Fashionable earrings in all your ear: features, history, rules of choice

Surely you have already seen this fashion accessory on the pages of gloss or in a program about the life of stars. Unusual massive earring, decorating not only the lobe, but also part of the auricle, is no longer a curiosity. This accessory is called by the unusual word “cuff”, and today we will consider in detail how earrings appeared in all your ear, what features this accessory has and how to wear it correctly.

earrings on all ear

Fashion trends

Today, jewelers are developing many unusual jewelry. The advantages of spectacular double-sided earrings have already been appreciated by many. Fashionistas also loved the Klaimers - flip-flops, the decorative part of which does not hang from the earlobe, but is located on the auricle. By the way, they are very similar to cuffs.

earring in the left ear

If you take a look at the cuff for the first time and try to determine where such an ornament could have appeared, then thoughts of India will probably come to mind first. It is she who is considered the birthplace of such jewelry. Cuffs from time immemorial there were an indispensable accessory of the bride. For a long time they did not know anything about this jewelry outside their historical homeland, but in the 20th century this accessory became widespread almost all over the world. True, he never reached the Soviet catwalks, so today it can be argued that earrings in our ears are a new and unbreakable topic in our area.

Growing popularity

Earrings for the whole ear today are produced in large quantities in China. Celestial businessmen have always responded quickly to growing demand. Cuff-dragons and snakes have been very popular for many years, thanks to the spectacular design and relatively low price.

left ear earring

I show interest in unusual earrings and reputable jewelers. On sale you can find cuffs made of precious metals, decorated with precious stones.

Cuffs with a puncture

If you like cuffs and you choose a similar accessory for yourself, consider the features of different varieties of cuffs. For those with pierced ears, picking an accessory is easier. Cuffs can even be used as ear piercing earrings . The whole secret is in the clove, which is located on the bottom surface of the jewelry. It is inserted into the puncture, thanks to this, the cuff is held in the ear more firmly.

earring in the left ear

When a puncture is not needed

The manufacturers of accessories took into account the interests of those fashionistas who for some reason do not want to pierce their ears. Some cuffs are equipped with small “crabs” that encircle the ear cartilage and prevent the jewelry from slipping. A similar accessory will decorate your punctured right or left ear. The earring will hold rather tightly, but wearing this jewelry for a long time is difficult - the ear gets tired of the “crab”.

ear piercing earrings

Minimalist Traditions

In a broad sense, the word “cuff” usually means a large unpaired piece of jewelry that extends throughout the auricle. But there are very small decorations, not more than one centimeter. They are also called cuffs. You can mount them on the side surface of the ear, and on the upper and on the lobe. Such an earring in a man’s ear will look beautiful. Guys have already managed to appreciate such accessories and often use them.

earring in a man’s ear

Not everyone likes tunnels and even ordinary punctures for hoop earrings, and the office dress code does not have such innovations. Therefore, a small cuff without a puncture is relevant for those who love everything unusual, but do not want to perforate their own flesh.


Earrings in all ears today are made from a variety of materials. Most of the products on the market are made of jewelry alloys painted in the colors of brass, copper, bronze. Silver and gold jewelry are not so rare. For example, cuffs are presented in the new collections of Roberto Cavalli and Rodarte.

How to choose the size

When buying a cuff, try to give preference to those stores in which fitting is provided. Most of the jewelry on the market is made in China. It’s no secret that Chinese women are very fragile women, so what suits them can be too small for customers from other countries. Cuff of the wrong size will not bring joy, the ear will get tired.

Cuffs on Starry Ears

Do you think that this accessory is suitable only for rebellious teenagers? But no. Cuffs were even chosen by celebrities. For example, Emma Watson, whose ear is decorated with gold cuffs with diamonds from Repossi, has repeatedly hit the camera lenses.

ear piercing earrings

Other admirers of such an accessory are also known: Alice Keyes, Holly Berry, Natalya Ionova, Pink, Linda Evangelista, Cate Blanchet.

Stylist's tips: how can and how not

If you managed to find the most suitable one from the whole variety of jewelry, think over all the details of the image. Cuff is a bright accessory that, when used skillfully, will add a twist to your style. But if you treat him illiterate, he will look vulgar and tasteless in any situation. For example, if you have such an earring in your left ear, then in the right there should not be any jewelry at all or a laconic low-key earring that will go well with the cuff.

Some designers develop jewelry sets in which 2-3 items are presented. For example, it can be a large cuff with pendants and a small earring on the second ear in the same style.

Do not wear a cuff with a choker or catchy necklace. By and large, for an expressive image, one spectacular accessory will be quite enough. Complete it with a thin chain without a pendant, a bracelet or a pair of stylish rings. Remember: all metal jewelry should be the same color.


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