Nasal congestion in a child: causes, treatment, means

Nasal congestion in a child is a fairly common problem that modern parents often face. This ailment is associated with inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. If nasal breathing is difficult, appetite and sleep are disturbed, there is a risk of inflammation of the bronchi and pharynx due to the fact that the baby inhales cold air through his mouth. Very young children may develop a life-threatening respiratory failure in a dream, up to its stop. It is necessary to treat the disease, including for safety reasons.


Nowadays, the most common causes of nasal congestion in a child are allergies and SARS. In addition, abnormalities in the structure of the nose and adenoids can interfere with the child's normal and calm breathing.

Factors that contribute to the occurrence of congestion:

  • hereditary predisposition to allergies;
  • allergies in the child himself;
  • poor environmental living conditions (near highways, in the industrial zone);
  • dry air in the room;
  • frequent use of antibiotics that disrupt the microflora and weaken the immune system;
  • artificial feeding;
  • frequently recurring viral infections;
  • foreign body in the nasal passage, due to which the mucous membrane can swell.

In children, the nose can be blocked as a result of:

  • hypothermia,
  • infections
  • colds
  • allergies.

If the nasal congestion in the child does not go away and there is no discharge, then we are most likely talking about sinusitis. However, it can also be allergic rhinitis, which forms for a long time. The main reason for its development are fluff, pet hair, house dust. At the same time, on the street the child becomes much better. To eliminate this form of congestion and runny nose, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate the irritant.

If a child has developed infectious rhinitis, then an immunologist will help get rid of the disease, he will find out the cause and prescribe the necessary drugs.

Allergy and nasal congestion

To understand the true cause of the disease, the baby should be shown to the otolaryngologist.

Because of a runny nose and nasal congestion, children do not study well, they cannot fully learn educational material. If the disease becomes chronic, then this can lead to deafness.

Along with the congestion problem, difficulty breathing, wheezing, fever, sleep disturbance, irritability, coughing and sore throat are observed.

According to statistics, modern children are more likely to suffer from a runny nose than 20 years ago, this is due to the fact that they spend a lot of time indoors, they do not temper, they do not play sports, and, as a result, their body is not ready for those conditions that fold in the environment.

Symptoms and factors of the common cold

The causes of nasal congestion in a child and a runny nose can be tried to determine the symptoms. Here are the most common ones:

  • Infectious runny nose: sore throat and sore throat, slight fever, clear nasal discharge, lethargy, headache.
  • Rhinopharyngitis or posterior rhinitis: each breath is accompanied by a whistle, a sore throat is observed, the voice changes.
  • Allergic rhinitis: difficulty in nasal breathing, clear discharge from the nose, sneezing.
  • Foreign object in nasal passages: sneezing, lacrimation, nasal congestion, but discharge is observed only from the nasal passage where there is an irritant.
  • Dry, dusty air: headache, sneezing, clear discharge from the nose.
  • Reaction to medications: due to repeated use of drugs, shortness of breath.
  • Physiological congestion in newborns: loud sniffling, breathing through the mouth.

But it should be remembered that even if it was possible to establish the cause, it is dangerous to self-medicate. You need to contact a pediatrician, describe in detail the symptoms and medical history. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

What is the danger of this ailment?

Constant nasal congestion and severe runny nose do not allow to fully get enough sleep, often provoke headache, cough, fatigue. These symptoms greatly interfere with the child, leading to irritability, anxiety, nervousness and impaired appetite.

nose wash

As a result of the long course of the disease, complications develop that are dangerous for the child:

  • impaired appetite;
  • restless intermittent sleep;
  • loss of smell;
  • severe and persistent headaches;
  • snoring and sniffling;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the brain;
  • otitis.

A runny nose is not only an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, it is a disease of the body as a whole. It is necessary to get rid of the problem at the initial stage of development, otherwise then it will require long-term medical treatment, and in difficult cases - surgical intervention.

Ways to ease suffering

Difficult nasal breathing prevents the child from not only breathing, but also sleeping, eating, talking. But you can alleviate his condition using simple methods:

  • Maintain optimal humidity and air temperature in the room, especially in the nursery. The temperature should not be higher than 22 ° C, and humidity, on the contrary, should be higher, about 60-70%.
  • Every day it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and humidification with the help of spraying or humidifiers.
  • Perform proper nose hygiene. You can’t sniff your nose, as the infection goes deeper into the nasopharynx, and you can’t blow both nostrils at the same time - this leads to otitis media. Blow each nostril separately, covering the other with a finger.
  • It is necessary to use paper handkerchiefs during a runny nose, since microbes and bacteria multiply in the humid environment of a handkerchief.
  • For babies who still do not know how to blow their nose, remove the discharge with an aspirator. But you should do this very carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane.
  • Flush nose with saline solutions.
  • Eliminate swelling of the mucosa with vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • If it is an allergic cause, then antihistamines should be used, but the doctor should draw up a schedule for their administration.

All these methods will mitigate the course of the disease and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Now consider how to treat a baby’s nasal congestion.

Proper nose hygiene

How to relieve a symptom

Even if the problem of congestion did not occur for the first time, before starting treatment, you should still consult with your doctor to find out the causes of this ailment. Because allergies and viral infections require completely different treatment approaches.

The most common and effective ways to relieve nasal congestion:

  • Flushing the nose. This method can be used for any type of runny nose. These simple manipulations allow you to clean the mucosa from microorganisms and reduce its swelling. To do this, use saline solutions, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptic drugs.
  • Inhalations, but only warm. You can breathe over the steam of a decoction of medicinal herbs or over hot water, in which essential oils are added. During inhalation, inflamed tissues are warmed up, thickened mucus liquefies, edema decreases. Immediately after inhalation, the baby's nose can be emptied using an aspirator.
  • Ointments with a warming effect. They are used as an additional tool, they are applied to the temples, nose wings, nose bridge and feet.
  • Drops and spray for nasal congestion for children. For acute respiratory viral infections and allergies, antihistamines are used in the form of a spray or drops. Remedies for nasal congestion for children have a good local effect and have a small number of contraindications.
Inhalation for the nose


They begin treatment, but only after the causes of congestion are identified. The main methods of treatment, depending on the diagnosis:

  • If the reason is in the dry and dusty air in the room, then first of all you need to clean the mucous membrane and moisturize it. The best way to do this is with sea water irrigation. In the room where the child is often located, it is often necessary to do wet cleaning, ventilate the room, humidify the air with a spray or a special humidifier. It is very useful to walk with the child in the fresh air.
  • If the cause is a foreign body, then specialists must remove it. You can’t do this yourself, there is a risk of pushing it deeper or injuring the mucous membrane, further worsening the condition of the child.
  • If the cause is inflammation in the throat, it is necessary to prevent inflammation and the further spread of infection.
  • If the cause is viral rhinitis, it is necessary to clean and moisturize the mucous membrane. It is very good to rinse the nose with sea water. To relieve swelling of the mucosa, it is necessary to use safe vasoconstrictor drops from nasal congestion for children, for example, Sialor Reno has established itself well. It relieves swelling and fights inflammation.

If a child has nasal congestion without a runny nose for more than a week, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

  • If the cause of difficulty breathing is in posterior rhinitis, you need to moisten the mucous membrane all the time and always take fortifying drugs.
  • If nasal congestion in infants, then this is a normal condition of newborns. She goes on her own. It is necessary to ventilate the room and carry out regular wet cleaning. If possible, it is better to feed the baby with breast milk, with natural feeding, the nasopharynx develops faster.
  • If the cause of nasal congestion is in medical rhinitis, then the dose of the drug used should be reduced or completely abandoned.

Runny nose and nasal congestion are a dangerous phenomenon for the child’s body, so treatment should be approached with all responsibility. The disease may pass by itself, but hoping for it is too unreasonable. First you need to find out the cause, and then start treatment. In addition, medications should be taken only those prescribed by the doctor, and not self-medicate. The child’s body is a “fragile vessel” that must be carefully and reverently treated.

nasal spray

Drug Overview

The most universal, common and effective drugs for getting rid of the common cold and nasal congestion in children are sprays and drops. The inflammatory process leads to the fact that mucus begins to accumulate in the nasopharynx, which makes breathing difficult. The main task in this situation is to help the baby establish a calm breath.

Special children's products that will cure congestion:

From birth, you can apply such drops from nasal congestion for children, such as: Aquamaris, Vibrocil, Derinat, Nazivin, Otrivin, Humer. The instructions indicate age restrictions, in addition, this point is once again discussed with your pediatrician. Since, for example, Vibrocil, Nazivin, Tizin, Xymelin, Otrivin, Sanorin are drops from nasal congestion for children from a year and older.

The dosage and duration of treatment should also be clarified by the attending physician. For example, Aquamaris, Vibrocil, Derinat take two drops 4 times a day, and Humer is recommended to take 2 drops only 3 times a day.

The most popular nasal congestion drops for children from a year old: Nazivin 0.025%, Nazol Baby 0.125%.

From the year you can also use sprays. The most effective of them: "Aquamaris", "Humer".

If the child constantly appears dry crusts, it is better to use oil solutions and ointments: olive oil, petroleum jelly. Antibacterial drugs are used for nasal congestion for children from 1 year.

Inhalations can be done with the use of Miramistin and Dekasan. The main condition is to comply with the dose of drugs.

Medications for nasal congestion

If nasal congestion occurs without secretions, then, most likely, this is an allergic reaction of the body. In this case, antihistamines should be taken: Zodak, Zirtek, Claritin. Breasts are prescribed: "Fenistil", "Zodak", "Zirtek". For children over 2 years old, you can use the spray "Nazonex", "Flixonase", "Cromohexal."

It is important to remember that any medications can only be used when prescribed by a pediatrician and under his supervision. You can not treat nasal congestion in a child 2 years old and younger with such drops as Galazolin and Naphtizin.

All of the above drugs will help improve breathing, but most likely they will not eliminate the cause of congestion. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Comprehensive treatment will help get rid of the common cold and reduce the risk of complications.

What can not be done with congestion

Not all parents know what methods are dangerous with a runny nose and nasal congestion. So what not to do:

  • Thoughtlessly dig in the baby’s nose with milk, plant juices, essential oils, garlic or onion juice. The result of such therapy is unpredictable - you can too dry the mucous membrane, provoke a burn, allergies and other complications. In folk medicine, the use of breast milk is a popular way to combat the common cold in children. But you should know that it is an excellent medium for the reproduction of bacteria and microbes. Such treatment very often leads to viral rhinitis and bacterial complications.
  • Antibiotics should not be instilled into a child’s nose. This will not fix the problem; on the contrary, it will help bacteria adapt to the medicine. As a result, antibiotic-resistant infections will settle on the mucosa.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be abused. They are used according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Long-term use of such drugs leads to the fact that blood vessels become fragile, and, as a result, constant bleeding.

Rules of conduct during illness

The treatment of the disease is associated not only with lavage and instillation. Compliance with the following rules will contribute to a quick recovery:

  • Stop visiting crowded places with the child during illness.
  • Follow the daily walk rule.
  • Any contact with sick people is prohibited.
  • Daily wet cleaning of the room in which the child sleeps and plays.
baby smiling

Parent Tips

It is very difficult to cope with nasal congestion in children, since there are a lot of reasons that caused this condition.

Finally - important parting tips for moms and dads:

  1. Do not waste time and do not wait for things to work out on their own, and start treatment as soon as possible.
  2. Do not self-medicate, it is best to consult several doctors at once.
  3. Maintain proper nose hygiene, moisturize with water-salt solutions, rinse the nose,
  4. Follow the medication schedule
  5. To ensure, as far as possible, favorable conditions in which the child lives (moist, clean air, low air temperature, clean room).

All these measures will certainly help in the fight against nasal congestion. The child’s body is very vulnerable, and parents should try to create favorable conditions for their healthy and comfortable development. Timely treatment of any disease will reduce the risk of various complications and accelerate recovery and recovery.


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