Siberian spelling: description, landing, care, photo

Scylla, which the people call prolesko, is the first messenger of spring. The delicate flower has incredible power, breaking through the barely thawed soil. Scylla can also be called an amazing flower because even botanists are divided in opinion, ranking the flower either in the Liliaceae family, then in the Sparzhev or Hyacinth family .

Siberian whiskers
But it is worth noting that these families, despite a number of morphological differences and features, have much in common. The forest has over 85 varieties. The plant feels great in the climatic conditions of both Europe and Asia with Africa.

Types of Forest

  • Siberian spelling prefers forests of Europe, rocky slopes and mountain glades of the Caucasus. Plant height can reach 30 centimeters. Propagated by seeds.
  • Tubergen is the smallest plant species with a surprisingly large flower. It blooms in the second half of April. Widely used in landscape design.
  • The two-leafed species is not so named for nothing, since the leaves of the flower are wide and long. Peduncle gives up to 10 flowers of different colors. They can be white, pink, blue.
  • Bukhara species is very rare both in nature and in gardens. It grows high in the mountains. It blooms in late April - early May, after which, in preparation for a dormant period, the flower drops its leaves.
  • Autumn spelling is widespread in the steppes of Crimea and Transcaucasia. It has an unusual flowering time for the Scylla: late July - early August.

Siberian spawning: photo and description, features of the species

Siberian snake photo

Siberian Scylla is recognizable by long high leaves with parallel venation. Flowers have ray symmetry. Total petals on the flower 6. The color is mainly blue, blue, white. The diameter of the flower varies from 1.5 to 3 cm. The bulb 2 cm in diameter is intended for the supply of nutrients. Flowering occurs in mid-spring; in summer, it is at rest. Blooms no more than 20 days. Flowers are pollinated by bumblebees and bees.

The Siberian blueberry flower loves the sun very much, it does not open in cloudy weather. A light cap, consisting of a group of cells of mechanical tissue, at the top of the leaves helps the plant to break through the frozen soil, a layer of compressed thawed snow and an ice crust. Propagated by seeds that ants take away.

Subspecies of Siberian Forest

Siberian spawning, the description of which was presented above, has several subspecies.

The Siberian subspecies prefers the forest-steppe zone of growth. The bulb is small, with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters. The length of the flower arrow is 12-15 cm. The leaves are light green. The diameter of the flower is 2 cm. It blooms in the second half of April.

The white look of the Siberian spawning well takes root, forming up to 5 children per season. The height of the flower arrows is up to 10 cm. The color of the leaves is pale green. The flowers are pure white, have a diameter of 2 centimeters.

Extremely rare in the collections are species of Siberian woodland soft pink or pale blue.

siberian bluebell flower

The Armenian subspecies is widespread in the meadows of the Caucasus and in northeastern Turkey. Prefers shady places and grows in groups. Has a fairly long flower arrow up to 25 cm. There are no more than 4 flowers in bright blue on it.

The Caucasian subspecies is found in the forests of Transcaucasia. The bulb has a diameter of 1.5 cm. Peduncles are tall with 3-5 blue-violet flowers.

Spring beauty - a variety that appeared as a result of intraspecific selection. Powerful blue-violet arrows with at least five flowers of 3-centimeter diameter. Propagated by the baby, the seeds are not tied. Looks good in combination with white whiskers.

Optimal location

Siberian spelling loves the sun, but also grows well in partial shade. The main thing is that this is not a too dry place with the scorching sun throughout the day, otherwise it will disappear. Wetlands and waterlogged areas are also not suitable for her. When planting for the purpose of early flowering, it is better to choose places on the southern slopes. Shady areas delay the flowering period.

Siberian snake description

Suitable soil

Siberian spelling, the photo of which is presented in our article, prefers loose, rich in leaf humus soil. Dry sandy soil requires a deeper landing. If the forest is not grown in open ground, then the drainage must be in the pot at the bottom. Siberian spore does not accept acidic soils. Low acid or neutral soil will be optimal. He likes mulching, that is, sheltering the root zone with various materials like leaves, bark of deciduous trees, straw, pebbles for preserving moisture and useful properties of the soil. As a shelter for this plant, the needles and the bark of coniferous trees are not suitable.


Although maternal species of bluebell, growing in the wild, are unlikely to receive additional fertilizer, garden species need it. If you want to get a strong plant with abundant and long flowering, not susceptible to disease, feed it.

The most suitable time for feeding is, of course, the beginning of spring, before the sap flow begins. You can do this process in late autumn.

Special fertilizers are not required. A standard mineral kit in the form of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus is quite suitable. For autumn top dressing, it is better to choose granular types of fertilizers, for spring - liquid.

How Scylla propagates

Siberian spelling can reproduce onion and self-sowing. In season, the plant can produce up to 4 bulbs. They are planted in the ground in autumn in holes up to 8 cm deep, at a distance of 5 cm from each other. New bulbs in a plant appear at different depths, it is often difficult to dig up everything during transplantation, so in the place where the sprouts once grew, they will appear and bloom for a long time. You can dig out bulbs for reproduction no earlier than three years after planting.

Siberian planting and care

Small bulbs are not stored for a long time. They must be planted in the soil no later than a month after extraction. Large bulbs can be stored until autumn in peat in a cool room.

With the generative method of propagation, at least 2 years must pass from the time of sowing to the first flowering.

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Everyone knows that it is better to prevent the disease than to fight it, so before planting the bulb of the plant should be carefully examined and checked. Larvae of onion creepers enter the bulb and gnaw it from the inside. The material you selected for planting may already be infected. Insecticides should be used to cultivate the soil where there are traces of living onion root mites. They like to feast on the bulbs of the Scylla of the Bear and Khrushch. It is desirable to destroy them mechanically, by removing larvae and adults while digging the soil.

Siberian snake photo and description

To the death of the plant can lead not only insects, but also stagnation of water with abundant watering and poor drainage. This causes the appearance of a fungus that provokes rot. You can try to save the bulb at the initial stage of the development of the disease, if you dip it for a while in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. In spring, this solution can be watered to prevent disease.

Siberian spelling, planting and care of which does not require professional skills, in suitable not sparse soil will please with bright flowering and abundant growth for more than one year.


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