The child does not eat the mixture: what to do and what to replace?

In the life of young mothers, various problems appear. For example, what should be done if the child does not eat the mixture? Is it normal or pathology? How to fix this situation? It is worth discussing these important issues in more detail.

What is the mixture for?

The mixture is the basis of nutrition for a newborn baby if his mother is completely lacking breast milk or if it is produced in insufficient quantities. It is available in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water. Usually, babies consume this product more actively than breast milk. Firstly, itโ€™s easier for them to saturate the body. Secondly, itโ€™s much easier to use the liquid from the bottle than to get it from the chest. But there are situations when the child does not eat the mixture. In this case, the parent needs to find the reason for refusing it or to think about another food option.

Possible reasons

Each organism is individual, and especially one that has been formed quite recently. One baby can enjoy a certain product with pleasure, and the other will persistently refuse it. But still there are several reasons why the child does not eat the mixture, not depending on his taste preferences:

mom and baby
  • Incorrectly selected product. Many mothers are faced with the fact that the baby did not like the mixture. There is a need to try a lot of options in order to find a suitable option.
  • Transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding. In this case, the baby begins to experience separation from his mother and refuses to use the liquid from the bottle. Remember that even the highest quality, expensive mixture can never replace breast milk. Therefore, the baby should be transferred to artificial feeding only as a last resort and gradually weaning him from the breast so that the baby can get used to a new form of nutrition for him.
  • Feeling unwell or sick. If the child eats little or temporarily abandons the mixture, then it is worth observing his general behavior. Perhaps the baby is worried about something.
  • Incorrectly selected dishes. The kid may refuse to eat because he is not comfortable doing it. For example, he may not like a too rigid, small or large nipple.

If the child has stopped eating the mixture, then it is necessary to try to replace the product or dishes from which it is used. In the absence of a positive result, attention should be paid to its behavior.


Almost all babies at the age of 1 year already have teeth. Their teething is accompanied by a feeling of pain and discomfort. If the child does not eat the mixture from the bottle and refuses the nipple, then the reason may lie in the formation of the inflammatory process in the gum region. The first thing to do is to relieve the pain. This requires treating the affected area with a cooling gel. After that, you can start feeding the baby.

baby eats mixture

Hateful colic

Up to 3 months of the babyโ€™s life, the digestive system is formed. The process of improper food processing is called colic. At the same time, the baby begins to feel discomfort, from which he becomes moody. The way out of this situation is similar to that with teething. First, the pain symptom should be eliminated with massage or medicine, and then feed the child.

baby in momโ€™s arms

Rules for choosing a bottle

What if the child does not eat the mixture? Pediatricians strongly recommend choosing the right bottle for him. The choice is worth making based on several factors:

  • If the baby's age does not exceed 4 months, then the nipple should be latex. Silicone is too tight for the baby, it is quite difficult to squeeze the gums and lips.
  • Another important point is the choice of holes in the nipple. It should be consistent with the babyโ€™s ability to eat and swallow. It is imperative to pay attention to the age for which the dishes are intended. This information is indicated on the packaging.

Pediatricians strongly recommend choosing a special bottle with an anti-colic system. Such a device reduces the risk of swallowing air with food, and, therefore, the baby will not burp and gas will not appear in his tummy.

Rules for the selection of the mixture

Another reason that the child does not eat the mixture is an improperly selected product. Is it worth choosing? also considering several nuances:

Similak mixture
  • The most important thing to do is to consider the age of the baby. The product is created taking into account the characteristics of the digestive system. It is mandatory to study the information indicated on the package.
  • The second important factor is composition. If the child refused to eat the mixture, then you should choose a new product that differs in composition.
  • If one mixture did not fit, for example, the child refused to use it or an allergic reaction appeared in the form of skin rashes, it is recommended to seek help from a pediatrician. It will help you choose the most suitable food option.
  • The most important rule - do not save on baby food. The lower the price, the lower the quality of the product.

It is worth considering that, in addition to choosing a mixture, the rules for its preparation play an important role. On the product packaging indicates the required temperature, dosage of water and mixtures for each age category of children. You should adhere to these rules, otherwise the liquid will turn out to be watery or oversaturated, because of which the child does not want to eat it.

How can I replace the mixture?

Doesn't a baby eat a mixture? What to do if all methods of eliminating the reasons for rejecting it do not bring the desired result? Of course, there is a need to replace the product. An excellent alternative to the mixture is breast milk. Its development can be carried out for several months after the baby has abandoned the breast. Special herbal teas containing fennel, anise, chamomile or sage can help establish lactation. If there is no opportunity to transfer the baby to breastfeeding, and he categorically does not perceive the mixture, then it is worth looking for other ways of feeding.

mixture of nan

If the baby is already more than 6-8 months old, then he can be given cereals and yoghurts in liquid form for breakfast and before bedtime. They are as nutritious and healthy as the mixture. Children usually consume them actively. In addition, a wide range of flavors allows you to choose the most suitable option for the baby.

More adult children from 10-11 months can do without a mixture at all. At this age, a wide range of complementary foods is available for them, and they can also eat at a common table.

It is more difficult to find an alternative to the mixture for young children whose age has not yet reached 6 months. In this case, it is recommended to give him animal milk, diluted with water, best of all goat, as it is healthy and low-fat. It is not recommended to give crumbs fresh cow's milk, which is a heavy food for the stomach.

Someone does not have milk at all, but there are women in whom it is produced in excessive quantities. Many young mothers are engaged in the purchase of someone else's milk, which can also be a great alternative to the mixture. But this method is not safe, it is recommended to make sure that hygiene standards are observed and that a woman does not have diseases.

Is it time for a doctor?

A mixture is the basis of the baby's nutrition. If he refuses her, then he does not receive enough food. Accordingly, there is a direct threat to his life and health. There are a number of reasons for which you should immediately consult a doctor:

mom and baby at the doctor
  • The child does not eat anything for a long time - more than a day.
  • Lack of appetite is accompanied by nausea or diarrhea.
  • The child does not want to eat the mixture, but at the same time he is constantly acting up.
  • Lack of appetite is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, consult a pediatrician. The doctor will identify the reason for refusing food intake and prescribe complex therapy to eliminate it.

Recommendations for parents

If the child does not eat the mixture, then his appetite should be encouraged. There are a few tricks to help you do this:

little baby
  • Most of the free time should be spent outdoors. If, of course, the weather allows you to do this.
  • At home, the baby should not lie in one place for a long time. Make him move. Play active games, do exercises with the baby.
  • It is necessary to create a safe environment at home so that the baby does not have reasons for the appearance of stress.
  • Every child needs a mother. If parents leave the baby for a long time with other relatives, then he begins to feel anxiety, which may also cause loss of appetite.

Of course, you can perform physical exercises and walk only if the baby is absolutely healthy.

Do not force the child to eat forcefully. Such incorrect actions will lead to the fact that the baby will push the bottle away from itself even more.


If the child does not eat the mixture, then this is a rather serious problem, the resolution of which every parent should immediately think about. It is important to find the reason for the lack of appetite and to eliminate it in a timely manner.


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