Pigeon diseases: treatment and prevention

Dove disease such as cryptococosis is characterized by difficulty swallowing and a decrease in appetite, which can be observed for 1-2 weeks. When the disease goes into a severe stage, the feathers on the pigeon's head are glued together with brown-gray crusts. Especially such formations are noticeable under the beak. Often, because of these crusts, it is difficult for pigeons to open it. Near the joint of the jaw can be seen small compaction, with hazelnut size. In the oral cavity there is a mucous-cheesy mass. Due to difficulty swallowing food, birds stop eating. In the future, the inflammation also affects the esophagus. Unfortunately, they have not yet learned how to treat this disease and prevent its occurrence.

Inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva of the eyes.

Symptoms of the disease are swelling and redness of the eyelid and conjunctiva, closed palpebral fissure. The dove's eyes constantly itch, and he rubs them with claws or feathers. Due to the secretion of serous or fibrinous secretions from the eyes, the skin around them gradually sticks together and becomes covered with a brown crust. To treat this disease, pigeons use camel tea or eye drops that contain an antibiotic. If infections occur that affect the eyes, they are used inside sulfonamides.


The disease is caused by a conditionally pathogenic microbe that is present in the gastrointestinal tract. If the body's resistance to infections is weakened, then intestinal forms of this disease can occur, in which nodules form (coligranulomatosis). Especially active intestinal form of colibacteriosis develops against the background of such problems as ascariasis and coccidiosis. Mostly young animals suffer from this disease of pigeons. The incubation period of the disease does not last long, after which its symptoms quickly manifest: the birds lose their appetite, become indifferent to everything, suffer from intestinal upset and shortness of breath. Further development of the disease leads to the death of birds. When opening on the intestines and liver, you can see the nodes covered with capsules. In order for the treatment of pigeons from this disease to give a positive result, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are used. These include biomycin and terramycin with food (100 mg per 1 kg). In addition, a thorough disinfection is carried out. To increase the resistance to this disease, you need to feed the birds qualitatively (in accordance with the norms) and include vitamins in their diet.


This disease can also develop in pigeons. Avian tuberculosis is dangerous because it can be transmitted to humans. In humans, its symptoms are skin lesions and the formation of nodules on the mucous membranes. Signs of the disease in birds are quite uncharacteristic: the ailment is accompanied by weakness, fatigue, sagging wings. The plumage acquires a matte shade and disheveled. A tuberculosis test has been developed to diagnose this disease of pigeons. 0.05 ml of tuberculin is injected intradermally into the upper part of the eyelid with a syringe. In the presence of infection, a distinct swelling can be noticed that occurs as a positive reaction to the drug on the 2nd day after the injection. Treatment of birds for tuberculosis is considered impractical, since they become carriers of infection, and for a complete cure it takes a lot of time.

Disease Prevention

As you know, any ailment is easier to prevent than to treat. The above examples show how different the diseases of pigeons and their treatment can be, and preventive measures can be just as different. Here are some of them.

The easiest preventative measure is regular cleaning and disinfection. Many diseases arise due to violations of sanitary standards. Before placing the birds, equipment and inventory should be thoroughly washed with hot solutions with detergents or disinfectants (5% creolin solution, 2% soda ash or 1% NaOH). It is recommended to whitewash quicklime twice with the inner surfaces of the room where the birds will be kept . Cleaning and disinfection of dovecote should be carried out at least once a month. At least once a week you need to clean the feeders and rinse them with a warm 3-4% soda solution. If infectious diseases occur, then disinfection should be carried out at least 2 times a week. You should also limit the contact of domestic pigeons with wild ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9365/

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