Lupins - planting and caring for simple but beautiful flowers

For some reason, lupins (planting and care are described below) are associated only with weeds. But decorative lupine looks very impressive, so it can be successfully used for summer cottages. The color scheme of these flowers is incredibly diverse - from white to purple-violet. Combined bicolor inflorescences are also found.

lupins landing and care

The vertical brush in which the flowers are collected reaches up to 50cm in height. The total height of the whole plant is often 1.5 m. Fruits are beans. It can grow in one place for 5-8 years, after which it loses its decorative effect. This is a herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family. There are about 200 species. Narrow-leafed lupine is most popular in our area. It is unpretentious and frost-resistant. This species is known for its nutritional and decorative properties. The plant has on the roots of the colony some nodule bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the air. Among such siderates (plants improving the soil, fertilizers), lupine siderat is in the first place. Such a "green fertilizer."

Lupins, planting and caring for which begin (as with other plants) with the choice of planting site, they love any cultivated areas. Clay and peat wet soils will be undesirable for them. Develop well in sunlit glades. In the shade they stretch out and look ugly.

narrow lupine

Lupins propagate (planting and care are not difficult) by cuttings and seeds. When crossed, the plant produces splitting or a variety of forms. Young lupins grown from seeds differ in the form of inflorescences and colors from their parental forms. And to preserve the desired characteristics, it is necessary with a sharp knife after flowering to separate part of the basal rosette with roots and transplant into sandy soil. After about a month, new roots will appear, and then the plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Most often, lupins are sown with seeds. They remain viable for 4-5 years. Plants are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm in open ground in the winter or in April. Some specimens bloom in the first year, but mostly flowers appear in the next season.

Lupine care is not difficult and uncomplicated. In the spring, weeds must be removed, as they inhibit the growth of young plants. It is advisable to cut off faded inflorescences so that they do not negatively affect the decorative appearance, and the spill-out seeds make the plantings dense. If, after flowering, completely cut off the leaves to the base, then at the end of summer you can again see a carpet of bright lupine inflorescences. The ground part of the plant grows and exposes at the same time from the ground, therefore, periodically it is necessary to sprinkle the ground, preferably nutritious.

lupine siderat

Of the diseases, lupine can be affected by rust, powdery mildew, brown spotting of leaves and fruits, white rot of the basal part. In such cases, the affected parts of the plant are removed. Usually growing shoots are healthy. Digging and liming is also recommended.

Decorative lupins look very nice. Planting and caring for them are very simple, they are accessible and understandable even to beginner gardeners. So do not be afraid to take up their cultivation.


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