Mink coat ("cross"): description, model selection, reviews

To date, looking exquisite for the fair sex is not difficult. The market offers a very wide selection of clothing, both upper and lower, various cosmetics and accessories, so that absolutely any woman can afford to be unique all the time.

An indicator of the elegance and status of a lady in the modern world are fur products, among which the fur coat holds an honorable first place. It is no secret that it is mink products that have long been listed in the women's “wish list”. Today, the most fashionable model is a mink coat (“cross”). She is chic in itself, in addition, favorably emphasizes the beauty of its owner.


The appearance of mink winter clothing on the market is a special page in the global fashion section. Since ancient times, mink skins have been highly valued thanks to qualities such as beauty, the ability to retain heat, and durability.

mink fur coat

Over time, clothing has undergone significant changes in the cut and way of sewing. Also, the models of mink coats changed depending on the vagaries of fashion and the demands of society. So, voluminous fur coats on the floor, and short “fly-offs”, and medium-length options were also relevant.

Now a fur coat made of mink “cross-section” is especially popular. It got its name because of the specific manufacturing technology. After appearing on the world market, this model immediately came to the liking of fashionistas. In particular, such a fur coat sits well on slender and tall girls. However, modern designers took a tricky step: they developed a variety of models for different types of physique.

What is the difference from the classic

Classic models are sewn by laying out fur plates vertically. A transverse fur coat is made according to a new principle - all parts (the same fur plates) are placed horizontally, due to which the product consists of “transverse” wide strips.

Sewing in such an unusual way is more expensive than the standard procedure, therefore the prices for “cross-links” are much higher in salons, ateliers and shops. Here, customers are offered the widest selection of fur products, in particular, mink coats, among which it is easy to choose the suitable option. The only thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the fur, because in our time there are negligent sellers who are trying to sell second-rate goods at an inflated price.

models of mink coats

Outerwear Features

For designers and stylists, a mink fur coat (including a “cross”) is a real find for experiments. In the manufacture of this outfit, they practice not only horizontal laying of fur ribbons, but also sew them according to the principle of mirror symmetry. In addition, many manufacturers specifically choose tapes with different pile directions, so that the general appearance of the product looks interesting.

Depending on the idea, fashion designers can take shorn fur, dyed, long for a fur coat, and at the same time the models will radically differ from each other. According to fashion experts, a fur coat (mink, “cross”), reviews of which are full of pages on women's magazines, looks great on any figure. In addition, such a fur coat does not need additional decorations and finishes, because the special arrangement of the pile already gives the product a beautiful look.

The lineup

Today, there are a lot of options for mink coats . They differ in their cut, length, color scheme and other characteristics. However, among the total mass, the following styles of "cross-sections" can be distinguished:

  • "Butterfly". In this fitted version there are volumetric sleeves.
  • Short fur coat. The name speaks for itself - this is a short option that pleases women driving.
  • A year is a fur coat (mink) of the "cross" with a hood, fitted and flared below.
  • A coat is a long fur coat on the floor, which is preferred more by ladies in adulthood.
  • "Cleopatra." Such a fur coat is very different in its cut: in shape it resembles an ordinary trapezoid, there are decorative inserts on the hem and sleeves.

Any of these options will look great with classic trousers and boots with a small heel.

transverse fur coat

Selection rules

In order not to be mistaken with the choice in a fur store, it is worth following some expert recommendations on choosing high-quality winter clothing. It is undesirable to purchase a fur coat in online stores, since with this method it is not possible to immediately check the fur and determine its quality. By the way, for this you just need to touch the mink and find any defects.

For example, a fur coat from a mink “cross” can molt, oddly enough. You can verify this by running your hand across the entire surface of the product. If the villi remain on the palms of your hands, this means that after actively wearing a fur coat its presentation will literally deteriorate within the first three to four weeks.

It is also worth checking if there are any spots on the mink product with bald or faded fur, which also does not speak in favor of the goods. It is necessary to carefully look at the surface of a fur coat to determine if it is even and smooth enough. It is also worth taking a closer look at the junction of the fur plates: there will certainly be a small crest. If he sticks out strongly, this indicates the use of low-grade fur.

mink fur coat reviews

How to identify a fake?

On modern counters, fakes for mink coats are often found. Now this is booming due to the fact that the models of mink coats are very diverse, and among so many options it is difficult to check everything for compliance.

However, you do not need to be a professional to determine that you are dealing with fake mink fur. There are several tricks for this. The simplest of them is to feel the fur for silkiness and wrinkle it a little in your hand. Natural will quickly return to its original form.

Often with the help of chemical dyes, the coat is stained (mink, "cross"). Black paint, for example, immediately remains on a white shawl if the technology has not been followed. It is worth noting that basically unscrupulous manufacturers give out rabbit fur and groundhog for mink. But to the touch it’s easy to identify a fake: mink fur is a little tougher and longer than the first two options.

black fur coat

Wrong side check

Before buying a fur coat, it must undergo a check of its underside. If there are even stains here at first glance, then the lining is planted on the base with glue. Such a transverse coat will definitely not serve for a long time. It is better if strong threads and even seams are visible, which indicates high-quality tailoring.

What is the unstitched hem of the lining? Apparently, the manufacturer has nothing to hide, and this is an indicator of high-quality goods. If you find any type of marriage on a fur coat, you should show it to the seller-consultant and demand a discount. After all, it is not possible to buy mink coats cheaply in our time, and in this case you can not be shy and bring down the price. Any self-respecting head of the store or salon will certainly make concessions to the buyer, since they all know the real price of their goods very well.

mink coats cheap

What things to combine with?

As practice has shown, not all women and girls know how to wear a mink coat. The question is especially acute with what it is appropriate to combine a fur product and what accessories to choose for it. Stylists give some tips on the image being created:

  1. If a short or medium-long coat is chosen, then high boots are well suited to it. It is advisable to choose shoes not on a stiletto heel, but on a low heel for safe movement in winter.
  2. Short fur coats will go well with tight jeans or a pencil skirt.
  3. A hat made of the same fur is ideal for a mink coat. The design and color of the headgear should be chosen after the acquisition of the main thing.
  4. Gloves are also worth paying attention to: they must fit into the overall color scheme. It would be more appropriate to buy a pair of genuine leather.
  5. As for the bag, you should not take a huge "household" option with large handles. If you wear this over your shoulder, then the fur will deteriorate as soon as possible.

The main thing is that in the end you get a finished, elegant and sophisticated look, and the purchased fur product matches the taste and needs of its owner.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E953/

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