Processing fruit trees in the fall from pests and diseases

The onset of autumn for gardeners is the time for harvesting and processing trees from parasites. How to prepare plants for winter? Specialists recommend tree processing in autumn. The weather on this day should be dry, without frost. During flowering, fruiting and ripening, trees practically do not need protection from small pests. For the winter, all insects try to find a warm spot. After all, in it you can wait out the severe cold. Such places are fallen leaves, soil, as well as bark. Therefore, the processing of fruit trees in the fall is essential. This will help rid the plants of scab, putrefactive diseases, spotting and other misfortunes.

fruit tree processing in autumn

Preparing trees for processing

Due to the fact that bacteria quickly multiply under the bark of untreated trees, the vegetative process slows down. Plants slowly wake up after winter. Therefore, the treatment of fruit trees in autumn is very important. To do this, prepare the plants. Processing of trees that are older than six years begins with the removal of the old bark and lichen with a wire brush. This is necessary so that the causative agents of various diseases could not hide. Trees need to be processed immediately after removal. The last spraying in autumn occurs when all the foliage has fallen. You can perform this procedure after the first frost. To begin with, all foliage, fallen branches and weeds are harvested. The protection of fruit trees is provided by solutions of copper or iron sulfate, urea, etc. Each drug is aimed at a specific type of threat. Therefore, the processing of fruit trees in the fall cannot consist in spraying with only one remedy. The drug is selected depending on the desired results. It is recommended that this procedure be carried out at the end of October.

urea treatment of fruit trees in autumn


This drug is intended for spraying and feeding fruit trees - apple trees, cherries, plums, peaches. After the procedure, the plants are saturated with iron and minerals. Processing fruit trees in autumn with iron sulfate helps to improve oxidative processes. The drug fights against pests, destroys lichen, scab, moss, black cancer, cytosporosis. Iron plays a large role in the life of fruit trees. Its shortage reduces the amount of yield and leads to incomplete development of the fruit. A solution of iron sulfate is very simple to prepare. It is necessary to dilute one kilogram of dry powder in a fifteen-liter bucket of water.

cultivation of fruit trees in autumn with iron sulfate

Blue vitriol

This tool, which includes fungicide, prevents the appearance of putrefactive diseases, scab, powdery mildew, spotting. It is recommended to spray trees with copper sulfate twice - in spring and autumn. Processing of fruit trees in autumn with copper sulfate is especially recommended for pears, apple trees and plums. You can, of course, spray other plants in the garden. Plum copper sulfate provides a protective reaction against moniliosis, kleisterosporosis, coccomycosis, curly. The product protects pears and apple trees from scab, moniliosis and phylostictosis. For fruit trees (up to six years) up to two liters of copper sulphate per seedling is enough. Consumption for older plants - up to ten liters. Fruit trees are recommended to be sprayed in the morning or evening. The weather should be calm and the temperature should be between +5 and +30 degrees. It is necessary to protect people and animals from contact with the drug, and also not to allow it to get into water sources.

cultivation of fruit trees in autumn with copper sulfate

Urea (carbamide) treatment

Urea spraying fruit trees is recommended as the first stage or last preparation for the winter period. The first treatment must be carried out with a solution with a high concentration of the substance in question. This procedure will ensure the destruction of all parasite larvae. For plums, spraying will slow the rate of "waking up" after the winter by about two weeks. Processing of fruit trees in the fall with urea is carried out at a time when half of the foliage showered on the plants. The solution should be prepared in this way: at least 500 grams per ten liters of water. If the leaves are completely opal, then the product must be made seven percent more concentrated. It is recommended to spray trunks of fruit trees, branches and ground. This will be good protection for trees and at the same time fertilizer. If the solution is prepared too concentrated, then the leaves after spraying will get burns, fall off prematurely. And this will certainly affect the reduction of nutrient intake and frost resistance of fruit trees.

Machines for processing

Processing of fruit trees in the autumn is simplified thanks to the existing devices of the mechanical or manual principle of action. These devices protect the gardener from contact with drugs, spray them evenly. Regardless of the principle of operation, all devices are equipped with a spray pump. The differences between mechanical devices and manual models are their ease of use. Well, of course, there is a difference in their cost. Mechanical devices are more convenient, but more expensive. And for spraying trees using a hand-held device, periodic pumping is required.

Additional processing

processing fruit trees in the fall from pests and diseases

The treatment of fruit trees in autumn from pests and diseases should not be limited to spraying with copper, iron sulfate or urea. Plants also need to be abundantly watered and whitened. A layer of lime on the bark should be at least three millimeters.

If there are cracks and wounds on the tree, then a little cow dung and chopped straw should be added to the lime. The resulting solution will protect the plant from cracking.

Another way of protection is a garden var. You can buy it at the store or cook it yourself. To do this, take one hundred grams of rosin and two hundred grams of beeswax. It is necessary to melt these substances (each separately), then mix them and add one hundred grams of unsalted fat. Before coating the cracks, the var must be warmed up.

Autumn preparation in the southern regions involves pruning trees. In northern cities, this will doom the plant to freeze.


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