Boris Drubetskoy: goal-oriented careerist in the novel "War and Peace"

One of the central images of the novel “War and Peace” is the impoverished prince Boris Drubetskoy. The prototypes for him were A. M. Kuzminsky and M. D. Polivanov. In this article, we will consider the character created by the author and all the changes that occur with him as the action develops. Before us will appear first a young man, then a young man - Boris Drubetskoy. The characterization (“War and Peace”) of this hero is the topic of the article.

Drubetskoy family

This impoverished noble family consists of two people. Mother, whose name is Anna Mikhailovna, and son of Boris. An elderly lady has not appeared in the world for a long time and has lost touch. She maintains only close relations with the Rostov family. They are distant relatives and friends. She is also in a distant relationship with Prince Bezukhov. Her son Boris Drubetskoy, who is twenty years old at the beginning of the novel, is similar in nature to her mother. Already at this age he is prudent, practical and purposeful.

Appearance of Prince Boris

Boris Drubetskoy is beautiful and calm. He is tall and slim. He has blond hair and regular facial features. His hands are graceful, white, with thin fingers.

boris drubetskoy
Despite poverty, the mother tries her best to dress him neatly, elegantly and fashionably so that her son can enter the best houses of both capitals.

Personal traits of Boris

This is a smart, sweet and hard person. Boris Drubetskoy knows how to control himself and is always calm. Often a pleasant smile plays on his face. The tone he speaks is usually friendly and slightly mocking. He is poor, but proud, and when his mother struggles to get at least a small share of the legacy of old Bezukhov, Boris Drubetskoy is as if in a distant position, although he is the godson of the old count.

boris drubetskoy characteristic
He does not consider himself to be his relative, although there are very distant connections, and does not want to accept anything from him. The young man is very resourceful. This is evidenced by the case when the Rostov youth ran into the living room, where the countess received the honorary mother and daughter of the Karagin. The whole company was at a loss, and only Boris found a suitable joke about Natasha’s old doll.
boris drubetskoy characteristic war and peace
“This doll,” as Boris said, “he knew as a damsel with an open nose.” The calm and playful tone of Drubetskoy defused the awkward atmosphere in the living room. Restrained and prudent, Boris Drubetskoy is looking for profitable acquaintances with people who are above him and can be useful to him. Therefore, he manages to quickly build a career. Unlike Berg, he does not seek money, but only those who can raise him in the service. In the army, he quickly concluded that even a low rank in the General Staff could put him higher than the army general. Purposefulness helps him always achieve his tasks. Drubetskoy is simply offended by the thought that he might not achieve something. Masons are a fashionable and useful organization. Not caring about the spiritual goals that they set for themselves, Boris Drubetskoy enters into the fraternity of masons, because there are many people from high society. They can affect his life. This is Boris Drubetskoy. His characterization is not very attractive and speaks of his egoism and extraordinary perseverance with the aim of raising himself high in the world.

Military service

Simple army service does not attract our hero. He is not as naive as the young Rostov, who likes to swing his sword and feel the excitement of battle. At first he was just an ensign, but in the guard.

boris drubetskoy characterization
A year later, he becomes an adjutant in the headquarters of the commander in chief with a "very important person." He receives a serious courier order to Prussia. A year later, through his patron, he gets a place in the retinue of the emperor, finds himself in Tilsit and is extremely pleased that his position is now firm. By 1812, he was already serving as an assistant to Earl Bennigson. This is an important post at the army headquarters.

Drubetskoy and women

Little Natasha Rostova is passionate about an adult, seven years older than her, Boris. But they are both not rich, and Boris is frankly poor. Therefore, he does not allow himself to be carried away by a charming girl.

First love
Even after separation, when Drubetskoy felt a strong attraction to Natalia Ilyinichna, who became unusually charming, he stopped himself and stopped dating, which could develop into marriage and end his career. He prefers an easy relationship with Countess Bezukhova, which gives him a brilliant position in society and in the service. In the salon of Anna Scherer, he becomes the person whom guests are “treated”. Marriage to the ugly but richest bride of Moscow, Julia Karagina, whom he beautifully and romantically cares for, strengthens his position. Now he does not need to seek protection, he is on an equal footing with his highest peers.

A prudent careerist is Boris Drubetskoy. The characterization of the hero portrayed by the author makes a generally unpleasant impression. He always tries to present himself in the best possible light before his superior people, hiding his shortcomings and forgetting about the principles of honor, duty and conscience.


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