Selection and installation of metal-plastic windows

Installation of metal-plastic windows is a matter requiring accuracy and experience. That is why it is better to trust specialists. Experienced installers will do their job quickly, efficiently, in compliance with installation technology and safety.

How is the installation of metal-plastic windows?

installation of plastic windows

First, the old frame is removed and the opening is cleared to install a new design. Upon receipt of a complete set, it is recommended to visually inspect the products for scratches, cracks and chips. The frame must be in a protective film, which is subsequently removed. Product fasteners are possible on anchors and plates. It all depends on the design of the window and the material of the wall in which the opening is located. Between the frame and the wall is blown foam for sealing and insulation.

The choice of plastic windows

Modern advertising and marketing put consumers in front of a huge selection of PVC products. To choose the windows that suit you in terms of quality and price, you need to know a few rules:

choice of plastic windows

  • choose a manufacturer of PVC products that has long been working in the market for the production of metal-plastic windows and has established itself well over the years of its existence. Beware of “one-day” firms, which are attractive with low prices and short production and installation times. Usually, such firms do not produce their products according to Gosstandart and in inappropriate conditions;
  • if your apartment is angular or your windows face a busy highway, then you need an increased level of sound and heat insulation. These conditions will be provided by a double-glazed window and a profile with the presence of 5, 6 or 7 cameras. A two-chamber double-glazed window does not freeze in the cold and keeps the room warm for a long time. A wide profile also affects sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • do not save on the quality of components. Choose high-quality fittings, because its operation will be frequent and long-term. Accessories must have a manufacturer logo. The window sash should easily open and close, as well as make a turn from the usual position to the top opening position (if it is specified in the contract);
  • installation of metal-plastic windows must be carried out at an outdoor temperature of at least 10 degrees;

quality plastic windows

  • The quality of metal-plastic windows largely depends on the technology of its production. Pay attention to the surface of the profile - it should be smooth, even and have a slightly milky hue. The double-glazed window should be absolutely tight and have tight-fitting sealing gum. If you look at the double-glazed window in section, then inside you will see planks filled with silica gel - a substance that can absorb moisture. The frame must be equipped with openings through which air is exchanged and the removal of excess condensate;

Installation of metal-plastic windows should be done by experienced professionals who have the appropriate skills and have all the necessary equipment. Do not forget about the warranty on products from the manufacturer.


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