What are blizzards? Their types and description

What are blizzards, we know firsthand. Probably, each of us had a snowstorm in the winter. But it’s one thing to feel a blizzard, and it’s quite another to possess a whole knowledge base devoted to this natural-weather phenomenon. So, what are blizzards in terms of the concepts of meteorology and the Russian language? Let's take a closer look at the intricacies of this beautiful, but at the same time dangerous natural phenomenon.

Blizzard. Definition

From a scientific point of view, a blizzard is the transfer of snow masses above the surface of the earth through a powerful and gusty wind. This is a natural phenomenon characteristic of the winter season. Distinguish snowdrifts, general and grassroots. They appear in completely different ways:

  • in the form of a light winter blowing snow,
  • in the form of blizzards,
  • in the form of snow drifts.

Consider all three types in more detail.

Blowing snow

What is a blizzard? This is the transfer of snow masses from the surface of the snow cover in layers not exceeding a height of 1-2 meters. Such a blizzard does not at all lead to a noticeable deterioration in visibility on the roads, unless, of course, there are other atmospheric phenomena (haze, snowfall), and its horizontal visibility at a height of 2 meters is from 10 kilometers onwards.

what is blizzards

Blowing snow can be observed not only during snowfall, but also in cloudy weather. This phenomenon usually occurs when dry and not sticky snow cover. A prerequisite is a wind speed of 5 to 6 meters per second and more powerful.

Common blizzard

What are general snowstorms, or common snowstorms? From the point of view of meteorology, such phenomena are accompanied by intense transport of snow through the wind in the so-called surface layer of the atmosphere. They are quite developed vertically, which causes significant difficulties in determining the state of the sky.

blizzard again

The fact is that the shape and number of clouds can not be determined during a general snowstorm, it is not possible to establish whether the snow falls from them. A general snowstorm can only carry snow, raised by the wind from the earth's surface, and can turn into the so-called zaviruha, scattering the vast masses of snow coming directly from the clouds.

Blowing snow

This type of snowstorm is characterized by the transfer of snow from the earth's snow surface in layers several meters high with a noticeable deterioration in visibility. Usually snow rises from the ground to a height of 2 meters. In this weather phenomenon, vertical visibility is usually quite good. The state of the sky can be adequately defined.

white blizzard

Like snow, a blowing snow can occur both in cloudy and clear weather, and in snowfalls. But if you compare it with a common blizzard, then a bottom blizzard only raises snow from the ground and never scatters the snow masses coming from the clouds. By the way, sometimes the people call it a white blizzard.

What is a horse blizzard?

Above, we examined the main three types of this weather phenomenon. But that is not all! Some meteorologists describe the concept of "blizzard" the transfer of snow falling from the clouds, but has not yet had time to touch the surface of the earth. This allows them to further highlight the so-called riding snowstorm.

In their opinion, it is characterized by snowfall during the wind, during which snowflakes fly along with passing or oncoming air flows until the moment they touch the snow cover. As soon as they touch it, they will remain motionless. However, many weather stations (including the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia) do not recognize a snowstorm as an independent species.

What else do we need to know about snowstorms?

Probably, we all remember a wonderful song, first performed by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, entitled "Again a Blizzard ...". Ah, if this weather phenomenon were as metaphorical and romantic as it was sung in this song ... But, unfortunately, in most cases, snowstorms that occur in some regions of our country (for example, in Siberia) cause real problems for residents.

snow blizzard

Sometimes they can manifest themselves in the most diverse and even sophisticated forms: it can be snowstorms, snow drifts, blizzards, snowstorms, etc. For a person, snow masses moving in the horizontal direction are considered to be the most dangerous: they make breathing difficult, move and noticeably worsen visibility.

Is a blizzard and a blizzard the same thing?

Not really. Let's repeat again: a blizzard is the transfer of snow above the ground through a powerful and gusty wind. In this case, the snow usually moves in one direction. Blizzard is somewhat different from a blizzard. A blizzard is a blizzard accompanied by a powerful wind blowing snow masses through the air in different directions.

If you rely on many dictionaries of the Russian language, then both of these concepts are synonyms. But this is only in terms of definition. In fact, both of these natural phenomena have nothing in common with each other. Blizzard can not even be called a kind of snowstorm, since this is a completely independent phenomenon. It is worth noting that the term "blizzard" is officially used for both cases. β€œBlizzard” is, rather, the popular name of this phenomenon, sung in prose and poetry, rather than meteorological.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E942/

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