Metabo cordless drill: model overview, comparison with analogs and reviews

The German manufacturer Metabo contains in its assortment an extensive segment of power tools designed for different tasks. The category of screwdrivers is the most popular, since such devices are most often used both in standard household tasks and in specialized works in construction or production. Recently, the company pays more attention to the line of stand-alone models. The multifunction cordless drill Metabo allows you to participate in installation and repair operations outdoors without network power supply. The tool is presented in different versions, differing in power, optional, batteries and other characteristics.

PowerMaxx BS Model

The basic version with a capacity of 10.8 V is a lightweight, compact and inexpensive device worth 5.5 thousand rubles. The modest power potential of the model is compensated by a rich (by the standards of the budget class) set of functions - the model is provided with a backlight, two high-speed modes and a reverse stroke.

cordless drill metabo

The battery is made on lithium-ion (Li-lon) cells with a capacity of 2 A * h. With regard to the direct working qualities, the cordless drill Metabo PowerMaxx BS at 10.8 V allows you to drill with a diameter of 22 mm in the case of wood and 10 mm when servicing metal. Despite the functionality and ergonomics, the model, due to its budget, logically preserved a number of outdated solutions - this also applies to the brush motor and the lack of a second battery in the basic configuration.

Model BS 18

A drill average in capabilities is suitable for typical operations when performing a wide range of working activities - in the household, in production and in construction. A model costs an average of 7 thousand, and this did not allow her to go far from the advantages of an entry-level tool. The device is compact, convenient to use thanks to rubberized handles and the same backlight. By the way, this kit already provides for a second battery and a proprietary case.

cordless drill metabo powermaxx

The power of this cordless drill-driver Metabo BS is 18 V, which causes a torque of 48 Nm at a maximum speed of 1600 rpm. I must say that the drilling diameters are almost the same - except that the wood will have to be drilled only up to 20 mm, and this is in contrast to the previous version. However, the power potential of 18 V compensates for the lack of functionality and limitations in operating parameters. The model is suitable for those jobs that require increased power, but in a narrow format for drilling parameters.

Model BS 18 Li

This modification differs from the previous supply of battery capacity and cartridge size. If the two previous versions are designed to work with 10 mm shanks, then this option allows you to integrate snap-in 13 mm. The power potential remained the same - 18 V with the possibility of achieving a torque of 48 Nm. The number of revolutions increased slightly (up to 1650 rpm) and the size of the battery.

metabo bs cordless drill

This Metabo cordless drill also has functions sufficient for power drilling operations, but the diameter parameters remained at the basic level. As a universal tool for professional use, this drill is unlikely to work, but as an auxiliary tool for making small-format holes at a fast pace, it can help.

Model BS 18 LTX Impuls

This is a premium modification for professional builders who need a powerful, reliable and functional machine to create small and large holes. The unit is provided with a 4-pole engine operating at a voltage of 18 V. It is noteworthy that if the modification BS 18 Li is knocked forward by its power, leaving performance at a low level in terms of the format for creating holes, then LTX Impuls, on the contrary, with its potential of 18 V can seem to be an overly weak tool to provide ample opportunities to work with different nozzles.

Suffice it to say that wood can be drilled at a diameter of 65 mm, and metal at 13 mm. And if the base drill cordless Metabo PowerMaxx is equipped with a 2 Ah battery, then this model gets a 5.2 Ah lithium-ion battery. For all these advantages, the user will have to pay 27 thousand.

cordless drill metabo powermaxx bs

Comparison with Hitachi DS10DFL

This is a representative of the initial segment worth 6 thousand. The device may well compete with household modifications of the PowerMaxx line, offering a 1.5 Ah battery, 10.8 V Li-lon battery and a 10 mm cartridge format. In terms of significant differences can be called lowering the frequency of the spindle to 1300 rpm and adding a second battery to the kit. In terms of functionality, this version also loses to the Metabo PowerMaxx cordless drill / driver, but its strengths include quick replenishment of energy. As practice shows, the battery pack charges in just 45 minutes. Given the presence of two elements in the set, you can count on organizing a continuous workflow. By the way, the owners note the duration of charge retention, which is easily explained by the low energy costs. But you will have to pay for these advantages with even lower working productivity than in the case with the analogue from the PowerMaxx line.

Comparison with Makita DF330DWE

Japanese company Makita regularly produces power tools, which subsequently takes first place in the ratings for quality. There is a model of 7 thousand, so it can be compared with the middle class Metabo. And immediately it should be noted the advantage in the form of charging speed, which is higher than that of Hitachi. The full volume of 1.3 A * h is dialed in 30 minutes.

cordless drill metabo bs 18

In terms of power, the device can be called modest for its category - the voltage is only 10.8 V, which puts the instrument on a par with representatives of the entry-level level. Accordingly, in terms of performance, the Metabo cordless drill in the performance of BS 18 will surpass this analogue. Nevertheless, for domestic use, a Japanese drill is more profitable, as it is provided with a unique LED backlight with the ability to turn off automatically, a reliable tool change mechanism and a design balanced in ergonomic quality.

Comparison with Bosch GSR 18 V-LI

This version is appropriate to compare with the device from the line of LTX Impuls. Both instruments are in the price range of 25-27 thousand and stand out among similar competitors with a low power potential of 18 V. For comparison, even within 20 thousand you can find options for 36 V with shock. What do Bosch developers offer to compensate for the lack of performance?

cordless drill metabo powermaxx

First of all, the torque of 67 Nm, achieved by innovative technology for the performance of the gearbox. But in terms of power impact, this model will not have an advantage over the premium version of the Metabo BS cordless drill from the LTX Impuls family, which offers a rotational speed with support of 110 Nm. The same applies to the ratio in drilling diameters, but Bosch has a significant plus in the form of a keyless chuck with the Auto-lock option. In addition, the products of this brand in terms of reliability and durability of the element base traditionally surpass the analogues of Metabo and can directly compete only with the Makita tool.

User reviews on Metabo models

Users themselves value Metabo drills for performance optimization and attractive value. The company does not aim to fill its tool with an extra option and excessively high power if the target customer does not need it. On the contrary, the cordless drill Metabo BS 18 with limited drilling parameters is not without reason endowed with a high productivity potential for its segment. Workers who have to maintain solid structures for laying thin wiring respond positively to this model. The advantages include general physical ergonomics - designs are performed with the expectation of convenience and comfort when using drills for a long time without stops.


In choosing a specific model from the proposed range of companies, it is worth relying on the declared purpose. First of all, it is necessary to separate the professional and household segments. Further, the conditions under which the Metabo cordless drill in one or another version will be used are taken into account. It is important to calculate the battery capacity, operating modes and the ability to connect additional accessories - from the flashlight to the auxiliary handle.

cordless drill metabo bs 18

And of course, do not forget about the size of the holes, under which the format of the cartridge will be adjusted, and acceptable for the use of equipment. The engine potential, in turn, is selected based on the type of target material. Sometimes an additional impact is required, but it is provided by more productive drills that are close in characteristics to perforators.


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