Aloha is what? Amazing and unusual word of Hawaiians

“Aloha” - this word is known far beyond the borders of Hawaii. Moreover, even those who have never been there at least once heard him. However, despite such great popularity, many people still do not know what it means. And what's so surprising, because its meaning is not so simple as it might seem at first glance.

Therefore, let's go on a short trip and find out the true meaning of the Hawaiian word "aloha." And you should start with the simplest - its generally accepted interpretation.

aloha is

Hawaiian greeting

Aloha is the first thing a person hears when entering the sand of the island of Hawaii. Probably, because of this, many tourists consider it a simple gesture of politeness, akin to "hello" or "welcome." Sure, they are partly right, but the truth is much more complex and beautiful.

For the inhabitants of the island, the word aloha is more than a banal greeting. For them, this is a whole philosophy reflecting their lifestyle. After all, it was not for nothing that they named the whole state in honor of this amazing word.

Great spirit of goodness

Hawaiians believe that the world is saturated with various kinds of mystical energies. Moreover, they are able to influence both the physical condition of people and their fate. According to their belief, aloha is the breath of life that fills all life with joy.

meaning hawaiian word aloha

Using this word in their speech, they appeal to this energy so that it can be with them. Therefore, aloha is not just a greeting or goodbye. This is the desire to bless another person, give him luck and protect him from bad weather.

That is why the inhabitants of the island of Hawaii so often say it. After all, the more you appeal to the spirit of life, the more it helps.

Life in harmony with Aloha

A curious fact is that on this island a whole philosophical current was formed, connected with the spirit of Aloha. It teaches that for a happy life you need to know the world around you. To see the beauty that is hidden in it, and to love it, because only in this way you can achieve harmony within yourself.

Hawaiian kahunas (priests) from ancient times conveyed this idea to people. They taught them the hidden meaning of the word aloha, as well as what they needed to share with others. And their labors were not in vain.

Now Aloha is the name of the whole US state, which is a huge achievement. In addition, there are a number of laws protecting this word. For example, according to one of them, each official should live in such a way that the spirit of Aloha is always present in him. That is, to be honest with both himself and with the people around him.

And let it be just one word, yet his strength is great. And that is why everyone around must know its true meaning.


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