Cucumbers Lukhovitsky: description, cultivation, reviews

Lukhovitsky cucumbers are famous for a long time. As far back as the last century, almost the entire adult population of the district with the center of Lukhovitsy (Moscow region) was engaged in the cultivation of super-preserved cucumbers. Now the area under them is 2, or even 3 times less. But still, the population makes good money on their sale. How to grow cucumber Lukhovitsky?


Real Lukhovitsky cucumbers differ from their counterparts in their excellent taste, small size and even a special smell. It was they who glorified Lukhovitsy throughout the country. In gratitude for this, its residents erected a monument to cucumber, opened a museum in which visitors learn about the features of growing this vegetable. After all, local people do not hide the secrets of obtaining superearly products. But not everyone decides to repeat their experience.

Lukhovitsy cucumbers

An interesting fact is that the cultivation of super-early cucumbers is not done by agronomists or people with the appropriate education, but almost all the inhabitants of the region. This culture allows them to significantly replenish the family budget in a short time.

It turns out that the area on which this settlement is located has a special microclimate. It is the best suited for growing cucumbers. Here is just the right amount of sunny days that the vegetable loves so much, and the corresponding humidity. But to get a good harvest, you need to try.

For a long time Lukhovitsky variety of cucumbers as such was not at all. After all, in the vicinity of the city of Lukhovitsy (Moscow region) sow the most different varieties of domestic and Dutch breeding. Light green fruits with frequent pimples and small spines are obtained, cucumbers up to 7 cm long. The Rostovs differed from the Lukhovitsky in a darker color and fewer pimples.

Among the most popular varieties in the recent past: Othello F1, Marinda F1, Solinas, Adam.

Real cucumbers Lukhovitsky short-lived. At best, they have a presentation for 4 days. During this time, they need to be delivered to the market and sold. Therefore, fruits are usually harvested in the evening, so that in the morning they can deliver them to the market. Cucumber merchants risk losing profits. Therefore, it is easier for them to sell varieties suitable for long-term storage and transportation, but call them Lukhovitsky for advertising, knowing the high popularity of these cucumbers.


The cultivation of superearly cucumbers occurs according to the technology developed almost a century ago. During this time, she improved, the achievements of science brought in her own corrections. Although it should be noted that just the peasants use scientific achievements with some reluctance, preferring to act in the old manner.

Lukhovitsy Moscow region

They say that any, even a slight violation of unwritten technology sometimes leads to a complete loss of the crop.

Many gardeners know that the seeds of cucumbers in the open ground are very poorly tolerated not only by frost, but even a drop in temperature to +12 degrees. Seeds turn into dust; new ones have to be sown. Cucumber seedlings grow well at +16 degrees. The optimum temperature for growing is considered to be from +22 degrees.

It was never so warm in March in Lukhovitsy. How do you manage to get the crop two months earlier?

Greenhouse construction

Gardeners learned to build warm beds heated by biofuel. It can be horse, cow dung.

It is harvested in the fall, stacking in heaps near future greenhouses. In order that in March it does not turn out to be frozen, they cover it with a layer of earth, rags, films. Piles of sawdust are prepared in the same way. Knock down the greenhouse using boards up to 25 cm wide.

The place for the greenhouse is chosen sunny, sheltered from the winds. An obstacle for them can serve as a house or other buildings.

The soil for cucumbers in Lukhovitsy begins to prepare in the fall. Carefully clean the debris remaining from the summer, the remains of plants. They burn them, and with them pests, pathogens.

Lukhovitsky cucumbers seeds

Dig a trench. They put the topsoil in it , which next year will be used for planting cucumbers.

Soil preparation and sowing

In the second half of March, shelter is removed from manure, it is dug up and hot bricks are added inside. Bacteria that were in a dormant state wake up and begin to heat biofuels. As a result, in 4-5 days its temperature rises to +60 degrees.

Ready cavities are poured with boiling water. The bottom is covered with a film. Then a layer of sawdust is poured from the prepared heap. Urea is added there, the rest of the space is filled with manure.

Set the prepared greenhouse from the boards. Fill it with soil, which was in the trench. They cover this whole โ€œsandwichโ€ with non-woven material of black color. From above they build a low frame, up to half a meter. Several days wait until the soil warms up, cut the film and plant 2 seeds in each cut. The distance between the holes is 35 cm. So Lukhovitsy cucumbers are sown.

Seeds germinate quickly due to the fact that there are practically no temperature differences in the greenhouse. But how to do without bees that pollinate the flowers of cucumbers? This problem can be solved by sowing parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) varieties.

Now the amount of manure has decreased significantly. This problem is solved using fallen leaves. They add last year's grass (without seeds), beet tops, carrots and the amount of manure that they can provide.

Lukhovitsky cucumbers reviews

Such biofuel warms up the soil much weaker. And here modern technologies come to the rescue. The greenhouse is covered with a durable plastic film in two layers, agrofibre. Another invention is the installation of two greenhouses on top of each other. A layer of air of 25 cm prevents strong cooling inside the greenhouse.

To save biofuel, Lukhovits gardeners came up with another improvement. Seedlings are grown in cubes formed from peat and humus. Then in mid-April she was planted in a greenhouse.


Building a greenhouse is a troublesome business. But the care of cucumbers is simplified thanks to a well-designed system. In the spring, they monitor that the temperature in the greenhouse is not too high for plants - within +25 degrees. If necessary, open the frame for ventilation.

At night, on the contrary, they ensure that plants do not damage the frost. When the temperature drops below +16 degrees, the crops are additionally insulated. That's all the care.


Lukhovitsky begins to fertilize cucumbers when three true leaves form in the plants. Most often they use Sudarushka. First give half the rate specified in the instructions.

Lukhovitsky cucumbers f1

Add a little infusion of chicken manure or manure. Gradually increase the dose.


Water cucumbers Lukhovitsky as needed. In early spring, this may be unnecessary. Later, water is supplied from specially mounted containers through pipes. It comes to plants slightly warm, which is very useful for cucumbers.

Before applying fertilizer, you must also moisten the soil.


If the spring is early and warm, then the fruits are ready for use in the first half of May.

cucumber variety Lukhovitsky

What attract cucumbers Lukhovitsky? Customer reviews say that they are distinguished by a delicate crust and a sweetish taste.

Real Lukhovitsky hybrid

Specialists of agricultural company "Manul" created a number of hybrids that do not differ from the Dutch in taste, resistant to disease. This is very important, because it is difficult to grow varieties affected by various diseases in a greenhouse. Such can be considered the Alphabet, Okhotny Ryad, Trump Card.

Now there is already an officially registered parthenocarpic hybrid Lukhovitsky F1. Has flowers only female type. It is premature, from sowing to harvesting, it takes up to 50 days.

The cucumber variety Lukhovitsky is intended for open and closed soil types. Can be grown under temporary shelter.

Seeds are sown in the last week of April. Seedlings are planted in early June. By this time, the plant should have up to 4 true leaflets formed.

Lukhovitsky F1 cucumbers are sown in open ground after the threat of frost passes, at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Near each leaf, 2 to 4 cucumbers are formed.

In appearance they are dark green, with a large number of noticeable small tubercles. The spikes are white. The length of the gherkin is up to 13 cm. The mass is up to 120 g. The yield from the bush is up to 8 kg per season.

Cucumbers Lukhovitsky F1 are well transported and stored. Resistant to various diseases of this culture.


Apply for use:

  • in fresh form;
  • in salads;
  • canned;
  • salty.

cucumber Lukhovitsky description

But all cucumbers grown in the Lukhovitsky district are still considered Lukhovitsky. The leaders decided to patent the brand so that buyers are not misled by offering products brought from other regions.


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