State Museum of Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

The Sholokhov Museum takes pride of place in the list of the most valuable cultural heritage sites of the Russian Federation. It is located in southern Russia in the Rostov region on the banks of the mighty Don River. Every year, a large number of fans of the writer's work come here.

Museum General Information

The museum was created in 1984 and is the only state museum of the writer in Russia. The exposition boasts the presence of more than 70,000 exhibits, which include books by M. A. Sholokhov, published in different cities and countries, photographs of the writer, as well as documentaries about him.

The conservation area, in which the Sholokhov Museum is located, occupies almost 40,000 hectares.

The pride of the museum is its natural beauty, shady alleys, boundless steppes and, of course, the Don River.

Don River

Kruzhilinsky memorial and historical complex

The exposition of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is located in several villages. The first part is located on the farm Kruzhilinsky, where the writer was born. Here passed the early childhood of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov.

Impressions of life on the farm influenced the writer so much that subsequently found reflection in his work. Little Mikhail Sholokhov will remember fruit orchards, courtyard, stable, refreshing steppe air for life. The Sholokhovs' estate has been reconstructed and opened for tourists to visit today.

Karginsky memorial and historical complex

In 1910, the Sholokhov family moved to the village of Karginsky. Here, the future writer went to school, graduated from the parish school, worked and lived until 1926, after which he went to live in the village of Veshenskaya.

It was in the village of Karginskaya that the young writer began to write "Don Stories." A significant part of the exhibition of the Sholokhov Museum is the first house of the writer, which he acquired at the end of 1920, when his name was already known in wide circles.

House in Karginsky

The writer left his native village several times and went to Moscow, Leningrad and abroad, but each time he returned to the Don. He considered this place his home and was not ready to leave it. Here in 1925, Sholokhov began work on the novel "Quiet Don". The great work was completed only in 1949. Next to the slow flow of the Don, according to the writer, the book was written best. The situation contributed to a complete immersion in the work on the novel, helped to understand his heroes as much as possible.

Village Veshenskaya

In the years when Sholokhov lived in Veshenskaya, he was already called the main writers of the Soviet Union. In 1949, a comfortable two-story house was erected here for the writer's family, in which there were a large number of outbuildings, a stable, a beautiful garden and a garage.

The writer’s house attracts a large number of fans of his work from all over the country. Here, the atmosphere prevailing during the life of the writer. Museum visitors are presented with personal belongings of Mikhail Sholokhov. A lot of time and effort was spent on the development of the museum, every detail was restored by the staff of the institution. The writer’s huge library and, of course, guns and fishing tackle deserve special attention. Near the river stands a small punt boat, without which M.A. Sholokhov could not imagine his life.

House Museum Sholokhov

The writer had three cars. The first is the black Volga, which was used for business trips, as well as meetings of the writer’s many guests. Due to the fact that Sholokhov was a fan of hunting and fishing, his all-terrain vehicle UAZ was his favorite car. The writer often went to the forest or to the river and spent a lot of time alone with nature. Sholokhov also purchased the Pobeda car, once owned twice by Hero of the Soviet Union Issa Aleksandrovich Pliev, with whom the writer had the honor of being personally acquainted. Today, all cars are on the move, they can be found in the garage of the Sholokhov Museum.

Cars Sholokhov

In the village you can see a beautiful two-story building, in which the gymnasium was located, in which Sholokhov was educated. Today there is an exhibition entitled "M. A. Sholokhov. Time and Fate", the opening of which was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the great writer.

At the end of May, the Sholokhov State Museum annually holds the Sholokhov Spring festival, which has a rich history and contributes to the revival and spread of the traditions of the Cossacks. Fans of the writer’s work come from all over our country to participate in the celebration.


On the territory of the M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, walking and boat sightseeing tours are organized. This place is rightfully considered one of the best museums in Russia dedicated to the writer. The museum complex has a workshop of arts and crafts, there are several shops where you can purchase all the books of the author.

A visit to the Sholokhov State Museum will expand your horizons, learn a lot from the life of an outstanding writer. Such a pastime will be interesting for both school-age children and adults.


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