The wise fables of Izmailov: a list

When you read the fables of A. E. Izmailov, it seems that you are communicating with a contemporary - the details of his narrative are so precise and piercing. By themselves, his texts are instructive, pleasant to hear, easy to read and remember. The list of fables by A.E. Izmailov is quite extensive.

Izmailov's fables list

These texts are included in the compulsory minimum of the school curriculum. This means that every student at a certain age should get acquainted with this wonderful author. The meaning of his short instructive stories is easy to understand. You only need to be able to listen, read between the lines and set up the individual work of thought in the right way.

Fables of Izmailov. List

Grade 4 is, in many ways, a special age. At this time, children learn to reflect, make up their own opinions about the subject. It was at this moment that they were invited to study Izmailov's fables. The list of different teachers may vary.

What fables do you learn at school? These are the following entertaining texts: “The Wolf and the Crane”, “Two Donkeys”, “Correction”, “Kashchei and the Healer”, “Merchant Bruchanov”, “Liar”, “Deceptive Appearance”, “Bestial Justice”, “Handmaid”, “ Dying Dog ”,“ Eagle Owl and Siskin ”,“ Black Cat ”,“ Golden String ”,“ Staircase ”,“ Lantern ”,“ Oyster and Two Passers-by ”. Consider the meaning of the four most popular stories.

The Golden String

In the fable, we are talking about how a string broke on a musical instrument, and it was replaced with a gold analog. Immediately changed the attitude towards music, it turned out a completely different game. But people did not notice this, because gold blinded them.

Some people, among other things, begin to experience a false sense of pride. And only hard work in achieving the desired helps not to be proud of significant achievements. Such are the fables of Izmailov. The list helps highlight the best texts.


The fable tells how much punishable human pride can be. For some reason we sometimes boast in front of society, consider ourselves better than others. The immediate environment (those who are nearby), as a rule, largely corresponds to our personal indicators and opportunities. This suggests that people with similar potential are attracted to one another.

list of fables

The text of the fable tells the story of the step of the ladder, which was proud that it was the top. But one fine day the stairs were simply turned upside down, and a bulging step was down.

This text also testifies to the transience of life, the fact that everything can change at any time proves. As the ladder turns over, so the events in our lives change in one direction or another, thereby leading to positive or negative consequences for the person. No need to be a complacent pride, so as not to fall into an awkward and stupid situation once.


This fable rightly reveals human ignorance and the desire to hide their dark deeds. The lantern here appears by that very bright ray of light, which is aimed at bringing out all the bad qualities of character and corresponding intentions.

When a person lives only with the desire for enrichment, then he will inevitably destroy himself as a person. He already lacks the desire to help other people, do something good in life, work on himself, and improve himself.

The lantern here appears in a way that reveals real flaws in people.

Izmailov’s fables list 4 class

At least once in a lifetime, every person needs to read Izmailov's fables. The list can be made independently, in any order.

Oyster and Two Passers-by

This text of the great fabulist reveals greed in the human heart. It is this quality of character that obscures everything by itself, prevents mercy and kindness from manifesting itself. Just as two passersby could not share an oyster among themselves and raised a big debate about who would get it, so people sometimes do not want to hear each other, but strive to do everything for the benefit of themselves.

What could be more instructive and deeper than Izmailov’s fables? The list of these texts goes on and on. They are bright, original, substantial and philosophical.


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