Perennial bush flowers: description and photo

The dream of every mistress of a summer cottage or a personal cottage is to create a blooming oasis around the envy of all the neighbors. At the same time, it would be good to choose perennial plants that will delight flowering from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. Perennial bush flowers are often used to decorate the garden and flower beds. It is convenient and not too troublesome. And, without a doubt, very beautiful.

spray flowers

Where to plant bush flowers

Many will be surprised at this section, because they are used to planting any flowers on flower beds. But this is a stereotype. Shrub flowers can be used much more widely. Perennial flowering plants are used as a curb along garden paths. Hedges are formed from them, especially in those cases when it is necessary to hide your courtyard from prying eyes, and a dull fence will spoil both the appearance of the plot and the mood of the owners.

A fashionable trend of recent years is the use of mixborders of conifers, perennial bush flowers and bright annuals in garden design. So called mixed borders and flower beds from groups of plants of different heights, creating large color spots. Plants for them are selected in such a way that each season has its own decorative zest. Properly planted perennial bush flowers give mixborders a special charm, the main thing is that they seamlessly replace each other without shading or suppressing neighbors.

spray flowers photo

Types and varieties of popular bush flowers. Tree peony

Peonies rightfully reign in garden beds. Bright and colorful, they amaze the imagination with a variety of varieties. Varieties of peonies are divided into 2 groups:

  • grassy, โ€‹โ€‹with soft stems growing from tubers;
  • tree-like, peonies are shrubs whose trunks are lignified.

Tree peonies are ideal bush flowers for the garden. They have strong light brown stems, which not only persist after flowering, but also grow annually. The adult bush becomes hemispherical in shape, with dense, delicate, double-ply foliage. Flowers of huge diameter (from 12 to 20 cm) are located at the ends of the stems. Depending on the variety, they can be of different colors and shapes: simple, semi-double and terry.

Conventionally tree-like varieties of spray peonies are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Sino-European. This includes varieties with large double flowers, which at the end of flowering fall under their own weight. Coloring options - from pale pink to bright fuchsia.
  2. Japanese Shrub flowers with smaller buds are collected here. Varieties look more light, flowers seem to hover above the stems.
  3. Hybrid. This group includes varieties obtained on the basis of yellow peony and Delaway peony. A very popular group with large yellow flowers.

Planting all varieties of spray peonies is carried out in the fall. For a flower bed choose a sunny elevated place. The preferred soil is loamy. Clay soils are mixed with sand and fertilized. Peony bush can grow in one place for several decades.

bush flowers names

Watering is done 2 times a month. Under each bush, up to 7 liters of water is poured. In August, watering is reduced and gradually stopped altogether. Weeds should be removed from the flower bed, and the soil should be loosened and mulched. Reproduction of handsome men is carried out by dividing bushes or cuttings. For winter, plants are best covered with spruce branches and foliage.

Types and varieties of astilbe

The bush astilba, which loves partial shade and humidity, looks very beautiful in the garden. Many varieties are suitable for garden plots:

  1. Astilba is Chinese. Bush up to 1 m tall with cirrus-dissected elongated leaves. The edges of the leaves are slightly jagged. Chinese astilbe has small flowers that are concentrated in lush apical inflorescences. The color of this species is from pale lilac to lilac-pink.
  2. Astilba is Japanese. A low bush (up to 40 cm), with complex cirrus-dissected leaves of dark color. Paniculate inflorescences are collected from small white flowers.
  3. Astilbe David. The highest bush flowers of this species (up to 1.5 m). In the wild, they are found in Mongolia and in China. The bushes are spreading, the leaves on them are light, cirrus. The inflorescences are large, color from pink to lilac.
  4. Astilba Arends. This is a whole group of hybrid varieties based on the astilbe of David. Bushes with high peduncles of different colors. Valued for decorative and flowering times.

perennial bush flowers

When planting astilbe, a distance of about 50 cm should be maintained for tall varieties, up to 30 cm for low varieties. Before planting the soil under bush flowers, photos of which look very bright and elegant, they are fertilized with compost and rotted manure. The plant loves watering and mulching. Itโ€™s better to shelter for the winter, because astilba can die during spring weather. Propagate the plant by dividing bushes, buds or seeds.


The second name is the host of the hybrid Halzion. This is a decorative and deciduous perennial bush flower. The peculiarity of the species is medium-sized, basal, petiolate leaves of blue-green color. Flowers are funnel-shaped bells in racemose inflorescences. The size of each flower is not more than 5 cm. Color - lavender-blue. Peduncles tall and devoid of leaves.

Function blooms from mid to late summer. Loves shadow and partial shade. To enhance decorative qualities (the size of the leaves and their color) requires abundant moisture. With a lack of moisture, the ends of the foliage darken.

The flower does not require complicated care. It is necessary to moisten the soil in time, fertilize it and carry out mulching. In autumn, pruning of shoots and removal of dried leaves and peduncles is performed. Since the variety is frost-resistant, it is not necessary to cover the plant for the winter.

bush flowers for the garden

Shrub roses. Landing and care

Shrub rose - a plant popular at all times. It gives a special charm to the front gardens, flower beds and gazebos. The plant may look like a classic tall bush, like a lovely bouquet drowning in greenery, like a blooming waterfall. Shrub rose is beautiful in all its manifestations.

Shrub roses are planted in prepared soil, which consists of garden soil, peat and bone meal additives. The size of the planting hole is selected according to the size of the root system of the seedling. In the hole, the roots should not be bent and twisted, the direction of the roots - strictly down. The earth falls asleep evenly, it is not necessary to compact the pit heavily. The top layer is slightly loosened and watered abundantly with water. A layer of peat is laid out on top. When the flower grows a little, it is necessary to carry out hilling and mulching.

The appearance of a bush rose always depends on the quality of care for it. In the spring, trimming of extra and weak branches is mandatory. This manipulation is performed after a slight swelling of the kidneys on the bush. For the winter, a bush rose needs to be covered. To make the bush look lush and beautiful, all dried leaves and buds are removed. Watering is required moderate, but only warm water.

varieties of bush flowers

Shrub roses. Species and varieties

Roses are unique bush flowers, the names and types of which are very diverse. For convenience, they are divided into several species groups:

  1. Park. This is a group consisting of forms and varieties of cultivated wild rose. With proper care, park roses form dense, sprawling bushes up to 1.5 m tall. These bushes bloom for about a month, the beginning of flowering occurs in June. The color of the flowers in the group is diverse: white, pink, purple and so on.
  2. Bush. This is an actively replenished group of plants. The height of the bush can exceed 2 m. Flowers (bush roses) - semi-double and double terry. The color scheme is very diverse.
  3. Polyanthus. These are stunted bushes with lush inflorescences. The shape of the flowers is terry and semi-double. Valued for long plentiful flowering from June to late autumn. Polyanthus roses do not smell.
  4. Floribunda. This is a hybrid group that appeared as a result of crossing polyanth and tea-hybrid species. The group inherited the best parental traits. Bushes are frost-resistant, continuously flowering, with a huge color palette of double flowers and a delicate aroma.

spray roses flowers

If we consider bush flowers for the garden, perennial roses can be considered a very worthy option. They are suitable both as an independent decoration, and as part of a landscape composition. Such a variety of colors, varieties and species, perhaps, can no longer be found.

Perennial Bush Carnation

Garden bush cloves are used for rabatok, flower beds and borders. The correct name is "Dianthus", which translates as "the flower of God." Bush carnation belongs to the clove family. Wild forms can be found in Europe and North America. The height of the bush is from 10 to 55 cm. The color of the flowers is white, red, hot pink purple or red. Color lasts 3-4 months.

Bush carnation loves sunny and half-shaded places. The landing area must be protected from wind and drafts. The flower does not like excessive watering. The garden beauty is propagated by seeds.

bush flowers perennial names


A vivid decoration of many flower beds from early spring to late autumn are bush flowers, perennial, whose name is phlox. These are hygrophilous plants with branching subordinate roots that do not like close proximity to groundwater. Therefore, for phloxes create a high bed, the so-called earthen pillow. The place for their landing should be sunny, in extreme cases, light partial shade is allowed. The density of inflorescences depends on this. All types of phlox require watering and top dressing. It is imperative to loosen the topsoil. By winter, the plants shelter.

All numerous species are formed in 4 groups:

  • tall bush plants (from 90 to 180 cm);
  • less tall bush plants (from 40 to 70 cm);
  • low bush plants (25-30 cm);
  • rising and creeping species.

Phloxes in the garden not only look good, but also smell very nice.

spray flowers


People have long been accustomed to lilac bushes in parks and plots. But it turns out that more than 30 species belong to this genus of shrubs. The most common species on our sites are common lilac, Amethyst, Himalayan and Hungarian lilac, white varieties - Brest Defenders, Galina Ulanova and Vestalka. Different types of lilacs bloom at different times. These varieties of bush flowers do not require special care. Just abundant watering and mulching with peat is enough. In the second or third year, fertilizers are applied under the bushes.

bush flowers for the garden


In August, gardens are covered with white foam of flowering hydrangeas. Most often, this is hydrangea tree-like. The height of the shrub can exceed 2.5 m. Small flowers are collected in large balls of inflorescences. Despite the high decorative qualities, hydrangea is unpretentious. She is not afraid of frosty winters. Requires regular moderate watering and pruning. The huge minus of the snow-white beauty is that all parts of the plant are poisonous. Care must be taken.

bush flowers names


Perennial gaillardia belongs to the astro family. This is a drought tolerant shrub flower with single basket inflorescences. Marginal flowers of the basket are red-purple, middle ones are orange or dark red. Perennials can have baskets of simple, semi-double and terry shapes. Gaillardia should grow in a lighted place. Watering these bush flowers is required only in the dry period. The rest of the care is garter and removal of dried parts. Reproduction - self-sowing, seedlings and division of bushes.

If you want to have a paradise on your personal plot, we recommend planting bush flowers, perennial. The names of the plants most often used to create a garden landscape were described in this article, but this list can be continued endlessly, as nature gave a huge assortment of varieties and types of flowers.


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