Tulips Blue Diamond - a true decoration of the garden. Description and features of care

Unusual and bright tulips Blue Diamond will be a true decoration of any garden plot, an indispensable element of landscape design, suitable for creating beautiful bouquets. They are distinguished not only by their amazing coloring, but also by the large size of their double flowers.

tulip blue diamond


We offer you to familiarize yourself with the description of the Blue Diamond tulip:

  • This is a grassy ornamental plant that came to us from distant Holland.
  • The size of the bush is up to half a meter.
  • Terry flowers, large, saturated lilac color, have a large number of delicate satin petals.
  • In appearance, the flowers of the plant are similar to lush peonies.
  • The buds are located on a powerful long leg 30 cm long.

Diamond Dish tulips are ideal for cutting. A characteristic feature of the variety is the lush, but single flowering, occurring in the second half of May. It lasts about a month, and the plant itself has an average growth rate. The benefits include a good indicator of viability. Suitable variety for growing in open ground in regions with moderate climatic conditions. By frost resistance it belongs to the 4th class.

tulip blue diamond description


The Blue Diamond Tulip will become a true decoration of any garden. To create a beautiful composition of fresh flowers, you can plant bulbs next to sunny yellow hyacinths. Their flowering period coincides, so the flowerbed will acquire a soul-exciting appearance. These tulips look beautiful in combination with bright lilies or peonies, filling the garden with positive energy.

Landing Features

In order for the Blue Diamond variety to please with lush flowering, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the place for planting the bulbs. The best option is sun-drenched areas protected from drafts. You can plant a plant on flower beds in partial shade, but it is very important that the soil is not too wet. The location of plants should be changed every 5 years - this is a simple means of preventing fungal and bacterial diseases.

The best soil is neutral or slightly acidic, loamy, necessarily loose.

The optimal time for landing is the end of September - the first week of October. The depth for placing the bulbs should be from 15 to 20 cm. Between the plants should leave at least 20 cm free space so that the bushes do not interfere with each other. When planting, fertilize the soil with rotted manure. After planting, the plants are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this will help prevent infection of the bulbs.

tulip terry blue diamond

Care Features

Terry Tulip Blue Diamond is unpretentious in care, but in order to get a lush and long flowering, you should know a few key rules:

  • Due to the fact that the flower is quite large and heavy, the plant should be tied up at the first buds - this will help it not to break in the wind or rain.
  • In the first year, transplanted plants often do not bloom, so do not be surprised if not a single bud is formed by mid-May.
  • The variety is hygrophilous, so watering should be plentiful and regular, it is especially important to water the plants well during budding and flowering. But you need to make sure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves, so it is better to use special watering cans.
  • After flowering is completed, it is necessary to continue providing the bushes with moisture for another two weeks, then watering is reduced.
  • After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the ground, remove weeds that interfere with the normal development of tulips, taking useful substances from the soil. Pre-mulching will help to avoid this.
  • During flowering, wilted flowers should be constantly removed, otherwise the tulip will form seeds, and the number of buds will be reduced.
  • Fertilizers based on nitrogen and chlorine are contraindicated for these flowering plants, but the introduction of potassium and phosphorus mixtures into the soil can increase the growth rate and prolong flowering.

In general, the care of the variety is quite simple, and even a novice gardener will cope with it if desired.

tulip blue diamond planting and care


Simple and unpretentious tulips Blue Diamond. Planting and care were discussed above, now we will study the characteristics of reproduction. It is not particularly difficult and will pass without problems, especially for those flower growers who have already tried to propagate other bulbs. To do this, after waiting for the completion of flowering, the bulbs are not dug up, but left in the ground. The following summer, daughter bulbs are separated from the mother ones, dried, harvested until the fall, and then planted in the ground.

Blue Diamond Tulips are an excellent choice for those who want to admire the bright colors, but not spend a lot of time organizing the care. The variety is unpretentious, while terry large flowers of a saturated color will become a true decoration of any site, park or flower bed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9377/

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