How to teach a cat to talk? Rules for teaching animals human speech

How to teach a cat to talk? Zoologists believe that animals can not master the human language due to the fact that the speech apparatus of animals is arranged in a completely different way. However, many people know that, for example, parrots make quite good sounds, similar to people's speech. This usually requires long and hard work and considerable patience from the owner. Can cats, like birds, learn to imitate human sounds? Let's try to figure this out.

Cat tongue

To understand how to teach a cat to talk, you need to learn the language of fluffy pets. After all, they can not only meow. Zoologists distinguish about 16 different cat sounds. You can cite only a few of them:

  1. Purring. This sound is an expression of pleasure. Also, the cat purrs when he greets the owner or communicates with the cubs.
  2. Screams. Animals make such sounds during estrus and readiness for mating.
  3. Snorting, rumbling, hissing. These sounds are a manifestation of aggression.
Cat makes sounds

How to teach a cat to speak humanly? When learning speech, you must rely on those sounds that are most often made by a pet. Through long workouts, meowing and purring can be transformed into sounds that resemble words. So, for example, “meow” can be transformed into “meat”, and “mur” - into “eat”. It is necessary to highlight sounds similar to human words in a pet’s speech and work on their pronunciation.

Sometimes you can hear how cats independently make sounds, very similar to human speech. The owner should be alarmed if this happens involuntarily, and is not the result of training. This usually indicates a fright or extreme discontent of the animal. An example of such sounds can be heard in the video below.

At what age to start classes?

You need to start learning from infancy. Already from 2-3 weeks you can start classes. It is better to learn to speak male. In kitties, the speech apparatus is arranged differently, and it is difficult for them to imitate human words. In addition, female pets are less likely to be trained.

Speech training begins in childhood

Can a cat be taught to speak in adulthood? It is very difficult to do this, and in most cases it is almost impossible. After a year of age, animals learn new skills with great difficulty. Therefore, it is better not to delay speech training.

Training rules

How to teach a cat to talk in a short time? In order for training to progress successfully, you need to follow some rules:

  1. If several kittens live in your house, then it is better to isolate the animal for the duration of the classes. During training, the trained pet must be alone with the owner. Nothing should distract him.
  2. At first, the animal is taught only one word. Training should be carried out during feeding. For example, the word “meat” needs to be repeated several times when the kitten is eating. Such exercises should be carried out until the baby remembers the word and begins to reproduce it.
  3. The word you teach the kitten to be repeated throughout the day as often as possible.
  4. If a pet is trying to imitate this word, it is imperative to encourage it with a delicious treat.
  5. You can teach a cat a new word only after he has fully mastered the previous one.
Talking cat

Do not be too demanding on the animal. After all, a cat will never learn to pronounce words as clearly as a person. The pet will only imitate the sounds of speech, but at the same time reproduce them "with an accent."

In the video below you can hear how animals are talking. The cat says the phrase: "Open to me."

Also, there is no need to rush to demonstrate the talents of your cat to guests. In the presence of many people, animals are often lost and shy. This can negate all learning outcomes.

Can all cats talk?

How to teach a cat to talk if he does not show any interest in human words? In no case should a pet be forced to learn speech by force. Cats are wayward creatures, and coercion can only cause them a negative reaction. Classes make sense only if the animal shows interest in them.

Not all animals can imitate sounds. Many cats are simply not interested in human speech. If the pet does not respond to words for several classes, then training should be discontinued. It is possible that your pet will show his abilities in something else.


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