Kokoshnik do it yourself from cardboard: options, decoration

Kokoshnik is a traditional headdress of Russian women. The cost of the finished product is quite high, so you can try to create it yourself. This product is useful not only as an element of a folk costume, a kokoshnik with your own hands can be made for a role in a scene: snowflakes or Snow Maiden, the Snow Queen and Christmas trees, the sun with rays or letters of the alphabet.

There are a huge number of manufacturing options. Crafts can be carved and semicircular, angular, tall and short. Kokoshniks are attached to the child’s head in different ways. It is most convenient to attach an elastic band sewn into the main fabric at the back. Some from both ends of the headgear attach satin ribbons and tie a bow at the back of the head. If mom has experience in sewing and a sewing machine, then you can attach a kokoshnik to a hat that covers the forehead and the back of the head.

This article shows how to make a kokoshnik with your own hands. Information is presented on how to draw a template, make a pattern, wrap cardboard with cloth and decorate a headpiece in the best folk traditions.

Thin version with elastic

Such a kokoshnik can be made with your own hands for any princess or snowflake. Consists of a pattern of strips of cardboard, expanding to the middle. So that the craft does not crush the girl’s head, the paper can be glued with a thin layer of foam rubber or synthetic winterizer. Further, the kokoshnik turns into matter - it is advisable to choose a shiny fabric, since there is no other decoration.

simple kokoshnik

After trying on the edges, you need to attach a rectangle of fabric sewn along the center line. At the end, an elastic pin is inserted with a safety pin and, after the next fitting, is fixed with threads on the fabric. With your own hands, the kokoshnik is done quickly, there is little material left, and on the head it looks spectacular, especially if you wind long hair on curlers and dissolve it on the shoulders.

DIY decoration

It looks very nice kokoshnik, sheathed with beads, beads and large elements located between them. The cardboard is stitched through with a needle and thread, but first you need to draw the contours of the drawing on paper, mark the center points of the flowers so that the craft is neat and symmetrical.

beautiful kokoshnik

However, such a hat is not suitable for a small child, since due to all these decorating elements, the weight of the kokoshnik is heavier. The back side of the crafts needs to be pasted with a cloth so that numerous knots and threads are not visible. A satin ribbon is sewn along the edges, which, when donning a headdress, is tied to a lush bow with hanging long ends.

Cardboard kokoshnik pattern

High kokoshnik cuts out in a completely different way. For work you will need a well bending wire, pliers, transparent glue "Crystal", as well as threads with a needle. Around the upper part of the head of the child, wire, thus taking measurements. Further, the lines of the width of the craft are bent from two sides and a kokoshnik shape is created. It is problematic to bend the wire gently with your own hands, so it is recommended to use pliers.

kokoshnik from paper

After creating the shape of the kokoshnik, the wire is re-wrapped around the head, only a little further towards the frontal zone. This "visor" will be located in front of the kokoshnik himself and act as a holder for the headgear.

Further, the wire measure along the contours should be circled with a simple pencil and the base should be cut out from the cardboard with scissors. For convenience, it is better to glue the cardboard to the wire base during sewing. Next, kapron thread sheathe crafts along the contours.

Product design

Kokoshnik do-it-yourself from cardboard is almost ready. After finishing the preparatory work and making the base, you need to glue the paper with a cloth. For such work, transparent Crystal glue or a special gun is also used - they do not leave stains on the fabric. Matter is selected either brocade or satin. When the front part is framed, you need to sew along the contour of the bead and make patterns of ribbon sequins.

headdress decoration

The edges can be decorated with a silver edging. On the sides, the beads hang from the level of the ear to the shoulders. After decorating the front of the kokoshnik with your own hands, you need to paste over the back side. Such a hat will suit the Snow Maiden or the snowflake. At the back, it is attached to an elastic band, and a piece of organza to tone can be added to the kokoshnik.

Kokoshnik on a hat

A fairly common type of folk kokoshnik with your own hands is attached to a hat. Separately, you need to cut out the outline of the headgear from cardboard according to the drawn sketch (in this case, for the costume of the Snow Maiden).

kokoshnik on a hat

First, the kokoshnik should be sheathed with fabric and decorated with small details. Then paste the back side with a cloth. It remains only to attach the finished kokoshnik to the hat.

And that’s it! This article describes the main methods of making a kokoshnik on elastic, tapes, with a "visor" and a hat. Choose your favorite and create. Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E936/

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