Museums (Veliky Novgorod): wooden architecture, the Kremlin and much more

In Russia, there are places with centuries of history, perfectly preserved architectural monuments, monasteries with ancient traditions, they are often called museum cities. Veliky Novgorod is one of such iconic places. The history of the city has more than 1150 years, today there are more than fifty architectural monuments dating back to the 9-17th centuries, and they are all part of modern life. Tours to Veliky Novgorod are popular among Russians and foreign guests.

museums Veliky Novgorod

Novgorod Kremlin

The city itself is located on the banks of the Volkhov River. Since 1044, the Novgorod Kremlin has been protecting the left bank of the river, its ancient name is Detinets. In Ancient Russia, Novgorod the Great was the center of an influential principality. The detinets performed defensive functions, and also served as a place where official meetings were held, government decisions were made and people gathered for the evening.

The Kremlin is the first place tourists come to who decide to visit museums in Veliky Novgorod. The territory of the complex is surrounded by thick walls built in the 15th century, until this time the walls were cut down from wood. Initially, nine towers were built around the entire perimeter of Detinets, but three of them were destroyed when it was not known exactly. In 1045, St. Sophia Cathedral was built on the territory of the defense complex , today it is one of the oldest surviving Orthodox churches in Russia.

The Kremlin underwent significant restructuring, expansion and strengthening during the reign of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich, in the early 12th century. Until the end of the century, several gate churches were rebuilt; by the 15th century, the fortifications were modernized according to new threats that arose in connection with the “fire battle”. In the year of the celebration of the millennium of Russia (1862), a full-scale restoration was carried out in the Novgorod Kremlin, and a memorial monument was erected for the great date.

Being within the Kremlin, it is worth visiting the Faceted Chamber, the Office Building, the Children's Museum Center, the Church of Andrei Stratilat, etc. Today, the ancient building hosts exhibitions, thematic events, and museums are located. Veliky Novgorod began with Detinets, and today the city is a large industrial, intellectual and historical center of Russia.

Museums in Veliky Novgorod


The Museum of Wooden Architecture in Veliky Novgorod is located on the site of the old village of Vitoslavlitsy, which grew near the St. Yuriev Monastery several centuries ago. The area is very picturesque, there is the Volkhov river, Myachino lake, all the buildings send tourists back to the past, and sometimes it seems that fairy tales are probably true.

Walking through the streets, you can see in detail the village huts of different centuries, small chapels and tall wooden temples. All exhibits can be visited, go inside and understand how life was arranged. Interior items, textiles, paintings in the capable hands of professional restorers have gained a second life. The open-air reserve began working on May 16, 1967 and is located 4 km from Veliky Novgorod.

Museum of Wooden Architecture in Veliky Novgorod

Exhibits of the reserve

Now the museum of wooden architecture in Veliky Novgorod has more than four dozen wooden architectural monuments in its arsenal. Many of them belong to the 16th century, part of residential and industrial buildings - to the period of 18-19 centuries. The most significant exhibits:

  • Church of the Nativity. It dates back to the 16th century. It was moved from the village of Peredki (Borovichi district).
  • Assumption church from the village Kuritsko (Novgorod region). It was tentatively built in 1595.
  • Trinity Church. The temple was erected in 1672-1676 and was previously located in the Rekonskaya desert (Lyubytinsky district).

Museum of Architecture in Veliky Novgorod

There is a Russian spirit ... There it smells of Rus

The Museum of Architecture in Veliky Novgorod is also called folk. In the ethnographic reserve you can find themed exhibitions located in the huts of the museum, such as:

  • "The economy and life of the peasants."
  • "Christening".
  • "Wedding. Prince's table."
  • "Spring and summer holidays."
  • "Winter life of peasants."

Folk festivals, concerts of folk groups and bell ringing are regularly held here. Large festivities are organized on Maslenitsa, Trinity, Christmas and other significant dates. Since 2013, the Household yard, interesting for adults and children, has been opened. As part of the exposition, you can get acquainted with domestic animals, which were traditionally kept in a peasant estate.

Vitoslavlitsy is a vibrant ethnographic complex, where there are exhibitions, exhibits, museums. Veliky Novgorod and its surroundings provide an opportunity to get acquainted with traditional rituals, devote time to history, folk craft and at the same time remain in rhythm with modernity.

museums Veliky Novgorod


In the ancient city, the line between modernity and history is very blurred. Sights are found at every step, therefore, going on a short excursion tour, it makes sense to decide what to see this time, which museums to visit. Veliky Novgorod has a large list of excursion programs and iconic places:

  • Cathedrals and temples. In addition to Hagia Sophia, it is worth examining the pearl of the architecture of medieval Russia - the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, the church of the Apostle Philip and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built with merchant money in the 17th century. Significant architectural monuments include St. Nicholas Cathedral (built in 1113 ), not far from it stands the Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsy. Since the 13th century, St. Nicholas-Dvorishchensky Cathedral has been consecrating the life of Novgorodians. The city has many ancient temples, some of them function as museums, and some belong to the diocese and are used for their intended purpose.
  • Museum of Iconography. Here are collected 300 icons, the first of which date back to the 11th century, and the latter belong to the modern school. Particular attention is paid to the Novgorod school of icon painting.
  • For those who are keen on music, the Museum of Musical Antiquities named after V. Povetkin will be interesting. Here you can familiarize yourself with national musical instruments and trace their evolution.
  • The Museum of Art Culture is located in the Tithes Monastery. The exposition presents art paintings, an exhibition of ancient porcelain, cultural and educational events are held.

This small list can be supplemented with many more unique places, but even walking around the city, you can see in detail what he lived in ancient times. An ancient fresco, a pavement laid out in an old fashion, or a monastery, the walls of which survived more than one invasion, will certainly catch your eye.


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