Ficus Benjamin: Crown Formation

Many people know that the ficus of Benjamin, the formation of the crown of which is important, is very whimsical at home. However, despite the difficulties, this plant is considered one of the most common among indoor options. Providing him with timely and proper care, you can enjoy beautiful greenery all year round.

ficus benjamin crown formation
Due to circumcision and pinching, the ficus can take on almost any kind. The formation of the crown must be carried out in the spring. Pruning will awaken the axillary buds to wake up, and from them later new shoots will give growth, which will make the tree more magnificent. The secateurs, before you start working with them, must be disinfected with alcohol or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The main bush cannot be cut by more than 20 centimeters. There should be at least five leaves, and side branches can be disposed of as you want. The birthplace of ficus is Southeast Asia, where the most common species is bonsai, which is also given a different shape.

After processing, the slices must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal of wood origin. If the ficus is characterized by a strong growth of the inner side of the crown, you can thin it slightly. Thus, you will open access to the light.

The amazing ficus plant of Benjamin. The formation of the crown is very important for him, and if you want to make a stand, you need to remove all side shoots. Only the top five should remain. If the boom will be selected as a floor type, then it must be formed according to the height of a meter, if it is a table, then no more than 40 centimeters from the surface.

crown formation
In almost the same way, a standard is formed at several levels. It is necessary to leave five shoots, running 30-50 centimeters. When the tree will be at the initial stage of development, he will need a trellis. It is not necessary to remove it until the tree is fully strengthened.

Ficus Benjamin, the formation of the crown for which is important, depends on the trunk. There are tricks for his beauty. Some plant several ficuses in one pot, which intertwine each other in accordance with the design plan. They are twisted with a plait, pigtail or any other combination of any shape. In this case, trellises, clamps must be used. As the plant grows, they will need to be weakened.

Since ficus is capricious, he needs to buy special fertilizer. You can find it in a specialized store, in the absence of a special ficus option, any one suitable for deciduous plants. Fertilizing is best in spring and summer.

the birthplace of ficus
At the same time, the principle is observed: twice a month. One time you should use mineral fertilizers, the other - organic. In winter, you should not feed the plant, as this is a kind of sleep period. Concentrate can be supplied with water and put into the ground at the next watering.

Ficus Benjamin, whose crown formation many people like, has a lot of care tips. It is best to follow them, because with any deviation, you can destroy the whole plant.


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