Vitamin deficiency in dogs: signs, symptoms, treatment

Most people are well aware of the benefits of vitamins, both for the human body and for the animal. These organic substances can strengthen the immune system, which means they contribute to a stronger resistance of the body to various infections and a quick recovery. If the main vitamins are not enough, the functionality of many systems is reduced, and therefore the probability of getting sick is significantly increased.

Vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency in dogs is a disease in which the necessary vitamins are almost completely absent in the body. A simpler form of this pathology is called hypovitaminosis. It is characterized not by a complete lack of nutrients, but by their lack. This disease is more difficult to detect, because, unlike vitamin deficiency, it does not appear so pronounced.

dog apathy

Both diseases can reduce the activity of the animal. Moreover, pathology predisposes to the activation of various infections in the body. Vitamin deficiency is often observed in the spring. The likelihood of its manifestation is also high if the dog eats mainly canned or thermally processed foods. Below we present information about the causes, symptoms and treatment of vitamin deficiency in dogs.

Which animals are at risk

Veterinarians know many reasons why a dog has a lack of vitamins. These are physiological features, health and nutrition problems. But in some situations, pets are especially vulnerable to vitamin deficiency and other pathologies. The following categories of animals belong to the risk group:

  • elderly dogs;
  • Pets feeding or carrying puppies;
  • young individuals;
  • animals after illness or surgery;
  • street dogs.

Pets who receive an increased load or are preparing for exhibitions and competitions also need an additional source of useful substances.

Why arises

Pet owners need to know why there can be vitamin deficiency in dogs:

  • Infectious diseases. Vitamin deficiency can occur against the background of coronovirus or parvovirus infections, leptospirosis, plague, infection with mycoplasma, chlamydia and other dangerous diseases. When the body is struggling with the pathogen, the immune system spends a large number of useful trace elements, which requires replenishment, otherwise vitamin deficiency occurs.
sluggish condition in a dog
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They provoke a violation of the absorption of vitamins in the intestine, which leads to their poor absorption. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract often affect animals that are kept in the wrong conditions, as well as having malnutrition. To avoid such diseases, you should consult with a specialist about feeding and caring for your pet. In some situations, it is necessary to follow a special diet for the dog.
  • The use of drugs against infectious diseases. Almost always, special medicines are prescribed to combat pathogenic microorganisms. Most of them eliminate not only the causative agent of the disease, but also the beneficial microflora, which synthesizes vitamins in the body. For example, gram-negative microorganisms produce vitamins of group B and so on. To reduce the side effects of taking medication, you must follow the advice of a veterinarian.

What else contributes

The development of symptoms of vitamin deficiency in dogs is promoted not only by painful conditions, there are a number of physiological reasons:

  1. Growth period. In small breeds, it lasts a couple of months, in large animals - much longer. In any case, at this time they require special nutrition, which contains the necessary vitamins and minerals. Otherwise, the puppy will not fully develop, and any deviations from the norm can remain for life. If a pet eats industrial feeds, it is necessary to choose a menu designed specifically for puppies. When feeding natural food, you should buy additional complexes of vitamins.
    lack of vitamins in dogs
  2. Mating period. This is not an easy time for a dog. The animal is constantly in nervous excitement, and also shows great physical activity. The processes occurring during this period in the pet's body require an increased number of trace elements in order for all systems to function normally. During sexual hunting, it is important to give the dog high-quality nutrition, and, if necessary, additional supplements, especially if the animal is involved in breeding.
  3. Pregnancy and feeding puppies. At this time, the dog needs especially good care and nutrition. The menu should contain trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Almost all brands of quality feed produce feed for pregnant and lactating animals. For natural food, you can buy additional dietary supplements that will enrich the diet and improve lactation.

How to determine

Signs of vitamin deficiency in dogs are:

  • poor appetite;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • the animal is slowly growing;
  • skin and hair problems;
  • the dog is gaining weight poorly;
  • the pet cannot conceive offspring.
vet visit

If one or more symptoms appear, consult your veterinarian. It is worth noting that the symptoms can be different, and the treatment of vitamin deficiency in dogs is always the same - replenishment of the necessary trace element in the body.

The mild stage of the pathology, called hypovitaminosis, is fairly tolerated and well treatable. But this is only if the disease is noticed on time. If you do not detect malaise at the initial stage, then progression and transition to a more severe form is possible.

Below we will analyze in more detail how vitamin deficiency manifests itself in dogs with a lack of various vitamins.

Vitamin A

With its lack , the dog’s appetite disappears, and at the same time it can completely refuse food. As a result, the dog develops digestive problems. For growing animals, a deficiency of this substance can lead to poor growth, as well as dental diseases. The animal becomes lethargic and lethargic. The deficiency can be compensated by a proven method, giving the dog fish oil. In addition, vitamin A is found in egg yolks, beef liver and butter. The condition of the dog with vitamin deficiency in the photo below.

avitominosis in dogs

B vitamins

Substances of this group are needed for a good appearance of the dog. When there is a lack of them, the animal’s hair suffers first of all, it becomes lifeless, faded, begins to fall out and fall into worms. In addition, B vitamins are actively involved in metabolic processes and have a direct effect on the hemoglobin level. Deficiency of these organic substances can lead to diseases of the nervous system, the signs of which are:

  • exhaustion;
  • cramps
  • violation of movements.

Enrich the animal’s menu with these microelements by including offal (kidneys, liver, stomachs), buckwheat, milk and eggs in the diet.

Vitamin C

In a dog with a deficiency of this substance, the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract is impaired. Shortage is also manifested in the form of hyperemia of the oral cavity and swelling of the gums. If people can get vitamin from citrus, then for animals this is not an option. It is advisable to include lettuce, milk and raw carrots in the pet's diet. In addition, a small amount of ascorbic acid can be added to food.

Vitamin D

This substance can only be produced under the influence of UV rays. Therefore, after winter, its shortage occurs in almost everyone. For younger individuals, this is especially dangerous, since the vitamin affects the functioning and proper development of the musculoskeletal system. If a growing pet lacks this substance, then rickets and other painful bone conditions may develop. The first symptom of vitamin deficiency in a dog in this case will be a strange change in taste preferences - the pet begins to gnaw on chalk or the ground.

vitamin deficiency in dogs

With this disease, mandatory sunbathing or ultraviolet radiation is required. It is recommended to include phosphoric salts, crushed egg shells and meat and bone meal in the menu. Vitamin D is found in chicken eggs, milk and beef liver.

Vitamin E

This organic substance affects the functioning of the reproductive system and prolongs youth. Its deficiency can cause infertility. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in vegetable oil and sprouted wheat. If it is difficult to give the second product to the dog, then the oil can be added in small quantities every day to food.

Vitamin K

This trace element is responsible for the state of the blood. With its lack in the body, its poor coagulability develops. In this situation, there is a risk of suffering from large blood loss if even minor injuries occur. Vitamin K is found in fishmeal and herbs.


How to treat vitamin deficiency in dogs? In fact, the specificity of therapy is the same - to fill the deficiency of trace elements.

  • Vitamin A. For treatment, foods and supplements enriched with this substance are introduced into the diet.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency is treated by the introduction of subcutaneous injections of a special solution.
  • Vitamin C. Veterinarians advise introducing cabbage and special vitamin complexes into the diet. It should be noted that heat treatment of food significantly reduces the content of this substance in it.
  • Vitamin D. An oily solution containing this trace element is prescribed for treatment.
  • You can increase the amount of vitamin E by introducing various types of cereals into the diet, including oat and buckwheat.
treatment of vitamin deficiency in dogs
  • IN 2. If after entering fish and meat products, as well as eggs into the diet, the animal’s condition does not improve, vitamin B2 in its pure form is prescribed.
  • B6 is contained in high-quality feed, additionally used drugs, which include pyridoxine.

In any case, if there are signs of vitamin deficiency in dogs on the skin, coat, etc. contact your veterinarian.


In order to avoid diseases associated with a deficiency of vitamins, and not to observe how vitamin deficiency develops in dogs, it is necessary to take care in advance of a balanced and complete diet of the pet. If the animal eats industrial feeds, you should choose only a quality product that matches the characteristics of the breed and age.

When feeding natural food, the dog should buy vitamin supplements and complexes and make the menu only from healthy foods.

As in the case with other pathologies, vitamin deficiency is easier to prevent than then to correct the harm done to the body of the pet.


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