Check out the stop line: fine, how to challenge

Every car owner must have a valid driver’s license. To obtain them, you must pass exams at the traffic police, as well as a good study of traffic rules. Any traffic violations are punishable by various measures, represented by fines, deprivation of a driver’s license or even sending a car to a parking lot. A fairly common violation is the exit for the stop line. The penalty is levied on the basis of recording from cameras, and often such a violation is recorded by the traffic police. Therefore, any driver must make sure to stop until his car crosses this line.

departure for stop line fine 2018

Where is the stop line located?

Its main purpose is to warn drivers about where exactly they should stop before a crossroads or a railway crossing. It can be found in different sections of the road, but in certain situations, leaving the stop line at a traffic light or in another place is a serious offense.

The most common markings in areas are:

  • near pedestrian crossings, and due to its presence, drivers understand where exactly they should stop in order to provide a free passage for people;
  • at regulated intersections where traffic lights are installed;
  • before level crossings.

Thanks to this marking, the safety of movement of people and cars on the road is ensured. There are no difficulties under such conditions at regulated intersections to perform various maneuvers, represented by turns or turns, since there is quite a lot of space on this stretch of road. If all drivers stop before the stop line, this ensures the safety of all vehicles on the road.

To mark the place where the car should stop, not only markings are used, but also road signs. Therefore, each driver must understand where he should stay in a particular situation:

  • if there is only a stop line, you need to stop until the moment when the car’s wheels touch the markings, and often on the asphalt there is an additional inscription STOP;
  • only the sign with the inscription STOP is located, so you need to stop in front of this element;
  • often on a certain section of the road both a line and a sign can be located, therefore there are two warning methods at once, which suggests that in any case a stop is required regardless of the color of the traffic light.

The STOP sign in traffic rules means that traffic without stopping is not allowed.

Departure for the stop line what is the penalty

How do markups intersect correctly?

A penalty is assigned when leaving the stop-line, so if the car owner does not want to pay significant funds to the state for such a violation, he should be well versed in how markings should intersect correctly.

To prevent bringing to administrative responsibility it is necessary to understand the different points related to this restriction.

Marking is available at the crosswalk designed for pedestrians and equipped with traffic light adjustment

Under such conditions, the restriction applies only in the presence of a red traffic light or under certain maneuvers of the traffic controller who stops the movement of cars in one direction. If there are no restrictions in the form of a traffic controller or traffic light, then you can cross the line without stopping.

The presence of a stop line at an adjustable intersection

This situation is similar to the previous version, therefore cars stop only at the prohibitory traffic signal.

If there are no restrictions, then the movement continues without the need to slow down.

Marking location at an unregulated intersection

Under such conditions, it must be duplicated by the STOP sign, so the driver must make sure before continuing the drive that he will not be able to interfere with other traffic participants in any way. Therefore, he must stop before the intersection of the markings, verify the safety of further movement, and only then move off again.

Finding a stop line at a regulated railway intersection

If there is no inhibitory traffic signal, you can move without stopping. If there is a red color, then you need to stop until the moment when the wheels of the car cross the markings.

If you follow these rules, then the driver will never receive a fine for leaving the stop line at the traffic light from the camera.

departure for stop line fine

Fine size

Violation of traffic rules leads to significant fines. They can be appointed on the basis of recordings from cameras or direct traffic police. A penalty is charged for leaving the stop-line, so it is important to monitor the drivers so that they do not cross this marking.

The punishment is regulated by the provisions of Art. 12.12 Administrative Code. The size of the penalty depends on which section of the road a violation has been established, as well as what restriction there is:

  • The intersection of the stop line at an adjustable cross. In this case, there is a traffic light, so when crossing the markings, the driver travels to a prohibited traffic signal. What is the penalty for leaving a stop line at a traffic light? Under such conditions, you will have to pay 800 rubles.
  • Violation recorded at an unregulated cross. In this case, the driver continues to move without a preliminary stop before the STOP sign. A fine of 500 rubles is assigned for such a trip for the stop-line.

Often, car owners are faced with the fact that punishment is imposed even in a situation where the front wheels of the car do not cross the markings, but the bumper goes beyond it. Under such conditions, the traffic inspector tries to prove that the car is in the wrong position. For such a trip for the stop line, the fine of 2018 can be challenged. This is due to the fact that the violation will be established exclusively in a situation where the wheel of the car will drive over the marking.

exit for a stop line at a traffic light

What to do if it is difficult to finish the maneuver?

The situation is considered quite common when the car owner tries to pass the intersection, but does not manage to finish the maneuver in a short period of time. In this case, the car passes through the stop line according to all the rules, but at the same time, the traffic light continues to red.

Under such conditions, you can choose three options for solving the problem:

  • Continue driving, but it will be carried out already in red, so the driver can be held administratively liable. He is fined 1 thousand rubles.
  • Return in reverse, but traffic at the intersection is prohibited in this way, so a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.
  • Pass back a little, without crossing the stop line again, although under such conditions certain inconveniences are created for other machines, but at the same time recovery can be avoided.

The choice depends on the car owner.

The specifics of movement through the stop line

Since the markings are usually clear and clearly visible, if there are doubts that the driver will really have time to cross the intersection in a strictly limited period of time, it is advisable to stop immediately in front of this line. For many drivers, an appointment for leaving the stop-line of a penalty becomes a surprise. Usually it is superimposed on the basis of video from surveillance cameras. Therefore, a few days after the violation, car owners receive letters from the traffic police.

There is an opportunity to challenge the penalty assigned for leaving the stop line at a traffic light. This is possible if the markings are poorly visible, worn out or severely subject to mechanical wear. To do this, you will have to go to court, attaching a photograph of this markup to the application.

what is the penalty for leaving a stop line at a traffic light

Is it possible to challenge the fine?

Many car owners are confident that they are right, so they do not want to pay fines for various violations detected by the camera or car inspector. For leaving the stop line, the 2018 fine can be assigned in two ways:

  • traffic police officers who independently record a violation, after which they draw up a corresponding act, transmitted to the driver, on the basis of which he can pay a fine or file a lawsuit;
  • based on materials obtained by a surveillance camera installed at a particular crossroads.

Evidence must be available to rule.

Dispute Methods

It is possible to challenge the punishment, and two methods can be used for this. These include:

  • compiling a complaint addressed to the head of the car inspection, and you should contact the traffic police department, where the inspector who has drawn up the violation works;
  • filing a lawsuit in a district court, for which purpose the institution is selected at the location of the traffic police department.

A complaint is submitted in person or by mail. An appeal can be appealed only within 10 days after the driver receives an offense report from the inspector or after the document is received by mail. The countdown is from the date of receipt of this document in any way.

Every year, the number of intersections increases, where cameras are installed that record various violations. These include the intersection of the markings on the forbidden traffic signal. Therefore, drivers who do not want to pay significant fines must responsibly approach the implementation of the basic requirements of traffic rules.

departure for stop line fine 2016

What fines have been levied previously?

The size of the penalty for various violations increases regularly. This includes the exit for the stop line. The 2016 fine was the same as in 2018, so, based on the provisions of 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, 800 rubles were charged.

But it was precisely in 2016 that a significant innovation was introduced, consisting in the fact that if the violation was detected for the first time, then it is allowed to reduce the penalty by 50% if a fine is paid within 20 days from the date of the decision.

Assigned for leaving the stop-line a fine of 2017 in the same amount as in 2016. For such a violation, 800 rubles were exacted.

Other nuances

The driver will be forced to pay a fine even in a situation where the car does not cross the markings, but the front wheels drive into the line. Other nuances of the process include:

  • if the car crossed the line at the green color of the traffic light, but the driver did not have time to cross the intersection, then it is advisable to turn back a little, but not to cross the line again;
  • a penalty is levied exclusively in a situation where a surveillance camera is installed at the intersection or a violation is recorded directly by the traffic inspector;
  • if the driver does not agree with the penalty, he must notify the traffic police about this so that they do not draw up a resolution, but a protocol;
  • in this document it is required to indicate that in fact there was no violation, since the front wheels of the car did not even touch the stop line;
  • if the application, drawn up in the name of the head of the traffic police department, does not bring the desired result, then you will have to go to court, and it is optimal to attach a record from the DVR to the claim, if any.

In practice, challenging a fine is quite difficult. Therefore, it is advisable for drivers to initially accurately follow the requirements of the traffic rules. It is not recommended to start a maneuver at an adjustable intersection, if there is a chance that it will be finished with a red traffic light.

If the driver was stopped by the traffic police, then it is undesirable to swear, it is advisable to express your opinion calmly and confidently. Often, under such conditions, the traffic inspector refuses to draw up a resolution, as he is convinced of the correctness of the driver.

departure for stop line fine 2017


Each driver is interested in what punishment is assigned for leaving the stop line. What penalty will be assigned? For such an offense 800 rubles will be charged. Most often, the violation is recorded by surveillance cameras. If the punishment is imposed by the traffic inspector, then you need to make sure that he has evidence, since if they are absent, then it will be easier to challenge the penalty than with a video.

Under certain conditions, a fine can be challenged if the markings are erased or the wheels of the car have not actually crossed the line. To do this, you will have to contact the head of a specific traffic police department or the court.


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