Society and Culture

Culture is a complex system with many levels of development. On the one hand, we see that these are values ​​accumulated by people, on the other - human activity, which is based on the experience of generations. Thus, it becomes obvious that society and culture are inextricably linked, because one concept is impossible without the presence of another.

In modern society, the concept of culture has several interpretations:

  1. Achievements of mankind in various spheres of life.
  2. The way to organize social relations.
  3. The degree of personality development and its introduction to discoveries in various fields of knowledge.

The fact is that there is such a thing as a spiritual culture of society, which exists in parallel with the material. It is characterized as a set of achievements that exist in the collective and individual consciousness of people. It is realized through such forms as myth, religion, art, philosophy and science. Note that spiritual culture cannot exist in isolation, because we can find its signs in all spheres of a person’s life.

The fact is that society and culture are two plans for considering human life. When we determine the types of connection between these two concepts, we simultaneously answer a few more questions. So, firstly, what underlies the way of human activity? The answer is: a certain image of society, which is formed historically under the influence of many factors. As for the second question, its essence is this: where and to what extent is culture manifested? Here we see many of its branches and types: economic, organizational, legal, religious, moral, and many others.

We note that the culture and spiritual life of society are closely intertwined, because a person interprets his creative principle in different ways, and its realization is possible only through the use of existing cultural forms. The fact is that each of them has a specific system, semantic and symbolic, in which the structure of human existence is expressed in a certain way.

When it comes to a social subject, we are talking about its common potential, which was accumulated as a result of a long period of life and development. Any culture has its own specific characteristics that distinguish it from all others.

Society and culture are two dynamic systems, the development of which is due to world events and regular changes in society. So, by society we mean the creation of a model of the unity of people, as well as the use of certain methods for this. This is a literal plan for the existence of subjects. Culture is a spiritual plan based on how they interact and what they obey, based on the experience of previous generations.

If we consider it in various areas of human life, we need to talk about its individual plans and types. So, first of all, it is worth analyzing its moral form, which developed after the myth had passed away and a person had to learn to control himself and act consciously, and not unconsciously, because his actions were programmed from above.

The moral side is a set of rules in which the strength of a person is combined, the development of his abilities and the acquisition of certain opportunities. Morality has two levels: the lowest (the person is guided by the observance of the rules by imitation and copying the behavior of others), the middle (the implementation of moral principles, confirmed by public opinion) and the highest (level of self-control, in which all actions are evaluated from the point of view of conscience).

Society and culture have long been intertwined into a single system, so now we need to study these two concepts together.


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