Boris Pasternak, “February. Get ink and cry. " Poem Analysis

The work of Boris Pasternak occupies a special place in Russian literature of the twentieth century. Many know his famous lines by heart, quote with ease and pleasure. Immortal “February. Get ink and cry. " The analysis of the poem allows you to plunge into the world of deep personal experiences of the poet, to feel the special melody of his lines.

february get ink and cry analysis

It makes it possible to see a holistic picture of reality, in which man is an integral part of nature. This article provides an analysis of the poem “February. Get ink and cry. " The text will be useful to high school students and anyone interested in literature.

"February. Get ink and cry ": analysis

Briefly you can characterize the theme of the poem as a kind of foreboding of the upcoming changes. The work reveals the essence of the natural seasonal process and is entirely devoted to nature. The lyrical hero observes the passage of winter time from the side: he admires the quirkiness of February, and is happy to wait for the approach of spring. The theme of the poem is a special extraordinary understanding that a person is part of a great whole, he is able to feel the world around him and is emotionally dependent on the state of nature.


A very beautiful poem - “February. Get ink and cry. " Analysis of it helps to comprehend the essence and not to lose the main thing. The lyrical work consists of four stanzas, each of which sequentially reveals the semantic load. In the first, a desire is discovered to comprehend the beauty of nature, to enjoy its integrity and diversity.

February poem analysis get ink and cry

Therefore, the lyrical hero wants to cry, because the delight covers the soul and it becomes impossible not to "write sobbing about February." In the second stanza, it becomes clear why there is a desire to act actively, to overcome long distances. The third compositional part reveals a significant need of a person to be understood and heard. In the final stanza, we see how the birth of creativity takes place: poems come into the world, shrouded in an experienced sense of rapture and joy, which the poet generously shares with readers.

State of nature

The poem “February. To get ink and cry ”, the analysis of which is of interest to many, is very pleasant to read. Lines create an unshakable sense of reality of what is happening. The world around us is undergoing significant changes. Nature is already preparing for the fact that spring will soon come into its own. Everything around is changing and transforming before our eyes. Awakening occurs gradually, but with confidence, carrying within itself an additional source of pure positive energy. Joy reigns everywhere: it is a mysterious sign of the continuation of life.

The status of the lyrical hero

Such a wonderful lyrical work could only be created by Boris Pasternak ("February. Get ink and cry"). An analysis of it shows how much a person becomes susceptible to nature, its changes. The emotional component reveals a deep connection with the events taking place around: it is they who give rise to additional experiences, encourage actions. If a person did not pay attention to what is being done around him, he would never be able to feel happy, internally satisfied.

parsnip february get ink and cry analysis

A lot of feelings embrace the lyrical hero: delight, joy, surprise, pride, admiration. Each subsequent wave of emotions awakens new feelings in him. At the same time, I want to laugh and be sad about something past. But nevertheless, this sadness is bright: it does not destroy, but transforms from the inside, gives a feeling of infinite vigor, uplift, enthusiasm. The lyrical hero has a desire to act, to commit rash acts. Analysis of the verse “February. Get ink and cry ”allows us to understand the state of a person who has discovered a constantly changing world of nature. You can watch her for hours, but never get to the end. The lyrical hero seems to be close to a solution, but still can not create a complete picture of blessed greatness.

February verse analysis get ink and cry

It seems that the full essence is constantly eluding him, no matter how much effort he makes. The lyrical hero only feels the approach of spring, the transformation of nature, its willingness to become new and amazing again. Truly colorful and original is the poem “February. Get ink and cry. " His analysis emphasizes the beauty and diversity of nature, as well as the depth of the inner world of a creative person.

Images and Symbols

Means of artistic expression help to better understand the lyrical work, to penetrate its essence. For example, “rumbling slush” means breathtaking changes in nature, while “rain” emphasizes a wave of emotional renewal.

february get ink and cry analysis briefly

The poem “February. To get ink and cry ”is a pleasure to analyze: it allows you to look at the world with different eyes and see something valuable in it.

Instead of a conclusion

The poem sounds a hymn to nature, its eternal value. The pinched lines of Boris Pasternak will live for centuries, blessing all life, emphasizing the undeniable value of human existence. This lyrical work shows the internal confidential conversation of nature with man, the appeal of the external world to the internal.


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