Bear and penguin. Why doesn't a polar bear eat penguins?

Why doesn't a polar bear eat penguins? It would seem like some kind of strange question, but I still want to get an answer to it, since a person is a very curious creature. Go to any passerby on the street and ask him such a task, everyone will immediately think: really, why is the polar bear not eating penguins? In order to understand such incomprehensible relationships between these two representatives of the animal world, you need to consider the lifestyle of both a white bear and a penguin in a black tailcoat.

Bear and penguin

The polar bear is considered especially large among its other relatives. The weight of males reaches one thousand kilograms, females are much smaller and weigh about 300 kg. These beautiful animals live among the ice, so nature made sure that their paws did not freeze and they did not ride on ice. On the soles, the hairline reliably protects the limbs from the cold and makes it possible to walk freely on slippery surfaces.

why polar bears do not eat penguins

The white bear’s menu consists of what's next to it. He enjoys eating a sea ​​hare, walrus or other inhabitant of the sea. Fish for a handsome white man is simply indispensable in the general diet. Watching a bear hunt is very interesting. First, he quietly guards the ice hole at the edge, as soon as potential prey appears on the surface, the bear stuns with a powerful paw or immediately kills the victim, since the strike is unusually powerful.

Penguins are flightless seabirds, they are excellent swimmers and divers. The largest among all species is the emperor penguin, its weight reaches 45 kg, and its height is a little more than a meter. Their body is streamlined, thanks to this they move nimbly in water, but on land with the speed of movement of these birds, they walk rather awkwardly. The muscles and bones are arranged in such a way that, being under water, penguins work with wings, like ship propellers. Not birds, but real submarines! They eat fish, this food is indispensable for them.

Why polar bears do not eat penguins: answer options

Penguins and northern bears hunt differently, although both love the fish the same way. A white predator on land can kill even a very large walrus, and in the water he would have no chance of defeating such a beast. A penguin, on the contrary, easily obtains a lot of food underwater. Having noticed a flock of fish, he flies at the very middle with a beak open, so the food itself falls into the throat of a bird.

why polar bears don't eat penguins answer

The gastronomic tastes of these two species of animals were sorted out, but the question remains open: why does the polar bear not eat penguins? Well, not because they both like to eat fish? A lot of options are offered, there are quite believable, but there are quite funny ones.

Some "experts" of the animal kingdom claim that the bear, having caught prey, eats only the skin and fat, the rest is already tasteless to him. The penguin has a bunch of feathers, what can I eat? According to another version, flightless birds stink very much, and the bear simply disdains such a dish. According to scientists, the meat of these funny creatures is toxic and unsuitable as food. It would be possible to list the options and guesses of different people further, but you still need to find the right answer to this question.

Why doesn't a polar bear eat penguins?

The question is actually very simple, you just need to carefully think about the essence of the problem, which even a student can do. Why don't polar bears eat penguins? The answer is obvious: animals live on different poles of the earth and meeting them in the wild is completely impossible. Unless a man puts his hand and decides to introduce a bear and a penguin closer, but in this case there is no guarantee that the predator will immediately attack the harmless and unfamiliar bird. Animals are wary of everything new and unusual.

why a polar bear does not eat penguins
In the meantime, the polar bear lives in the Arctic, at the North Pole, and the penguin - in Antarctica, at the South Pole, and they are not going to meet yet. We assume that they have concluded a peace agreement in absentia, signed by nature itself.


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