The black prince: a rose with a legend

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers. And not in vain. This flower is really chic, provided that it is properly taken care of. We are used to seeing them red, pink, white, or, in extreme cases, yellow. But are there black roses?

Rose Black Prince: Description

This variety belongs to hybrid tea roses. The bush is characterized by its small size, which, however, is quite sprawling. The height is usually not more than 70 cm, and the width is about 60 cm.

black prince rose

The color of the petals is quite original. Despite the name, it is impossible to say that they are completely black. In nature, such flowers do not exist. In this case, only the edges of each petal of a half-opened bud are black. The effect that the Black Prince possesses (this rose is really beautiful) is called velvet flicker. However, at high temperatures this is practically not visible, and the petals seem purely bright crimson. The number of petals is about 80, their shape is cupped.

Very often, representatives of this variety of roses are confused with a Prince similar to him. However, the latter endowed the flower with more power, which is combined with a lower bush, small buds, as well as a less pronounced aroma. However, foliage is more developed and pronounced.

Black Prince - a rose that has a strong aroma, is resistant to low temperatures and various diseases.

rose black prince description

Rules for planting a rose

Rosa Black Prince, the characteristic of which is indicated above, is a plant that loves light and warmth. That is why, before planting, you need to carefully select the suitable site, which will be completely protected from cold winds, and also be characterized by fertile soils. To improve the soil, it is better to enrich it with compost, humus, sand, ash and slaked lime (this mixture can be brought directly into the pit for planting).

It is best to choose seedlings for your site that are no more than two years old, since at this age they can easily adapt to new conditions.

Black Prince Care Features

Like any other variety, Black Prince is a rose that requires constant attention, which consists in timely watering and top dressing.

rose black prince characteristic

This plant is characterized by a well-developed deep root system, which must be considered when watering. Too often, this is not worth it. Only when the topsoil is visually dry can the procedure be carried out. And try not to hook the leaves. After that, it is better to mulch, which will help to retain moisture in the soil for a longer period. You can use straw, compost or fallen leaves for this.

At the first sign of bud wilting, they must be removed.

The Black Prince is a rose that requires regular and obligatory top dressing, since it takes a lot of energy to form chic buds. Organic fertilizers must be applied for the winter, mineral fertilizers, on the contrary, in the spring. The second wave of dressing should be done only when the roses have bloomed, but no later than July. During this period, fertilizers are ideal, which in their composition have a large amount of potassium.

The Black Prince is a rose that requires regular and obligatory top dressing, since it takes a lot of energy to form chic buds. Organic fertilizers must be applied for the winter, mineral fertilizers, on the contrary, in the spring. The second wave of dressing should be done only when the roses have bloomed, but no later than July. During this period, fertilizers are ideal, which in their composition have a large amount of potassium, which will lead to an increase in plant resistance to freezing temperatures.

black prince rose

In winter, despite the ability of the Black Prince to endure frosts, it is better to cover the bushes. To do this, the plant bushes are first required to grow up to 20 cm, then fall asleep with a certain amount of dry foliage, cover with spruce branches and finally establish a frame covered with a film or roofing material.

In conclusion

If you properly approach the care of Black Prince roses, the bushes will delight you with chic buds for a long time. Do not skimp on attention, and the flowers will thank you.


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