How to cure pediculosis in a child?

Unfortunately, pediculosis in a child is a fairly common disease. It does not cause dishonesty, as many of us are inclined to believe. Today, getting rid of this unpleasant disease is not difficult at all. In pharmacies, there are a lot of various means and drugs to combat the causative agents of the disease.

pediculosis in a child
What is pediculosis?

This disease is associated with parasitization of lice on the hair and scalp of a person. Most often, pediculosis is found in a child in a children's team (kindergarten, camp, sanatorium). It is possible to detect the disease only after seven days from the moment of infection. As a rule, the parasite lives on human skin for 1 to 3 months. On the 16th day of her life, a female louse can lay about 10 eggs per day, so the number of parasites only increases every day. Lice feed on human blood, causing scalp irritation and itching. In addition, an infection can penetrate into combed wounds, provoking the appearance of dermatitis.

Infection pathways

Pediculosis in a child occurs as a result of using personal belongings and headgear of another child, as well as during normal contact. You can catch lice by swimming in bodies of water with stagnant water, small rivers or ponds. When using the shared bathroom and personal hygiene products, as well as when visiting the pool, the likelihood of a disease is also high.

pediculosis prevention in children

Pediculosis in a child causes a number of characteristic symptoms. As a rule, the baby is worried about itching. A red rash appears at the site of the bites. In the hair during examination, you will notice a large number of nits. Most often, parasites are localized behind the ears and on the back of the head. Secondary symptoms include loss of appetite, insomnia, irritability. To detect lice, when combing the baby's hair, you should pay attention to the color of the scalp. Gray small spots, bleeding combs, nits on the hair - all this indicates a progressive disease.

pediculosis shampoo for children


Today in pharmacies you can buy a huge number of various products: pediculosis shampoo for children, cream, lotion. However, when buying drugs, you should pay attention to the age limit. Some drugs, due to their toxicity, are unacceptable for young children. Head treatment should be carried out twice with an interval of 7 days. At the same time, cutting or shaving hair is optional. A sick child must be isolated from children, and a dense scarf or hat should be put on the head, which must then be boiled. When the treatment is completed, the nits adhering to the hair need to be combed out with a special comb, and the head should be treated with a solution (5%) of vinegar diluted with water. Underwear and bedding of the baby should also be boiled. All family members also need to undergo an inspection to detect lice.

Pediculosis Prevention in Children

The baby's clothes must be changed and washed daily. He himself should also be bathed once a day. Girls' hair should always be neatly braided, and in boys, should be cut short. The child is strictly forbidden to use other people's hats, hairpins, combs, etc.


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