Tuezok is what? How to make tueses do it yourself?

Tuezok is a container for storing solid and liquid products, created from birch bark or birch bark. Such a household item was previously widely distributed among the villagers. Nowadays, specialists in folk crafts are engaged in its manufacture.

Birch bark is appreciated for its special properties: water resistance, ductility and attractive appearance. But this material requires special attention, skills and basic rules for working with it.

The base of the tuyeska is the cleaver, that is, the bark of a cylindrical shape, without cuts, taken from the tree as a whole. Qualitative material for the base and other elements of household utensils must be able to properly prepare.

tuesk this

Harvesting birch bark

To make a birch bark, a craftsman first looks for a good young birch. The best time for harvesting is June, when the bark is well away from the tree. Harvest bark where young trees grow, still not very large. Masters of birch bark processing always try not to harm nature, therefore, for the procurement of material, they choose places where there are cuttings.

It is not easy to collect bark from a young tree, as it is very thin. To remove it with a knot or a “stocking”, you need to cut a birch and divide it into chumps. To separate the top layer from the tree trunk, the craftsmen use a special tool resembling an awl, and then the base is knocked out. The clew is used to create containers in which the liquid will be stored.

Birch bark storage

Before you make tuesk, you need to prepare a sheet of birch bark or "leaf". After separation from the trunk, it is important to immediately correctly fold the bark sheets, otherwise they will immediately twist and become unusable. They are stacked on top of each other, with the front side on the wrong side. The white, outer part of the cortex is considered the wrong side. On top of the material you need to place a pre-prepared straight board and oppression.

In this condition, the leaflet should be stored until needed to create the product. If it was not possible to collect the knuckle, a sheet of birch can be used to make a tueska. But such dishes can only be used to store dry products or for decorative purposes.

birch bark

DIY birch bark loaf

Before starting work, the white part of the cortex must be separated. It peels off easily. To make a blank for tuezka, first we take a ruler, pencil and scissors. Having drawn an even edge, we cut off the excess bark.

The base is made of two layers of birch bark. When using leaflets, they are seasoned and fixed with clothespins on both sides, and the junction is stitched with a birchbark strip 5-7 mm wide.

Need to prepare tools for the job:

  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • scalpel;
  • awl.

The upper part and the lower part of the tuez are braided with birch bark tape. To do this, using an awl or a thin scalpel, small incisions are made through which a thin strip of bark is stretched. You can use contrasting shades of birch bark to make the product look more decorative. Tuezok is an open space for the master’s imagination.

birch bark

How to make a bottom and cover for tuezka?

Having made the required number of blanks for the base, we proceed to the manufacture of the bottom and cover. They are made of a 1.5 cm thick pine plank. To work, you will need a ruler, pair of compasses, a pencil, and an electric jigsaw. First you need to measure the diameter of the bottom, and then draw two circles on a wooden blank and cut them out. The rough edge of the workpiece can be cut with a sharp knife and then sanded.

tuesk how to do

To insert the bottom, shove it in and place it horizontally. Then lower the wooden circle. It will be held by braiding on the bottom of the tuez.

The lid is cut a little smaller in diameter than the bottom. If the cut goes to the bottom along the outer line of the circle, then for the lid - along the inside. Then the edges of the resulting circle need to be cut with a knife diagonally, removing a few millimeters of wood so that the lid easily goes inside the product. The surface is carefully sanded. Then, a hole under the handle is drilled in the center of the circle. The handle itself is cut from a cylindrical workpiece and adjusted to the size of the hole. It is not necessary to varnish the product.

Tuezok is a container made of completely natural materials. It can be decorated with embroidery and embossment on birch bark. Very rarely birch bark is painted with paints. Optionally, the surface can be greased with sunflower oil to give shine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9457/

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