All methods of growing cucumbers in a barrel

Not everyone who practices the garden knows about growing cucumbers in a barrel. But thanks to this method, already in the early spring you can get small "greenery". Do not worry about cold ground or low air temperature, because the cultivation will take place directly in the barrel itself. This unique method was invented for a very long time and allows you to grow cucumbers in a barrel on the open ground, in the very early stages.

barrel cucumber cultivation

In fact, there are quite a few methods for planting cucumbers, they can be grown both in the ground and in the greenhouse. All methods are good and bear much fruit. But sowing cucumbers in a barrel, you can enjoy their taste in May. Since this method is considered the most popular, here we will consider all the features and possible problems. Also in the article will be presented photos on growing cucumbers in a barrel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you start, you should weigh all the pros and cons of this procedure:

  • One of the most important advantages is a big saving of space in the garden. Thanks to growing cucumbers in a barrel, you can get a big crop without using a lot of space. Many have such a problem as lack of space in the garden. So now this problem is completely resolved.
  • The second important advantage is the early fruits. Being in a barrel, the plant is not afraid of cold and frost. It is such a shelter like a barrel that allows not only to increase the fruiting time, but also to eliminate the need for a systematic transplant.
  • Attractive appearance is also considered a big plus. Such a bush can be placed near farm buildings or try to create some kind of hedge.
  • Harvesting fruits is much easier and more convenient. There is no longer any need to lean over and loosen the soil every time. Now cucumber care will be one of your favorite things to do in the garden.

Of the shortcomings, only constant watering can be noted. Cucumbers grown in a barrel consume much more water than those in the ground. But if you install barrels near the well or hold a hose, then you can forget about a small problem.

growing cucumbers in a barrel photo

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages and methods of growing cucumbers in a barrel, and even such a nuance as excessive watering will not become an obstacle to the development of this technique.

Prepare the container

Many summer residents have an old metal barrel, which is no longer needed. It can be used for growing cucumbers. In addition, there is no difference what kind of barrel material: metal, plastic or wooden. The most important thing is the volume of at least 200 liters. Also, the barrel should be without a bottom and have at least a dozen small holes for proper oxygen enrichment.

Barrel contents

varieties of cucumbers for growing in a barrel

The barrel should be filled with organic waste as early as possible, for example, in the fall. We will divide the contents into three parts:

  1. The first layer should make up a third of the entire barrel. To do this, you can use the branches of apple trees, grapes, plums or other fruit trees. Branches should be cut very finely and well compacted. Together with them, you can throw fallen leaves from trees or shrubs.
  2. The next layer consists of manure, weeds or other plant debris collected from the garden. Household waste is also suitable here: husks of onions, peeling potatoes, etc. These organic substances will provide the cucumbers with the necessary nutrient medium. If you need to speed up the process of over-aging, then you can use special preparations, such as Baikal EM.
  3. The final top layer will consist of fertile land. If earthworms appear in it, then this will be a big plus, since it is they that contribute to the rapid processing of waste into humus. In the process of decaying, the mixture embedded in the barrel should settle slightly, so it is worthwhile to prepare the container in advance. It is necessary to fill so that up to the top edge there are about 15 centimeters of free space.

As you can see, filling the barrel will not be difficult, and most importantly, it will require a minimum of financial costs.

Optimal place

It's time to talk about the correct location of the barrel. Since the cultivation of cucumbers will take place in cold weather, it is necessary to find a place where they will constantly be under warm sunlight. It is desirable that it is also calm. Most summer residents begin to grow cucumbers in a barrel at the end of April. In a day, or even two, it is necessary to moisten the earth with plenty of water. Then make small holes up to 4 centimeters and throw 3-6 seeds. For a two hundred liter barrel, these seeds will be enough.

cucumber cultivation in open field barrels

Proper care

The most important thing to consider is constant watering. Since water contains many nutrients, these plants are in great need of it. Watering is necessary only with warm water 3-4 times a week. To slightly reduce fumes, you can mulch with sawdust and grass.

There will be plenty of nutrients in the early stages of growing, but then you need to fertilize. As soon as the fruits appear, it is worth starting to feed with mineral fertilizers (phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen). One spoonful of nitrophoska is poured onto a bucket of water (10 l) and after about 10 days, the cucumbers need to be watered with organics.

Cucumber Garter

Over time, it will be necessary to install supports. For example, you can pull aluminum wire onto wooden or metal racks or install arcs around the entire perimeter of the container. Such supports will serve as additional shelter during night frosts. For confidence in the cold season, the barrel can be covered with a film.

The best varieties

cucumbers in barrels growing where to put the barrel

With the help of special varieties, you can get not only an earlier crop, but also as large as possible. Here are some recommended varieties of cucumbers for growing in a barrel: "Crispina", "Ajax", "Satin" and the like. Such plants can self-pollinate and form a larger crop. Some gardeners grow several varieties at once in a barrel. Thus, it is possible to extend fruiting and get an early harvest in large quantities.

Why the leaves turned yellow

Many, seeing yellow leaves on cucumbers, become discouraged and begin to fear for their harvest. There are several reasons why this can happen:

  • The most common is a lack of sunlight. If sun rays ceased to fall on cucumbers, then the leaves will begin to turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, you need to make sure every time that the barrel or other container is in the sun.
  • Leaves may turn yellow due to lack of nutrients. Most likely, watering began less frequently or the necessary fertilizers were not sprinkled. Do not treat this negligently, otherwise the whole crop may die.
Methods for growing cucumbers in a barrel

Cucumbers, like many other plants, possess not only their parasites, but also various diseases. To get rid of pests, you can use folk remedies or chemicals.

Few ovaries

Another important problem is the lack of ovaries. This phenomenon can be seen only on varietal vegetables. For example, hybrids themselves can be pollinated, so they have no such problem. The appearance of flowers without an ovary occurs due to poor-quality seeds, as well as due to increased nitrogen in fertile soil.

To solve this problem, you need to learn how to properly form a plant and purchase seeds only from trusted people. This problem may also occur due to weather conditions. For example, hot or cool weather is extremely unfavorable for the ovaries. At a very hot temperature, the leaves will begin to turn yellow rapidly and the whole crop may deteriorate. First of all, you need to hide the barrel in a cool place and increase watering. And if the wind is very cold, then you can cover the container with a warm film and move it to a calm place.


new ways of growing cucumbers in a barrel

In this article, we learned about growing cucumbers in a barrel, where to put it and how to properly care for the plant. We discussed various problems, advantages and disadvantages. Now, thanks to the knowledge gained, you can easily search for the necessary capacity and use new methods for growing cucumbers in a barrel.


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