How to care for a gerbera in a pot?

Gerberas have recently become the most popular indoor and garden plants. These flowers look like large daisies, only multi-colored and very bright.

There are many types of this beautiful flower. For indoor conditions, dwarf varieties were bred, and now the gerbera can be grown in pots. In height, it reaches twenty-five centimeters. Flowers can be of different sizes, as well as simple and double. By color they are red, purple, yellow, orange, cherry, white. And each flower is magnificent in its own way, the core, which has different shades, is especially spectacular.

The plant is unpretentious, but not all flower lovers know how to care for a gerbera in a pot. It is necessary to take into account some features of caring for this plant indoors.

Gerbera takes root pretty well, but if it was placed in other conditions, then you can’t immediately transplant it, and you should not water it either. She needs to be given about two weeks to get used to the new conditions. For those who do not know how to care for a gerbera in a pot, you need to clarify that the plant is best transplanted in the spring. This time is most acceptable for her.

Gerbera is transplanted very carefully, without violating the integrity of the land in which it grew. It is advisable to take the pot wide, the bottom must be equipped with drainage.

Fresh humus or compost does not tolerate this flower. Mineral fertilizers are used for top dressing not more than once every three weeks.

The plant is sensitive to fluctuations in air temperature. The optimum plus temperature is twenty-two degrees. Gerbera blooming in winter is also possible, but for this you need to strengthen the lighting, and not let the temperature drop below twenty degrees.

In order to know how to grow gerberas on a window, you need to take into account some nuance. The flower feels comfortable on the windows that look west or east. The plant should be protected from the scorching sun, as it at the same time experiences great discomfort. You also need to take care of a well-ventilated area. Drafts are not scary either. The plant is also not afraid of the rising and setting sun.

If we talk about how to care for a gerbera in a pot, then you need to dwell on its watering, as this is of no small importance. It is necessary to water the flower regularly and abundantly, but at the same time it should not be poured in order to prevent rotting of the roots. Water that has accumulated in the pan after irrigation must be poured out. Water should be settled and have room temperature. Cold water can kill the plant. Gerbera prefers frequent irrigation of leaves, especially in winter, because dry air increases from heating appliances. It is desirable that water does not get on the inflorescence and on the branches.

Gerbera propagation occurs by seed or division of the bush.

Seeds usually reproduce in spring. For this, a mixture of turf, sheet soil, sand, humus is used. The first pick should be done with two or three leaves, the second with four or five, and immediately planted in separate pots. About ten months pass from the moment of sowing until the appearance of flowers.

To propagate a valuable variety, dividing the bush is used, since this preserves the maternal traits. The plant is taken at the age of three to four years, and on each separated part two to three growth points must be left. It is necessary to plant in such a way as to ensure the elevation of the outlet above the soil by one and a half centimeters. This is necessary for further growth and flowering. The division is best done in the spring.

If you take into account all the features of how to care for a gerbera in a pot, treat it correctly and carefully, then this plant will delight us with its bright flowering for a long time and, of course, cheer up.


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