How long does it take to file an application with the registry office: deadlines for drafting and filing, rules and regulations

Many young couples wonder how long it takes to file an application with the registry office for painting. Without this, it will not be possible to officially become a family. Almost everyone approaches the choice of the date of the celebration very carefully and responsibly - you need to buy a suit and dress, invite guests, order a photographer and a restaurant. All this takes time. And the more, the better. Therefore, many are trying to "sign up for a wedding" in advance. Can this be done? And how much before the expected date of painting will you have to apply to the authorized bodies with a statement of the established form? Answers to all these questions will help each newly made pair.

How long does it take to contact the registry office

Minimum term

How long does it take to file an application with the registry office? Unfortunately, giving an unambiguous answer to this kind of question will not work. And there are reasons for that.

The law only regulates the minimum time limit for submitting applications to the authorized bodies for further painting of the pair. It is 1 month, but in certain circumstances it can be significantly reduced.

But the maximum period remains ambiguous. Some registry offices offer pre-registration for filing applications in the future, while some simply allow the process long before the proposed painting. All the existing scenarios will be described below.

Renewal option

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the deadline for submitting applications for marriage to the registry office in Russia can not only be shortened, but also lengthened. True, the second situation is very rare.

In some cases, if there are good reasons, you can file a petition for painting with the authorized bodies within 60 days. Usually this situation takes place in large cities, where there are a lot of people who want to officially become a family.

Application deadline

When cut

As already mentioned, in certain life situations, you can sign in the registry office in the shortest possible time. But first you have to confirm the existence of appropriate grounds.

What is the deadline for submitting an application to the registry office in practice? 1-2 weeks or even a couple of days. This is possible if:

  • the bride is pregnant;
  • a joint child was born in the family;
  • there is a threat to life and health;
  • someone in a pair for a long time and seriously ill;
  • spouse sent on a long trip or for service.

Most often, among the grounds for quick painting, pregnancy occurs. True, as has already been noted, it will be necessary to confirm all of the above grounds with documents. Otherwise, you need to be patient and wait at least a month.

About booking

Interesting is the deadline for submitting applications to the registry office? Marriage has legal significance. It is he who allows spouses to protect themselves to one degree or another, linking man and woman with marital and family obligations. Therefore, only officially registered relations will be taken into account by the state.

It was previously noted that modern registry offices allow you to book a date for the celebration. This is a kind of preliminary record. It represents the usual application for painting, but long before the real celebration.

Filing an application through the State Services

On average, reservations can be made 1-6 months before the expected wedding date. This information is best clarified in a specific authorized body. Everywhere their own rules.

Unique opportunities for citizens

It's no secret that the so-called "wedding season" exists. This is the time when couples prefer to get married. Usually it falls on summer time. Booking the right date is extremely problematic. And at such moments, couples wonder how long it takes to file an application with the registry office.

As already mentioned, the authorized bodies of the Russian Federation today propose booking reservations in advance. It’s hard to believe, but recently the maximum period of β€œfixing” a wedding day has reached 1 year!

After booking

Suppose the couple decided to book a specific celebration date in advance. What's next?

According to the law, the deadline for submitting an application to the registry office for marriage registration is 1 month. Approximately 30 days before the expected celebration, the couple needs to confirm the reservation. How it's done?

It all depends on the particular registry office. Somewhere it is necessary to reappear to the authorized body and submit a new application, but somewhere it is enough to simply call and inform that the reservation remains valid. This moment is better to specify in the selected registry office. So it will be possible to avoid unnecessary problems and troubles.

Contact MFC to apply

Through the Internet

For some time now, electronic services are very popular in Russia. From now on, you can apply for marriage registration using the ESIA "State Services" website. The main thing is that the user has an account activated on the corresponding service.

Suppose this condition is met. The deadline for submitting an application to the registry office for marriage registration in this way is at least 30 days. The maximum bar today reaches only six months.

This means that it is often much more convenient to personally contact the authorized body than to conduct an operation via the Internet. This is especially true for those who want to book a beautiful wedding date (for example, 12.12.12) or sign in the summer.

Conditions for contacting

Marriage is not available to everyone. That is why, before asking how long it takes to file an application with the registry office, you first need to make sure that the couple can cope with the task.

How much does marriage registration cost?

You can register a marriage union:

  • persons over 18 years old (in exceptional cases - 16);
  • fully capable and adequate citizens;
  • made a voluntary decision on painting;
  • if the bride and groom both agree to the marriage;
  • provided that the future spouses do not have close consanguinity;
  • if the future husband and wife are heterosexual citizens.

Accordingly, incompetent as well as blood relatives cannot marry. These restrictions are enshrined in law. They do not provide for any exceptions.

Application Instructions

For how long to file an application with the registry office, found out. Now it’s worthwhile to figure out how to cope with the task. It is not so difficult as it seems initially. In any case, if you do not take into account the preparation of the celebration.

To apply for marriage, you must:

  1. Prepare a package of documents. We will familiarize ourselves with its components later.
  2. Fill out the application for registration of marriage in the established form.
  3. Submit a petition with documentation to the authorized body. For example, in the registry office at the registration of the future husband or spouse.
  4. Pay for marriage registration services.
  5. Confirm the reservation a month before the expected date of the celebration.

That's all. As a rule, after accepting the application for painting, citizens begin active preparation for the celebration.

If you change your mind

It also happens that a couple, not waiting for the wedding, breaks up. This is not the most common case, but no one is safe from it. What if the application for registration of marriage is filed?

Features of applying to the registry office

Some believe that now they will have to sign. Only this is not so. The entire period after submitting an application to the registry office, you can pick up the application of the established form from the authorized body without any consequences.

Documents for the operation

For how long they file an application with the registry office in Russia, they found out. And what documents are useful for the implementation of the task?

Typically, the list of relevant securities includes the following elements:

  • passports of the bride and groom;
  • joint application for painting;
  • duty receipt.

In some cases, it may come in handy:

  • pregnancy certificates;
  • extracts on sending to a business trip or to the service;
  • medical report on the presence of a particular serious illness.

This will be enough. If one of the couple has already married, you will have to prepare a divorce certificate.

Marriage Date

How much is

Painting in the registry office is not a free procedure. It is necessary to pay a fee for it.

By law, a couple pays just 350 rubles. If you deposit funds through the State Services, the applicant is entitled to a 30% discount on the transaction.

Additionally, registry offices charge money for the solemn painting. It is carried out at will. The cost of the registry office needs to be clarified on the spot.


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