Sensory development of children: games and exercises

The sensory development of children is of great importance for the formation of all mental processes.

This is the refinement of all the properties of perception, thanks to which the child learns to understand and feel the world around him. Thus, the baby forms the first concepts that will be used in the future to compose a picture of the world.

Distortions in the perception of reality can lead to violations in the development of logical thinking and imagination. The ability to generalize, to absorb new information, as well as the development of all types of memory, depends on how rich a sensory experience a child receives in the first years of life.

The education of young children must necessarily include educational games for the harmonious formation of all sensory systems.

Everyone knows that we perceive the world through the senses, or rather through the five sensory systems: vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste.

We get most of the information through sight and hearing, as these analyzers are leading for humans. However, when conducting educational games with children, it is necessary to focus on the equivalent development of all systems. Taste and smell are closely related to the emotional sphere. When a child learns to distinguish objects by touch, to name the taste of food, to find names for different sensations, he learns to manage his emotions, masters their diversity and contrast through bodily sensations.

In addition, for the sensory development of preschool children to proceed correctly, it is necessary to go through the stage of formation of the so-called sensory standards - a generally accepted understanding of the properties of different objects. This is a very important characteristic that will help the child in socialization.

So, let's consider what games will help accelerate the sensory development of babies up to 3 years old and preschoolers.

Developing visual perception.

A very simple game is called “Arrange objects by color”. The kid is invited to distribute the colors of the figures of different shapes. Then the task can be complicated and try to arrange the objects in shape and color at the same time.

Also, children under 3 years old will be useful to collect the pyramids, stringing rings on the rod. Thus, they will learn to distinguish between the shape and size of the object visually and to the touch.


Games with the so-called touch mat, which are suitable for the smallest, are very popular. The child touches different surfaces with his hands, learns to distinguish between hard and soft, smooth and rough. For kids who still do not know how to walk, this game will help develop finger motility, and also activates tactile perception.

In order to diversify the sensory education of preschoolers, games for the development of concentration and touch are recommended. The game "What subject?" It is to touch to determine and name the properties of the item: warm / cold, wet / dry, hard / soft, scratchy / smooth.

Auditory perception

Such exercises will simultaneously be useful for concentration training.

The game "What do we hear?" Close your eyes and list the sounds that are heard in the room. Count them. This game is very useful for hyperactive children, as it makes them calm down and become quiet in order to listen to what is happening around.

Taste and smell

For young children, exercises for labeling taste sensations with words will be useful. This will contribute to the development of new concepts and teach the child to concentrate.

The game "Tell me the taste." Ask the child, “What does an orange taste like?” Let him try to describe him in as much detail as possible. Ask questions about the tastes of products known to him, gradually complicating the task. You can play at home while eating. You can also have fun with smells.

It is imperative to conduct classes at which all the main sensory systems will work in conjunction. For example, take a bell, describe its shape, color, what it feels like, how it sounds. You can arrange a competition on who will name the most signs. Just do not taste it!

The sensory development of children of any age is very important, as it is the basis for the formation of the emotional and volitional sphere, as well as for creating a reasonable image of the world. A distinctive feature of sensory development exercises is that they are all conducted in a playful way, which helps to build relationships in the family (if games are played at home) or learn how to communicate with peers (in case of group classes).


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