Why reinforce the film

Reinforced polyethylene film is a cloth consisting of three layers. The upper layers consist of a light stabilized strong film. And between them is a reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass.

reinforce the film

Reinforcing the film is necessary to give it additional strength so that it can withstand such weather conditions as rain, hail, gusty wind, a barrage or blizzard. Reinforced film is able to withstand temperatures from ninety degrees above zero to forty degrees below zero Celsius. The reinforcement process makes it resistant to stretching. If such a film is damaged in one place, it does not tear further along the canvas, since the mesh restrains the gap, which is easy to repair.

Reinforced film has a lot of positive properties:

reinforced film

1. It has excellent vapor and waterproofing.

2. Easy to operate: tightly wound on spools, easily spreads evenly.

3. Allows you to carry out finishing and other types of work in the cold season, because using reinforced film as a covering material, you can create a special microclimate.

4. It maintains its integrity for a long time and does not collapse with a sharp change in temperature. Such strength is provided by layers of high pressure polyethylene.

5. The film has microscopic holes along its entire length β€” microperforation, which allows it to β€œbreathe” and pass a sufficiently large amount of air.

6. In many ways, the life of the film is increased by the presence of two layers, and even the crack formed on the upper layer will not spread further, because it will be held back by the inner layer and ensure the integrity of the coating on the lower, undamaged layer.

The need to reinforce the film is quite obvious. Having received a strong inner layer, it becomes a universal material, the application methods of which are many. In agriculture, the film is used to shelter greenhouses and greenhouses, with its help it is possible to save hay and harvested crops from rotting and damage, create a temporary canopy for storing silage. It is very resistant to adverse weather conditions and pests.

pool film

The film is also used as a shelter for building materials and materials for long-term storage, as a waterproofing material for walls, floors and roofs during the construction of houses.

If you reinforce the film and cover it with winter decoration of the courtyard and outdoor furniture, they will perfectly β€œwinter” and remain until the next season.

Reinforced film for the pool is used quite often: it is used for compaction and additional waterproofing, and it also covers the bottom of an artificial pond or tank with water.

To obtain high-quality, strong and durable material, it is necessary to reinforce the film. The spent efforts will be justified by a long period of operation and will even save money. As a result, you will receive a high-quality product that will meet the highest requirements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9437/

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