomato productivity "black baron" also note: on one branch there can be six rather large fruits at the same time, you can’t do without a garter. Tomatoes are very juicy and meaty, ideal for making sauces and juices.


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