Alexey Karamazov, character of the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: characteristic

Alexey Karamazov is a key character in the last novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”. This hero does not seem to be the main one, since the main events are connected with the figure of his older brother, but this is only a first impression. From the very beginning, the writer has prepared for Alyosha a great future. Unfortunately, the reader should have learned about him from the continuation of the novel, but the second part was never written due to the unexpected death of the author.

alexey karamazov characteristic

A bit about the work

The Brothers Karamazov is considered the pinnacle of Dostoevsky’s writing skills. We can say that the author went to writing this work all his life. It took two years to create a masterpiece, the work was completed in 1980.

The novel touches on very serious topics - morality, freedom, faith in God, the human essence. Dostoevsky had raised all these questions in his works before, but they had never sounded so large-scale before.

Aleksey Karamazov is not just a hero of the novel, he is the very ideal character whom he dreamed of creating an author all his life. Fedor Mikhailovich decided to show his formation. And in the first part of The Brothers Karamazov, he is at the beginning of his path, nothing has been experienced, he has not yet reached spiritual perfection, he has only taken the first step towards him. But the second part of the novel was never destined to appear.


Alexey Karamazov had a real prototype. This is the writer’s youngest son, the hero’s namesake, who died at the age of ten from epilepsy, which was transmitted to him from his father.

In addition, the literary critic L. Grossman suggested that this character had his roots in the hero of the novel George Sand “Spiridon”, who was a monk and bore the name of Alex. Among real persons, they also point to Alexei Khrapovitsky, who became the Metropolitan.

Karamazov brothers

Hero's life before the beginning of the novel

So, if Aleksey Fedorovich Karamazov is declared the main character, then why is he not very similar to him? The writer himself answers this question in the preface, saying that Alexey is still an "indefinite figure." His role will manifest itself with all the strength in the second part of the novel, which will be the main one. Therefore, the character remained somewhat unfinished.

But back to the origin of our hero. He is the youngest of the three Karamazovs and is the uterine brother of Ivan. His mother, Sofya Ivanovna, was a “meek” whooper. It was from her that the young man inherited religiosity. One episode from his childhood was very well remembered by the hero of the novel F. M. Dostoevsky. It was a quiet summer evening, through the open window the setting sun penetrated into the room. In the corner was an image with a lit lamp, in front of which a sobbing mother stood on her knees. She holds little Alyosha in her arms and with a prayer stretches him to the face of the Mother of God. This scene has a great sacred meaning. Sofya Ivanovna gives her son under the protection of the Mother of God. From that moment he became an initiate, under the blessing of higher powers.

Strangers were engaged in his upbringing, because his mother died early. Without completing the gymnasium course, Alyosha returned to his hometown to search for the grave of his mother. Old man Karamazov was greatly struck by the reason for the appearance of his youngest son in his house. Fedor Pavlovich generally treated Alyosha in a special way, distinguishing him from his offspring.

Soon after returning home, our hero went to the monastery as a novice to the old man Zosima, who was known as a sage and healer.


After such a past, Alexey Karamazov may seem a fanatic and an exalted eccentric. The description of the appearance, however, speaks differently. Dostoevsky specifically gives his hero health so that the reader does not have an erroneous opinion. Alexei is completely unlike Prince Myshkin, with whom readers and critics often compared him.

Karamazov Jr. is distinguished by physical and spiritual health: “handsome, red-cheeked, full of health, with a bright gaze ... a nineteen-year-old.” The young man is very handsome, of medium height, well-built, with dark brown hair, dark gray shiny eyes, regular features. Often he could be seen thinking about something.

Aleksey Karamazov from the work “The Brothers Karamazov” has a special gift - he easily disposes people to himself. The young man is friendly, kind to everyone, does not remember insults, is not greedy, very chaste and bashful. Despite the fact that he does not take an active part in the main events, his image stands out from the rest of the characters.

image of Alesha Karamazov

Alexey Karamazov: characteristic

Alyosha is Dostoevsky’s new ideal hero. Prior to this, the author chose the sick and suffering. In Karamazov there is no sign of illness. This is his strength. He is spiritually and physically perfect. At the same time, he is a realist, firmly standing on the earth, with Karamaz power in him. And if she destroys his brothers and father, then our hero uses it only for the good.

Alexey Karamazov is a character figure. In the novel, he acts as an assistant, other heroes trust him, and he does not deceive their expectations. Here is how the author writes about this: "He was always active ... could not passively love ... falling in love, he immediately began to help." In this, he is not similar to the previous heroes of Dostoevsky, who were dreamers, wanted to do, but could not.


The image of Alyosha Karamazov is associated with a new type of Christian spirituality for the 19th century - monastic service in the world. For this, a person undergoes a monastic austerity, but instead of remaining in the monastery, leaves and lives among ordinary people. This path to the hero before death is predicted by Zosima: "He will come out of these walls ... in the world he will be like a monk ...". The old man also predicts Alyosha many trials and tribulations on the way, but they will bring him happiness and will let him know what is most important in life. It was this fate that Dostoevsky prepared for the character, but it should be realized in the second part of the novel. The first acts as a preface.

alexey karamazov appearance description

Alyosha's relationship with the brothers

The Karamazov brothers are very different, but at the same time they have something in common. This is an incredible force that comes from the earth and pushes them to recklessness. Most of all, Dmitry has it, which is why he comes into conflict with his father. In Ivan, it manifests itself in a different way - in his atheistic ideas and doubts. Only Alex can cope with it and send it in a peaceful direction.

Dmitry, like Fedor Pavlovich, patronizes the hero, but they are faced with Ivan. The reason for this is faith, and in this matter not one of them can concede. The brothers have a different approach to the perception of the world. Alyosha, thanks to his faith in God, loves both people and the surrounding reality. Ivan first needs to understand and comprehend it. He cannot accept anything on faith, he needs to be provided with evidence. Here, the author demonstrates the clash of cold reason and Christian love.

But Alexei is still not firm enough not to doubt. Dostoevsky always very subtly approached the psychological description of his heroes, and the Brothers Karamazov were no exception. Dmitry, Alexey and Ivan face spiritual challenges in their lives. The youngest is left to doubt the highest justice. This happens after the death of Zosima. Everyone expected that the body of the old man would not be subject to decay, thereby a miracle would be revealed. But that did not happen. Alexei begins to doubt what Zosima told him. The hero does not understand where is the transformation of nature and the highest justice? He even begins to think that maybe Ivan was right in his statements. The hero begins to feel spiritual closeness with his atheist brother. More and more often recalls their conversation.

However, the revolt of Alyosha, like Ivan, ends. And if the elder Karamazov denies God and is plunged into madness, then the younger sees the vision of resurrection.


Karamazov brothers main characters

The image of Alyosha Karamazov is also associated with Grushenka, which became the cause of the conflict between Dmitry and his father. Our hero gets to her by accident - he is brought by Rakitin, represented by Dostoevsky as the real Mephistopheles.

As soon as Alex saw the girl, Karamazian sensuality awoke in him. Grushenka spurs his interest, sitting down on his knees and offering champagne. But as soon as the beauty finds out about the death of Zosima, then she is immediately transformed. Grushenka jumps in fright from Alyosha’s knees and begins to be baptized. At this moment, the hero sees the true essence of the girl. He exclaims, pointing to her: "found a treasure - a loving soul." Grushenka’s compassion helped Alexei’s soul to be healed. And his sympathy for her supported the girl. So the heroine speaks of Karamazov Jr.: "He turned my soul over to me ... pity me first ... all my life the way you were waiting ... who would pity me."

In criticism, the episode of their meeting is considered the mystical betrothal of the earth-bride with the groom. Here Dostoevsky demonstrates the victory of resurrecting highly spiritual love over voluptuousness, earthly feeling. The souls of the heroes are aware of their kinship and mystical unity. They take each other’s blame on themselves - "everyone is to blame for all." It is sin that unites people, making the whole world brothers and sisters.

After this, Grushenka becomes ready to share with Mitya his atoning feat, and Alex opens up for a mystical vision.

Just meeting with this girl changes the mental state of Karamazov Jr. The whole protest disappears in him, he no longer blames the higher forces for anything and does not require an answer. Leaving Grushenka’s house, the young man humbly returns to the monastery, where he stands at the tomb of an old man and begins to pray.

The insight of someone else's soul

In how quickly Alyosha managed to understand the essence of the girl, whom everyone considered an evil libertine, the hero resembles Myshkina, his peculiar predecessor. The prince had only one look at Nastasya Filippovna to comprehend her suffering.

It is not for nothing that Dostoevsky endows his main characters with the gift of seeing human souls. This feature tells readers that these characters are able to see the truth where no one can recognize it. Hence their religiosity - they don’t need evidence to know the truth that God exists.

Karamazov Alexey Fedorovich

Alyosha's monologues in The Brothers Karamazov

As we learned, Alexei is the central hero of the novel, so all his speeches and reasoning are extremely important for understanding Dostoevsky’s intent. The character pays most attention to issues of faith and attitudes towards life and the world. The main thing for him is love: "Everyone must first of all love life ... love before logic." He says these words in a dispute with Ivan. At the same time, this refers to spiritual love, the highest, and not bodily.

His other famous talk about children, in which he says that these are the most pure and innocent creatures. It is no coincidence that the hero closely converges with schoolchildren.

Alexei is the mouthpiece of Dostoevsky himself, proclaiming the principles and ideals of the writer.

Divine insight

"The Brothers Karamazov" was conceived as a description of the spiritual formation of Alexei. Therefore, the brightest scene of the novel is the enlightenment of the hero. This happens after the divine vision descends upon him.

After that, he leaves his cell, falls to the ground and kisses her. At that moment, he felt like “the threads of all God's worlds came together in his soul”, he wanted to forgive everyone and ask for forgiveness himself. Aleksey comprehends the “world harmony”, which all the heroes of Dostoevsky strive for. The writer himself calls him the “new Adam,” who, sobbing and crying, kisses Mother Earth, desecrated by his fall.

Karamazov’s power of Alyosha is transformed into divine. He finds the answer to the question “How can I forgive the death of a child”, which so tormented Ivan. Everything is simple - in a perfect world everyone will be forgiven.

A new mystical experience transforms not only the hero, but also the world that surrounds him. In the novel, we can see only the beginning of this - Alexei establishes the “universal brotherhood” on the grave of Ilyusha, which so far includes only children. In contrast to social anthills, the new community is built on love and personal freedom. Sincere affection for the dead boy united his friends and laid the foundation for their brotherhood.

The novel, despite the fact that Dmitry is innocently accused of killing his father, ends with the triumph of faith in the resurrection.

hero of the novel fm dostoevsky

A bit about other characters

As the first part of the cycle was conceived by Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov." The main characters had to go the path of spiritual improvement or degradation. The author shows us the revival of Grushinka and Alexei, just as we see how Ivan is dying, seized by madness, and choosing the path of the suicide Smerdyakov. But the fate of Dmitry is not completely clear. The author gives him hope for a transformation - he will have to survive his catharsis in hard labor.

The fate of Alexei, Mitya and Pear is clear to the reader, only the future of Ivan remains hidden. So it remained unknown whether Dostoevsky wanted to give his hero a second chance or doomed him to final self-destruction.

What awaited Alexei in the second part

In conclusion, let's talk a little about what the future awaited the main character. The second novel was supposed to begin at the time when Alexei was already 33 years old. This figure even more assures us that Karamazov Jr. is a Christ-like character. If we connect the life of the hero with the gospel events, then the description of his youth can be correlated with the temptation of faith.

A.S. Suvorin, a friend of the writer, in his memoirs said that Dostoevsky planned to execute Alyosha. The scaffold of the hero should have been brought in by the search for truth. However, not all critics agree with this and believe that many remarks by the author himself exclude such a finale. Literary scholars generally for a long time treated the image of Alyosha without due attention, carried away by such bright heroes as Dmitry and Ivan.

Nevertheless, the author's preface to the novel puts everything in its place and unequivocally points to Karamazov Jr. as a key character.


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