Plant growth stimulants as a guarantee of their vitality.

Experienced growers know that for the harmonious development of plant crops it is necessary to use additional plant growth stimulants. Their task is to control the biochemical processes in the cells, improving metabolic processes and promoting faster plant growth. In addition, they increase resistance to various diseases, adverse conditions, accelerate rooting, etc.

Plant growth stimulants
Currently, based on the study of natural phytohormones, their synthetic analogues, the so-called plant growth stimulants, have been created. After treatment with such drugs in the cells of the plant , certain phytohormones begin to secrete in large numbers, affecting its growth and fertility. Thus, root formation (affecting the auxin hormone), fruit formation can be stimulated , anti-stress preparations can be used to increase vitality and accelerate seed germination, reduce ovary fall, improve fruit quality, etc.

Among the best stimulants are humic compounds obtained by organic decomposition under the influence of microorganisms, oxygen and moisture. Usually they are part of the soil and affect its fertility. Artificial preparations based on humic acid are made from natural raw materials that are processed with alkalis. The amount of inorganic introduced substance differs significantly from natural fertilizers: it, in comparison with peat and manure, is required much less. Therefore, it is more efficient to combine plant growth stimulants with mineral fertilizers. Once in the soil, this
Plant growth regulator
the composition improves its structure, water permeability, reduces density and enhances microbiological activity, which in turn helps to increase the level of nutrients in the soil.

Common among farmers is leaf feeding of plants. Application of the drug to the surface of the sheet additionally nourishes it, provides a quick assimilation of the obtained microelements. At the same time, processes in the cells are activated, due to which the immunity of plants is enhanced, their resistance to frost and drought is increased. In addition, the plant growth regulator favors flowering, increasing productivity.

Plant growth stimulator
At home, it is recommended to use the studied and safe plant growth stimulants that give the greatest effectiveness. It is worth noting that triple processing (seeds, seedlings and sprouts during the budding period) will allow you to get a high and high-quality result. However, a careful approach to all biologically active substances is needed to avoid inhibition of crops due to an overdose of concentrated compounds. So before using a plant growth stimulator, you need to read the instructions, take into account its biological compatibility with the plant, and only then apply it, not exceeding the established norms.


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