Where and how to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare?

After the new law was adopted in Russia, many citizens became interested in how to apply for the “Far Eastern hectare” and use their right to own land legally. It should be noted that this law has been considered for a long time, and the final decision on it was made only in February this year. The main goal of this bill is to attract as many citizens as possible to the lands in the Far East for their rational use.

how to apply for a Far Eastern hectare

What are the main conditions and essence of this program?

The conditions of the program are quite simple: almost every citizen of Russia has the right to receive a plot of land for use for five years. In addition, the law says that it is possible to unite families, and then the total area of ​​the site can reach 10 hectares. All plots that are provided for use are wholly owned by the state or are municipal. Therefore, before using the right to own land, it is necessary to find out in detail where to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare, and what are the conditions for obtaining this land?

Such sites are located at a short distance from settlements. For example, the maximum distance from a city with a population of 50,000 will be only 10 kilometers. If the city is large, then the distance can be 20 kilometers. In order to interest as many citizens as possible, the law also provides for a simplified system for issuing such sites.

apply for a Far Eastern hectare

It is also important to note that only citizens of Russia have the right to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare, and land will not be leased to foreigners. Only 1 hectare per person, in other cases, the calculation is made from the number of family members.

What is the deadline for issuing land to the applicant?

Some people, having not fully read the law, believe that the term of ownership of land is unlimited. This opinion is erroneous, because, according to the law, land can be obtained for use for only five years, and then re-register the right of ownership up to 49 years. Those who wish to receive the land forever for their use, after ten years can arrange it as property. Before applying for the Far Eastern Hectare, it must be remembered that if the land is not developed within five years, the right to own it is lost.

Why can I use the site in the Far East?

As a rule, in order to own land in the Far East, it is necessary to develop a special project according to which this land can then generate income. Projects can be completely different, as well as the amount of investment. For example, you can organize a greenhouse farm or start a farmland, but during the year the owner must determine what he needs this land for and how to properly dispose of it. Such a report will need to be submitted to the authorities. It should also be noted that not all projects will be considered, since there are limitations with the arrangement of industrial enterprises. Also, plans that could harm forestry will not be considered.

where to apply for the Far Eastern hectare

What is needed for an application for the Far Eastern Hectare?

Many are wondering where to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare. Since the state acts in the interests of citizens, the application is submitted according to a simplified scenario. You can do this without leaving your home, just use the Internet. For this, a special program was developed that helps to cope with the question of interest in just 15 minutes. If the application is submitted in accordance with all the rules, then it can then be considered for about a month. The advantage is that the future owner can choose the plot on their own. To select the most suitable plot in one week, you can immediately book several land plots, then to compare and choose the most suitable one. Until a Russian citizen decides on a site, other citizens will not be able to book it.

How to apply?

Let us consider in more detail where to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare, and how to do it correctly.

  1. All actions for registration take place on a special website of public services, so first of all you will need to register in order to enter the “My Account” later.
  2. A large cadastral map will open for the future owner, where it will be possible to highlight the boundaries of his plot.
  3. Next, an application is submitted for the specified sample.
  4. The application is sent for consideration, and after some time a special body takes a decision on it.
  5. If the site is issued, then a certain cadastral number is assigned to it, and the user can conclude a contract with the authorized body for such matters.
  6. It is important to remember that the contract must be concluded within a month.
  7. The contract states that the owner of the land, who has been using it for three years, must file a declaration stating that the plot is used for a specific purpose. If the land is empty, then it will need to be returned back to the state.
  8. Over time, the land can be issued absolutely free as your property.

where to apply for the Far Eastern hectare

This simple guide will help you figure out how to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare. It is enough to follow the prompts that the program gives on a special site.

Who can not claim the site?

A certain category of citizens who accessed the site were refused, so you should familiarize yourself with those nuances when not everyone has the right to own a site. Consider the main limitations:

  1. First of all, you must remember that only citizens of Russia can apply for land ownership in the Far East.
  2. The size of the plot should not exceed the area provided for by law. Recall that this is 1 hectare per person.
  3. The future owner may incorrectly indicate the boundaries of the plot that he wants to take possession of, for example, you cannot choose the one that is in the protected area or used for state purposes.

It is also important to remember that before acquiring land, it is not enough to know how to apply for the Far Eastern Hectare. You need to carefully read the law, since it is forbidden to sell or lease this land, even if it became property.

where can I apply for the Far Eastern hectare

How to choose a site?

Site selection must be done carefully, acting spontaneously will be wrong. Such a right is given only once, so you need to explore the entire territory, carefully familiarize yourself with the infrastructure, and also calculate all the profits and costs. When the maximum information on the site is received, it is enough to apply for the “Far Eastern hectare”. The Kuril Islands, for example, can be a great option for this. It is advisable to prepare a business plan in advance, according to which it will be easy to calculate all the financing for your entrepreneurial activity.

where to apply for the Far Eastern hectare

What help can the state provide?

The state is an interested party, and it makes every effort to support agriculture and its development in the Far East. That is why the sites are not issued in the taiga, but only in the area, which is located next to all the necessary communications. The following services are also offered by the state as support:

  1. You can get a mortgage. Participants in this program are provided with special conditions under which the interest rate for the year is significantly reduced.
  2. You can also get a subsidy for starting your own business.
  3. If a young family thinks to move, then there is a likelihood of receiving lifting funds from the state.

apply for Far Eastern hectare Kuril Islands

The site where you need to apply for the "Far Eastern Hectare" describes a list of additional services that a future landowner can count on. Cooperatives from 20 people will be able to count on special assistance from the state. They provide for the supply of electricity and the construction of other infrastructure in the vicinity of the received plots.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9511/

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