Albino ferrets: description, especially keeping at home, nutrition

Many hundreds of years ago, man domesticated ferrets. Now these small-sized predators have been started as pets. Moreover, such pets are no less popular than, for example, cats or dogs. Quite interesting and unusual animals are albino ferrets.

In our article we will talk about this species, describe it. Useful information about its contents will also be provided. By the way, even the Leonardo Da Vinci himself captured the ferret-furo in his painting β€œA Lady with an Ermine”.

Description of appearance

albino ferrets

The white ferret is physically similar to representatives of the black forest species. Note that the first albino forest ferrets were the founders of the domestic species. Such an animal has a long and flexible body. Thanks to which he can climb holes in natural conditions. On average, the body length is 35 cm. Ferrets can reach as much as 3 kg by weight.

The white ferret possesses all the same physical data as its counterparts with a dark coloration. It is just as fast and maneuverable, can jump high and instantly respond to a possible danger. The albino ferret has a snow-white coat. A similar shade of the cover is explained by the absence of melanin in the animal's body. This element is precisely responsible for the color of the eyes and the "fur coat" of the animal.

Note that white ferret cubs with light fur are born. From the second week, their coloring may darken a little, get some kind of shade. The recessive phenomenon is the absence of melanin in the body of the animal. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that black cub can also be born in albino ferrets.

Life span

ferret albino

And how many albino ferrets live? On average, it is 6–7 years. But sometimes there are times when they live up to 10. Although these animals also have centenarians who have lived for more than 10 years. In this matter, much depends on the conditions of detention and nutrition.

Ferret character and behavior

The ancestors of domestic ferrets were forest predators, this leaves an imprint on their character. But all these animals usually get along well with people, while home ferrets are not at all suitable for keeping in natural conditions.

To make it clear what kind of an interesting animal it is, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main features of its character. These include:

ferret keeping in an apartment
  1. Love for attention. Similar behavior can be observed in dogs. Ferrets need attention. If you do not show it, then the animal may get bored or begin to skoda. Ferrets need to communicate and play.
  2. Curiosity. Due to their physique, the animals get to all places where they only want. Therefore, watch them so that they do not clog anywhere and cause mess.
  3. Activity. Such ferrets like active games with humans and with their brethren. However, you need to be careful with them, sometimes, when you get excited, the animal may begin to show its hunting instincts. As a result, it may scratch or bite the owner. Then you need to put the animal in a cage for a while.
how many albino ferrets live

Ferret conditions

Now let's talk about keeping a ferret at home. A pet can be kept in a cage, or it can be free, like a cat. The albino ferret is easy to accustom to the tray. For sleep, it is worthwhile to build a small shelter, it is necessary to put some kind of litter in it or, if possible, hang a hammock.

Ferret cage. What should be in it?

If you decide to keep the animal in a cage, then remember that it must be multi-tiered and spacious. On the ground floor is to put a tray (preferably corner). It needs to be washed well, as ferrets are clean animals; they may not want to go to a dirty toilet. In the opposite corner is to put a bowl and a drinking bowl. On the second floor should be a house for sleeping or a hammock. You can install, if the cell area allows, climbing pipes. A similar design will remind the albino ferrets of their natural burrows.

It is very important to observe the sanitary standards of the animal. The cage should always be clean and away from drafts. Such animals are sensitive to pungent odors and loud noises. It is necessary to protect the pet from them. Also, do not place the cage with the animal in direct sunlight. Ferrets love shaded places.

Diet ferret. Product List

Ferrets are predators. Therefore, most of all in their diet should be just meat. In the wild, they eat rodents, birds. Sometimes so-called minced meat is prepared for domestic ferrets. Such food is more nutritious than just meat, but it is not the most useful.

ferret keeping at home

How to feed a ferret at home? A balanced diet includes:

  • veal;
  • turkey poultry;
  • Chicken
  • red fish;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • mice.

Such animals should not be given flour, fat, fried, sweet.

How to feed? Recommendations for beginners

In one go you should give one type of meat. Basically, dog and cat food is not allowed for ferrets. But there are some types of products that are suitable for these animals. When choosing feed, you should consult with experienced gorevodami.

Particular attention should be paid to minerals. It is necessary to observe the feeding regimen so that the digestive system of the animal works well. In the wild, ferrets are usually active at night. Therefore, in the morning they eat poorly. Their appetite wakes up closer to noon. It is advisable to feed the animal at the same time.

It is important to buy only quality products for the ferret. An animal bowl should be washed before each meal. It is worth giving ferrets filtered water, without bleach.

Ferret fur care. What do we have to do?

Albino ferrets have a very beautiful coat. She is the pride of the owners. It is very important to keep her in a tidy condition for life. Note that this is quite difficult to do. The white "fur coat" quickly gets dirty. Of course, ferrets of light colors should be washed more often than animals with dark colors. It is advisable to carry out the procedure once every three weeks using a special shampoo. As a rule, ferrets favor such procedures.

To make the coat shiny, it needs to be combed out with a special brush. More often this procedure should be carried out during molting. At the same time, the animal needs special vitamins for wool.

how to feed a ferret

Note that during the rutting season, males may appear yellow spots on the white coat. Since at such a time, sebaceous glands begin to work more actively with them. If your beast is not intended for breeding, then it must be neutered. So you will protect yourself and your pet from many problems.

Little conclusion

Now you know who albino ferrets are. We described their appearance and character. They also talked about the features of care. We hope that this article was useful to everyone who decided to get this cute and funny animal in the house, but still does not know how to handle it.


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