How to apply for a newborn’s citizenship?

The appearance of a child in the family brings not only joy, but also a lot of trouble associated with the execution of relevant documents. You will need to register the baby in the registry office, register it in the living room. Citizenship is also required for the newborn to be established, but in this case there are some nuances that should be taken into account. Most ordinary people believe that in order to receive any state-standard document, it is necessary to collect a lot of certificates and stand long lines. However, the seal of citizenship is not so difficult.

Citizenship for a newborn

Fact of birth

Citizenship for a newborn is automatically granted if the baby was born after 2012. Moreover, both parents are also subjects of the Russian Federation and have a corresponding stamp about it. In this case, there is no need to receive additional certificates and other confirmations. To confirm, if necessary, the fact of citizenship, it is enough to present one of the following documents:

  • Birth certificate. Parents with Russian citizenship must be entered in it.
  • If mom or dad are citizens of the Russian Federation, then their passport will have a corresponding note.
  • Foreign passport, if such a document has already been issued.
Citizenship for a newborn - documents

As it was before?

Those children who were born before 2007 always received a special insert to the birth certificate confirming the fact of Russian affiliation. However, it was later canceled because availability became redundant. Also, the corresponding seal has always been placed on the back of the birth certificate.

Now putting such a stamp is not required for all children, but only for those newborns whose membership in a particular country is ambiguous. Therefore, parents should clearly understand when a baby acquires a similar status automatically, and in which cases it needs to be documented.

Special cases

Now citizenship is automatically assigned to a newborn if the family consists of Russians. But if this is far from the case, then there may be the following situations:

  • If mom and dad are citizens of the Russian Federation, but the baby was born on the territory of another state, he still acquires citizenship of Russia.
  • If only one of the parents is a Russian, then you can obtain citizenship for a newborn at the request of legal guardians. Moreover, the fact where the baby was born does not affect the positive decision.
  • It happens that parents are not citizens of the Russian Federation, but at the same time they live and work in Russia, then their child can get the right to citizenship, but under certain conditions. Typically, the stamp is affixed in the event of the refusal of the home state to register the baby. This situation is often applicable to refugees who have issued all the relevant documents.

In all cases, you must contact the FMS and provide:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • passports of parents;
  • marriage certificate (divorce, spouse's death);
  • refugee certificate;
  • application for citizenship to the child.
Documents for registration of citizenship for a newborn

The need for a special stamp

Children on the basis of only a birth certificate are considered citizens of the Russian Federation, if his parents are Russians. But there are cases when it is required to put the appropriate stamp in the FMS:

  • The child is a citizen of the Russian Federation, but at the same time he lives permanently or for a long time in the territory of another country. Such a situation is possible if the parents work in the embassy of another state. The recognition of citizenship only by affiliation of mom and dad is valid in Russia, but is not applicable in other countries. Abroad, a special confirmation of citizenship will be required, which is confirmed by the seal on the back of the birth certificate.
  • A similar seal is required when a child is planned to be transported to countries where a foreign passport is not needed (Abkhazia, Ukraine).
  • When changing citizenship. This happens when mom and dad were citizens of, for example, Belarus, and became Russians. Then the baby automatically becomes a subject of Russia, but confirmation is needed.

It is worth noting that the birth certificate remains the same and does not change. It just stamps.

Citizenship Stamp

When is citizenship necessary?

Citizenship must be issued to a newborn, even if parents do not plan to leave the country. Later, there will be cases when the fact of belonging to the country is checked specifically:

  • When traveling in the countries of the former USSR, where a passport is not needed.
  • Issuing a passport at age 14.
  • Getting maternal capital.

Usually a birth certificate is sufficient if both parents are Russians.

Registration of citizenship for a newborn

Where to get citizenship?

Registration of citizenship for a newborn occurs only in state bodies. Parents, depending on the situation, can choose one of two institutions:

  1. The FMS of Russia or, as it is called in colloquial terms, a passport office. If the baby is born domestically, it is necessary to contact the regional unit.
  2. If the child was born in another country, then you should contact the Russian Consulate.

The listed government bodies exercise their authority in this area, guided by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Obtaining citizenship for a newborn

Standard documentation

It is not at all difficult to obtain citizenship for a newborn. Documents that are required are not difficult and are available to almost everyone:

  • Passports of mom and dad. One legal representative of the child may come for registration, but at the same time he must have both passports.
  • Birth certificate of crumbs.

With some nuances, other papers may also be required, for example, a certificate of death of the spouse.

How to apply for citizenship for a newborn?

The procedure is quite simple and usually does not cause difficulties:

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to obtain a birth certificate in the registry office. Next, you need to go to the migration service institution - the FMS (passport office).
  • If your parents are abroad, you must contact the Russian Embassy. The seal is affixed on the same grounds as at home.
  • The specialist should transfer all the documents listed above and write a statement.
  • Typically, the waiting time is no more than 20 minutes. After that, an employee of a government agency returns the passports of parents with a note on children. The birth certificate, on the back, affixes a seal of citizenship.

A big plus for many is the fact that no service fee is charged. Therefore, there is no reason to pull with the stamping, if necessary.

Some nuances

Obtaining citizenship for a newborn is sometimes difficult. One of the parents may be missing, hiding. Also, if mom and dad are divorced or one of the parents refuses to come to a state institution, then it is necessary to write a statement about the impossibility to provide some documents. In this case, the status of belonging to the Russian Federation to a child will be issued in the presence of only one of the parents.

If the child does not have blood parents, but has legal guardians, then the whole design falls on their shoulders. Moreover, if they are citizens of Russia, then the whole procedure does not cause difficulties. You only need additional paper, indicating the current situation.

When mom and dad went missing and six months have passed, the baby automatically acquires citizenship.

Obtain citizenship for a newborn

Consequences of failure

Newborn citizenship does not need to be registered now, and the baby’s belonging to Russia is confirmed by the fact of his birth from his mother and father, who are Russians. But if people are going to go abroad, then it is better to formalize everything with documents. Difficulties may also arise when registering maternal capital if one of the parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the consequences of refusal do not lead to difficulties, because formalization of citizenship in most situations is not considered necessary. But if there is such a need, the whole procedure is quick and does not require a lot of information.


Children born on the territory of the Russian Federation from citizens of Russia or abroad, from mom and dad, citizens of our country, automatically acquire the same citizenship. In addition to the birth certificate and passports, which indicate the citizenship of the parents, nothing more is needed.

Difficulties arise when living in the territory of another country, in the absence of another parent, or when traveling abroad. In this case, it is recommended to put the appropriate stamp on the documents of the child. To do this, you must contact the government and provide a minimum of documents.


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