Note to gardeners: how cherry differs from sweet cherry

Cherries and cherries. It would seem, what special differences can be between them? Both that and another - the berries are tasty and healthy, they are equally eaten both in fresh and in canned form. And canned, by and large, is also approximately the same: in the form of compotes, jams, jams. But still there is a difference between the trees and between the berries.

General properties and qualities

how cherry differs from cherries

Before determining how the cherry differs from the sweet cherry, we find that it brings them together. To begin with, in the Russian language initially both types of trees were called by one word - β€œcherry”. The second name for the cherry is β€œbird cherry”. It is under this name that it appears in the scientific botanical literature. In fact, cherries are the very first, oldest form of cherries that people began to eat. Of course, breeders tried to ennoble the wild species of trees, breeding a variety of varieties, and now no one will confuse one tree with another. And yet they bloom almost simultaneously, the aroma is similar, the shapes of the flowers and the color are the same, the fruits are drupe berries, fleshy and very juicy. Close to the shape and color of the leaves. The color of the bark of many varieties is also. Enumerations do not end there, but let us return to the topic of our article, namely, how cherry differs from sweet cherry.


ripe sweet cherries

Differences, of course, more. Let's figure them out.

  • To begin with, cherries are a more delicate tree, requiring special climatic conditions. It grows mainly in the southern regions, where mild winters, early spring and long warm autumn. This species does not tolerate frosts well, and if they "roll over" for 15-18 degrees, then the trees simply freeze and die. Drafts they also do not like. Cherry is more resistant to temperature changes and tolerates more severe growth conditions.
  • In cherries, the crown is round, in cherries - sharp or cone-like. Cherry is stretched up 30 meters, the cherry is much lower. Cherry leaves with a silvery sheen, quite soft. In cherries, they are smaller, denser, leathery, dark green. They are often used as spices in marinades thanks to a special, very pleasant aroma and tannins, which give the vegetables a fortress during salting. One more thing that cherry differs from sweet cherry - in the first leaflets on the cuttings grow straight, in the second - they are lowered down. In cherries, berries are usually located singly or in pairs, less often by a triple. In cherries, they grow with a whole brush.
    hybrid cherries
  • And finally, the fruits. Cherry can be light yellow, amber, yellow-pink, pink, orange, red, maroon, almost black. It contains a lot of mineral salts and has practically no acid, especially light varieties. That is why, when preserving in jars of cherries, citric acid must be reported, otherwise fermentation processes begin in them, mold forms, and preservation explodes. The taste is soft, delicate, refreshing, pleasant. In this regard, how is cherry different from cherries? It can be either acidic (semi-cultivated varieties), or richly sour-sweet, pungent taste (lutovka). Color - scarlet, red, maroon, almost brown. It contains a huge amount of nutrients: vitamin C, pectin, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc. Cherry juice is prescribed for seriously ill and weakened people, including very tiny children, as a prevention and fight against rickets, tuberculosis, and many other serious diseases. The berry has a strengthening effect on the immune system, heals the human body.

grafting cherry
Cherry Cherry, or 2 in 1

While breeding new varieties of trees, breeders have long sought to create a hybrid of cherries and cherries so that the resulting species combines the best qualities of both fruit trees. Such hybrids are called dukes. Their berries are larger than that of "thoroughbred" cherries, they retain their astringency, sourness, but softer, sweeter. The shape and color of the leaves is also slightly different than each variety separately. Inoculation of cherries on cherries is usually done in those parts where the first way is impossible to breed the first. The operation is performed either in the fall, when the leaves have fallen, or in the early spring. Dukes take root quite difficult, not all bear fruit. However, in those trees on which the receiving branches still grow together with the trunk, fruitfulness increases, and the products are of high quality.

Try and you at your site to breed not only cherries with cherries separately, but also their derivatives. Good luck to you!


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