Congress is ... National Congress. International congress

Congress is a meeting, congress or conference with the participation of scientists, politicians, and representatives of states. The same word is often used in the names of political parties and legislative bodies. Similar fees are held in many countries annually.

The state power of the United States of America consists of 3 federal bodies, one of which is Congress. His rights, powers and duties are enshrined in the constitution of the state. For Americans, Congress is, in other words, a parliament. It is bicameral: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Located in the Capitol. America’s highest law states that Congress must meet at least once a year on the first Monday of December. The last amendment, which was adopted by the authority, was introduced in 1933.

congress is

International Congress "Shield"

The “Shield”, called the International Congress for the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens, is an organization whose field of activity is aimed at relations with international institutions and individual legal entities. At congresses, they discuss the level of protection of the rights, dignity and freedom of each individual. The conference covers more than 50 countries around the world.

Congress, 2015 for which was a success due to attending an OSCE meeting, was formed in 2011 by Dr. Saleh Dager.

The Shield unites world-famous journalists, psychologists, philosophers, human rights defenders. They all work in order to protect every person on this planet, to protect his constitutional rights and principles.

Indian National Congress

The largest political party in India is the Indian Congress (INC). It was formed in 1885. It consists of 208 deputies, which makes it a large-scale fraction of the state.

USA congress

In the 19th century, the question arose of creating an organization that would unite Indian patriots. The initiative was shown by public figures known not only in the political sphere, which was approved by the Viceroy Lord Ripon. He confirmed his intentions at a memorandum held in December 1882, calling for reforms in economics and politics.

The Indian Congress is the first organization in parliament to be convened in the winter of 1885. Its then leader Banerjee stated that the party would be based on increasing the communication of Indians and eradicating racial, national, social and religious discussions by uniting the nation.

The forum identified several requirements for the government and parliament of England:

  • the destruction of the Indian Home Affairs Council in London;
  • provincial reform; and increased authority for the Central Indian Legislative Council.

Congress in the united states

international congress

Congress in the United States consists of two houses: lower and upper. The lower one is called the House of Representatives. There are 435 seats here, and this number remains the same every year, although Congress has the right to change it. Representatives can be re-elected an unlimited number of times. The head of the House is a speaker who is not elected by the Americans, but by deputies. Here the main function is the adoption of federal laws.

The Senate - the upper house - consists of 100 deputies. From one state only two people can work at a time. Senators are elected for 6 years by state citizens. The main task is the appointment of personnel and control over the country.

In America’s constitution, Congress is not divided into two houses. It includes their general goals of work, duties and rights.

US Legislative Process

The bill in Congress is passed by voting first in the House of Representatives, and later in the Senate. And only after the approval of the majority of deputies, the decision adopted by the parliament is submitted to the head of state. He is obliged to approve or reject the bill in 10 days, i.e. apply a suspensive veto. In case of rejection, he again returns to the House of Representatives. If more than two-thirds of the votes cast for him, he goes to the Senate, and the whole process is repeated. If the result is positive, the bill turns into federal law without the necessary signature of the president. The US Congress is organized in such a way that only he is able to enact any law; the president has no direct right to do so.

congress 2015

US Congressional Acquisition

At the moment, deputies are elected to parliament by vote. Until 1913, two-stage elections were held: first, citizens elected the legislative states, which, in turn, already approved the necessary senators. This scheme was repealed by the 17th amendment in the main law - the constitution. The government in the US Congress is now fully elected by citizens.

To be able to become a deputy of the House of Representatives, you must be 25 years old, have American citizenship, at the time of the Congress election, you must live in the state from which he is elected for at least 7 years. The head of parliament and other officials are approved by the House of Representatives. Only people who have reached the age of 30, have US citizenship, and have been in the state for 9 years at the time of the election are elected to the Senate.

congress 2014

Congressional Powers

Congress is America’s primary legislature , with the following options:

  • Open or close an external market, influencing trade with neighboring countries, as well as internal economic relations between states.
  • Regulate the value of valuable coins, both American and international.
  • Conduct credit business.
  • Set the percentage of taxes, duties, various social fees for paying debts, ensuring the defense of the state; the percentage for all of America should be the same.
  • Regulate the situation of the navy.
  • Create local courts.
  • Determine the duration and degree of punishment of those responsible for serious crimes.
  • Manage land and marine corps, enact laws for their units.
  • Declare a state of war.
  • Configure various postal services and paths.
  • Assist in the development of the fields of science, crafts, technology.
  • Form and provide an army.
  • To declare a term of imprisonment for persons who were engaged in forging documents valuable to the state, as well as money.
  • Train the police, do weapons.
  • Adopt bankruptcy laws.

US Congress History

Such a representative body as the parliament, or rather its distant copy, was born in America in 1619. Then it was called the General Assembly.

The US Constitution and a new kind of Congress appears closer to 1787, when the war for Philadelphia ended, or rather for its desire to be independent. At the congress, it was decided that the question of choosing leaders was becoming more and more acute, since the man who could keep everything under control and not break under the pressure of difficulties was needed.

national congress

When passing the Constitutional Convention, it was decided that Congress should be given more serious powers. For example, to give the opportunity to fully oversee some of the problems that are difficult to solve in a particular state. After such a statement, the deputies were divided into two parties: those who supported the idea, and those who said that it was too big a luxury. Since 1800, the Congress has been located in the Capitol Building (in Washington). The year 2014 showed that the Parliament of America is one of the most influential in world politics.


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