DIY crafts from cotton pads

Cotton pads were chosen not only by beauties using cosmetics, but also by handmade craftsmen. They can be painted, stitched, fastened with paper clips, glued to cardboard or plywood. Not only adults and experienced craftsmen can use such convenient material in their work, but also small children from preschool age.

In the article, we will consider samples of crafts made from cotton pads, see photos of manufacturing options for both flat pictures for younger preschoolers and the work of older children. In crafts, only cotton pads are rarely used, most often there are additional materials, such as colored paper, cotton buds, plastic cocktail tubes and many other waste materials.

Preschool children are more accustomed to working in the classroom for visual activities specifically with colored paper. However, some small details on crafts made from cotton pads can simply be finished with a marker or colored wax crayons.

For attaching parts to cardboard using ordinary, but preferably fresh PVA glue with a thick consistency. Disks are smeared with a brush. If for work it is necessary to colorize cotton pads, then gouache paints familiar to children from the nursery group are used. The work on making crafts from cotton pads in this case takes place in two stages. First, children paint parts in the colors necessary for the picture, then it takes time for everything to dry. Only with dry cotton pads can work be continued.


With children of three to four years, you can make a bright multi-color caterpillar. Use cotton pads painted in different colors. Then, after complete drying, paste the details along the line drawn by the teacher. It can be either flat or curved, as if an insect creeps. The circles are not glued nearby, but with a slight overlap. Then, on the first disk, a marker is used to draw one eye in black and a smile in red.

Below, under each circle, you can draw paws - colored sticks. On top of the cardboard above the first disk you can draw horns. Such a children's craft made of cotton pads looks very impressive, as it is multicolor and bright.


The works use not only whole cotton pads, but also small parts cut out of them. One of the most striking examples of making an applique is the image of several chickens. The body of the birds is made of disks cut in half. They are not stained, but left white. Only finish with a black eye marker.

hens of halves of cotton pads

Additionally, for completeness, small parts made of colored paper are glued. This is a yellow triangle representing the beak and scallop. The legs are drawn in black marker below the torso.

Volumetric calla lilies

As a voluminous craft of cotton pads and sticks, you can offer to make beautiful and rare calla flowers. They are most often white, so there is no need to color the circles. Instead of the inner stem, which is on the flower and contains yellow pollen, a cotton swab is used. Previously, it is dipped in yellow gouache and allowed to dry. Also, in order for flowers to be placed in a vase, cocktail tubes are selected, in which a cotton bud tightly enters.

When all the materials have been prepared, the assembly of crafts from cotton pads and sticks begins. First, a white circle is wrapped around a plastic stick so that the yellow colored cotton wool is inside the bundle. You can simply glue the edges, but it is better to fasten them with a stapler. The lower part of the stick is inserted tightly into the tube.

To make the craft of cotton pads and sticks look aesthetically pleasing, you need to wrap a tube and the bottom of the flower with green corrugated paper. The edges below and above are tightly bonded with glue. If there is a glue gun, then it is advisable to perform these actions using it.


In winter, you can make snowmen with your children. In addition to cotton pads, colored paper, sticks, cotton wool, buttons, a rope and a ribbon are used in the work.

cotton pad snowmen

Performing such an article from cotton pads is not difficult, but the use of different materials gives children an idea of ​​the properties and qualities of the material. Although the work looks simple, it can be beautifully done by children of preschool age. From colored paper, they independently cut hats and noses to snowmen, using contours drawn with a simple pencil.

snowy winter

Continuing the winter theme, we invite the reader to familiarize themselves with the manufacture of the following crafts from cotton pads. With your own hands it is not difficult to make it even for a child. This is a city street strewn with snow. First, a background is created. Half of the sheet is left in white, and half is sealed with blue paper. It is snow and sky. The joint of two colors can be made not smooth, but wavy. This will result in a more natural transition.

winter city

Then, rectangle houses with windows and doors are pasted. Nearby is a tree growing. Children first draw the contours of the trunk with branches and cut the finished image along the contours. Then work begins on cotton pads. They are cut in half and glued to the tops of houses, as if they were sprinkled with snow. For a snow cap on a tree, you need to trim the disk a bit, creating the shape of a tree crown.

The halves of the circles are also located at the bottom of the picture. These are snowdrifts on earth. In order to make the DIY handmade article made of cotton pads more expressive, small purchased snowflakes are glued throughout the image.

New Year card

Kindergarten teachers try to make greeting cards with children for all significant holidays. Do not ignore the holiday beloved by all children - New Year. Children are happy to wait for the arrival of Santa Claus, who brings gifts.

Santa Claus made of cotton pads

The teacher can offer such a simple piece of cotton disks for children already in the middle group of the kindergarten. Carved details are prepared on the plates for the children - the head, hat and pink cheeks and nose of Santa Claus.

The basis is colored cardboard. Against its background, cotton pads will be more clearly visible. First, the children paste parts from colored paper, then gluing begins with cotton pads. They can be positioned as a whole, as well as save and split the mugs into several parts. For whiskers, the disk is cut in half.

The hat is decorated with sparkles, snowflakes. You can simply sprinkle a hat on the snow using a cotton swab. It is dipped in white paint and, holding vertically, put small dots by sticking.


Crafts on March 8 from cotton pads mainly depict flowers. The first plants that peck through snowdrifts are snowdrops. You can cut out the shape of these colors from white circles with scissors.

first snowdrops

In this craft for children from cotton pads, stems, leaves and sepals of flowers are painted with their own hands. Thanks to the white volumetric circles, the work looks original. Under the stems, the snow remaining after winter is shown. It is glued around the stem using ordinary cotton wool.

Craft on March 8

From cotton pads, you can make another flower for a gift to mom or grandmother. For a picture like in the photo below, a green cocktail straw is used, a yellow cap from a plastic bottle.

flower mom on March 8

One circle is colored green and cut in half. These will be flower leaves. The production of crafts made of cotton pads for children begins with the attachment of a tube. Then the lap petals are glued. A bottle cap is glued to the center point.

To the left and to the right of the stem are halves of cotton pads of green color. All work is located on bright colored cardboard.

Nest of storks

The creation of such a picture is possible for younger students. You can give work to home, so that parents help in the selection of materials and the execution of the plot of the picture. The stork family consists of two babies and a mother. Cotton pads for the body are left intact, and to complete the head, they are cut in a circle, reducing the diameter of the circle. Halves are cut for the wings, and a thin strip is cut for the neck.

stork's nest

The nest is assembled from real twigs laid nearby. Between them inserted pieces of multi-colored crumpled foil. The ends of the wings and eyes are painted with a black marker.


Some kindergarten teachers may give homework, such as making chicken for Easter. In order for your child to have a bright garden crafts made of cotton pads, it must be painted with gouache paint. For chicken, yellow is quite suitable.

The attributes of the Easter holiday are chicken eggs, so it is logical to portray a chicken that has just hatched from an egg. The shell of cotton pads is cut out with scissors and is not painted.

cotton poultry chick

First, two circles, head and torso, are glued on a green background. Then, a broken shell is attached over it. Further on top of it is a chick wing, made of half a disk.

An eye is drawn on the head with a marker and a red beak of colored paper is glued. The bow complements the image of the newborn being. It can be made of hemp rope, as in the figure above, or it can also be made of a satin ribbon of a contrasting color.

Stick on a stick

This light craft can be used in different ways: paste into the Easter cake as a decor or place it in a room, for example, in a flower pot.

crafts for easter

For manufacturing you will need: a disposable plastic spoon in white, two cotton pads, white and colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, black felt-tip pen. We will not waste time on the description of the manufacture of the craft, as the photograph shows its step-by-step execution.

The article describes only a few possible options for making crafts from cotton pads, their combination with other materials. Try to make something yourself with your children. Such work brings family members together and develops the child.


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