The building is ... Residential buildings. Administrative buildings. Building

A building is a ground structure that has internal space. Such an object is intended for living or working, as well as for meeting certain needs of society.


The very word "building", most likely, came from the old Russian verb "building". In the old days, it meant "build." The verb “bee” used in ancient speech, in turn, appeared from the noun “bee”. In those days, this word meant “clay” (it served as the main building material). From the same verb, it is believed that such words as “create” and “architect” also arose.

What does not apply to buildings?

This term does not apply to those onshore facilities that do not have an internal space. This, for example, transport overpasses and bridges, cooling towers, etc. Many underwater and underground structures are not classified as buildings. Their list includes dams, tunnels, etc. All these buildings are called engineering structures or simply structures. Such objects include those that are formally similar to a building. This is, for example, a water tower. This may also be the technical building of an industrial enterprise intended for equipment maintenance, etc.

Technological elements

The building is the result of construction work. It is a three-dimensional structure with aboveground and underground parts. In addition, any building has internal premises, networks and engineering systems. Construction objects are intended for the implementation of a particular activity of people. If they are used as dwellings, then these are residential buildings. Buildings can be intended for storage of products and for the location of production, as well as for keeping animals in them. Any of these objects is classified as non-residential building.

building it
The elements of the space-planning solution of any building are the following:

1. The premises. They divide the entire internal space of a particular object. A certain part of the volume of the construction object is the premises. The building, as a rule, is divided into spaces (rooms, corridors, etc.) that have fences on all sides. The set of such premises, the floors of which are located on the same level, is called the floor.

residential buildings

2. Basement. This is the floor of the building, which is below the ground level.
3. Basement (semi-basement). It includes rooms located below the blind area (but not more than half its height).
4. Above ground floors. This is a collection of rooms located above the ground.
5. The attic. It is a room located above the ceiling above the last floor of the building and below the roof.
6. The attic. This is the name of the room, which turned out as a result of the allocation of parts inside the attic space. The attic has a pitched roof and is intended for housing or utility rooms.
7. Technical floor. This space is intended for the placement of engineering equipment, as well as for laying the necessary communications for the functioning of the house. Such a floor can be located both in the lower part of the building (technical underground) and in the upper (technical floor). Sometimes it is arranged directly above the driveways. It can also be placed above the first floor of a residential building, which has a public purpose.

Structural elements

A building is a building that has a material shell, the role of which is played by various independent parts - the foundation, walls, roof, etc. These are the structural elements. They, in turn, consist of prefabricated smaller parts - steps and roofing products, prefabricated plates, etc.


All structural elements of the building are divided into enclosing and bearing. The assignment to a particular type is determined by the purpose and working conditions of these parts in the general structure of the building.

Classification of structural elements as load-bearing is possible only when they accept all types of power loads that arise during the operation of the building. In contrast, enclosing structures are designed to isolate the building’s internal space from the external environment and to delimit the building into separate rooms.

The main load-bearing elements of construction projects are as follows: foundation, columns, beams and the like. Enclosing details - doors and windows, roofing and partitions. There are also elements in the building that combine the functions of load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures (for example, internal walls).

Classification of buildings by purpose

The following division of construction objects, which are ground buildings with internal volume, is accepted:

1. Residential buildings. These are the objects that are intended for use as dwellings. These include hostels and hotels. This list includes residential buildings and buildings with rooms for holiday homes, boarding houses, etc.
2. Public buildings. These include museums and theaters, train stations, shopping centers, libraries, galleries, etc.
3. Industrial buildings. These are power plants, factories, factories.
4. Agricultural buildings. These include warehouses, livestock farms, etc.
5. Administrative buildings. These are buildings designed to accommodate offices.

administrative buildings

The construction of buildings is carried out on the basis of their capital level, which in SNiP P-A.3-61 is divided into four classes. For example, cultural and historical monuments (palaces and theaters, metro stations, etc.) should be preserved for centuries. Moreover, the construction of buildings of this class is carried out with strict observance of certain requirements for architecture, fire resistance, etc. When erecting objects, it is necessary to adhere to the SNiP "Buildings and Structures". This document is an instruction developed to protect the rights and interests of consumers in the construction industry.

Residential buildings

Such buildings can be of various types. In particular, they are non-commercial (hotels at educational institutions or factories, hostels, military barracks and, of course, residential buildings), as well as commercial (apartment buildings, commercial hotels and hostels).

Residential buildings are also classified by number of storeys. They are as follows:
- low-rise (one to two floors);
- average number of storeys (in 3-5 floors);
- multi-storey (over 6 floors);
- with increased number of storeys (from 11 to 16 floors);
- high-rise (over 16 floors).

Classify buildings intended for living people, and the number of apartments in them. Such buildings can be:

- single-family (individual);
- semi-detached (paired);
- multi-unit.

In order to solve social problems and ensure favorable living conditions for the population, it is necessary to make the right choice of residential buildings by number of storeys and by their space-planning structure.

In large settlements, the most common construction of multi-storey buildings. This is a rational solution if you want to design a residential building. SNiP provides certain requirements for structural elements, as well as the functionality and decoration of houses. According to this building instruction, multi-storey buildings should be built from durable structures. In addition, SNiP puts forward the requirement to ensure the fire resistance of such objects. That is why in residential buildings with a height of more than five floors, the supporting skeleton should be made exclusively of reinforced concrete, concrete and stone materials.

The design of multi-storey buildings has its own characteristics. The supporting skeleton of such buildings is usually wall.

Administrative buildings

These are buildings with a common architectural task - to create an environment for the normal operation of offices. This may also include premises where the administrative apparatus of public and state institutions and organizations is located.

snip buildings and structures
Office buildings, as a rule, have a cellular layout. Workrooms are located on both or on the same side of the corridor. The first floor is for the wardrobe and lobby. The necessary facilities in the administrative buildings are meeting rooms. They are located on the lower floors, organizing a separate building volume. Meeting rooms can also be located on the upper floors of the main building.

During the development of settlements, administrative buildings are given great figurative and architectural and artistic significance. As a rule, they are located on the main streets and squares. Many of these buildings serve as the center of a particular architectural composition.

Office Building Requirements

The construction of administrative buildings has a number of features. First of all, in these houses a large number of door and window openings, as well as intermediate spans, should be provided. In addition, administrative buildings are structures with a complex frame structure. Their interior space is designed mobile and spacious. When building offices, an important role is given to the appearance of the object. Preferred is solid mirror glazing, brick finish, as well as combined options and techniques in the design of a variety of materials.

SNiP puts forward its requirements for the construction of administrative facilities. These include the following:

- the use of structures that comply with GOST standards;
- compliance with all safety regulations;
- environmental friendliness of the materials used;
- ergonomics;
- fire safety;
- moisture, noise and heat insulation;
- Installation of a powerful ventilation system;
- resistance to heavy rainfall and temperature extremes;
- presentability;
- seismic stability.

During the construction of office buildings, additional requirements must be met. Their list includes the following:

- originality of the layout;
- parking in the basement of the building;
- An extensive network of wiring, making it possible to connect a large number of office equipment.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the construction of administrative facilities should be carried out only by a reliable contractor.

Industrial Building Classification

At the stage of design, planning and financing of construction, the determination of the purpose of the structure is of great importance. The class of its capitalism is also important.

premise building
Industrial buildings according to their purpose are divided into the following:

- constructions intended for the main production;
- auxiliary, warehouse and utility buildings, which are objects of a service purpose (health centers, repair shops, warehouses, laboratories, etc.);
- constructions and buildings of the energy sector (boiler houses, gas generating, compressor, etc.);
- communications and transport facilities (garages, communication centers, process control stations, etc.);
- sanitary facilities (sewage and water supply facilities, gasification and heating, etc.).

Industrial Building Requirements

Building norms and rules put forward the basic requirements that must be taken into account at the stage of design and construction of industrial facilities.

First of all, technological conditions must be met. They imply the rational organization of the production scheme in the building under construction, taking into account all stages of the production process from the transportation of materials to the manufacture of goods. To fulfill this requirement, it is necessary to develop such a size and shape of the building that the strength of its structures and the grid of columns would not impede the free location and movement of technological equipment. This factor is important, as it contributes to the development of production, as well as increasing its maneuverability.

technical building
At the design and construction stage of industrial buildings, sanitary and hygienic requirements must be taken into account. They come down to creating such working conditions that would satisfy the household and hygiene needs of staff. To comply with such requirements, all conditions, such as temperature, humidity, air movement and its cleanliness, must be maintained at the required level in the production area of ​​the building. In accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards, there must be a level of vibration, radiation and noise.

At the stage of design and selection of building materials, fire safety requirements must be taken into account. They are reduced to the degree of fire resistance of the structure, as well as to its architectural and planning decision, which should limit the number of storeys, provide for fire barriers, determine the number and size of evacuation exits and passages, exits and driveways. The building must be installed fire water supply.

Production buildings are designed taking into account economic requirements, which are reduced to the cost of not only the construction, but also the operation of the facility. For this, technical and economic indicators are used.

The amount of initial costs can be reduced if you use unified structures and parts of local manufacture, cheaper building materials, and also use rational architectural and planning solutions when erecting the building.


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