Cool hat do it yourself? Easy!

Crochet is no longer considered an occupation for grandmothers and girls, which no one calls in the movies. Today, women and men from all over the world who have inexhaustible reserves of humor, creativity and energy are taking up this tool.

cool hat for kids

Give me a sketch!

The result of the work of knitters is not only classic products, such as sweaters, dresses, scarves, bedspreads and others. Many young masters prefer to make funny crocheted hats for themselves and their kids . The schemes of these models cannot be found, since they simply do not exist. As a rule, such hats are born in a single copy and are impromptu in their pure form.

cool hat for men

True, craftswomen with experience, patience and imagination can repeat the original models, focusing on photos.

This article offers different cool hats, photos and several schemes that will help to make some models.

knit funny hats scheme

Children's hats with ears

The photo at the beginning of the article shows several caps of the same type, which are made according to the same principle, but are decorated differently.

Each such cool hat is based on a classic headgear scheme. This model is quite popular, and many people know how to perform it. In addition to single crochet columns, such a hat can be knitted with some openwork pattern.

how to tie the basis for a cool hat
The photo below is a great example of a hat for autumn or spring days. Its bottom is a flat circle that expands in each row. When the diameter of this part becomes sufficient, the expansion is stopped and work continues smoothly (without additions). The resulting base can be equipped with eyes, ears, horns and a variety of attributes.

example of knitting a base hat

How to tie hat ears

When the foundation is ready, you need to make sure that the product is warm and comfortable. The ears hanging from two sides perfectly protect the baby from the wind, and the ties allow you to firmly fix the cap at any time.

A cool hat with ears is two in one: it’s warm and fun. The ears are knitted as a continuation of the cap fabric. Usually they have a triangular shape, the following diagram clearly illustrates the process of their creation.

funny hats pics

Each cap should be tied with several rows of single crochet posts. This is necessary in order to prevent stretching and deformation of the product.

The ties are made in several ways:

  1. Crochet an even cord.
  2. Weave a pigtail of strands of thread.
  3. Knit a spiral. This option is not very suitable for those who plan to use the ties as intended. They should fulfill rather a decorative function.
  4. Sew on ribbons or purchased cords.
    zipper cap poppy queen

Warm accessories

If you need a warm cool hat, then a layer of insulation is sewn into the product. A regular fleece or flannel can cope with this role.

Another option for manufacturing a custom base for the cap is proposed in the following diagram. Here, the “bushes” ornament is used as the main pattern.

crochet hats

After the bottom is formed, the rest of the product is knitted with “bushes”. The main value of this scheme is that it shows how to cut the fabric when tying the ears. The craftswoman will not have to spend extra time on independent attempts to develop this part.

Hat decoration

The most interesting thing in such fun products is, of course, the final stage, decoration.

cool hat
Here, the most commonly used are several basic elements:

  • Flat circles (eyes, spots, nostrils).
  • Flat triangles.
  • Volumetric cones.

A flat circle can be crocheted, focusing on the pattern of the bottom of the cap. The principle of expansion is relevant for parts of any size. To get eyes (for images of animals and birds), the inner part of the circle should be done in blue, green or black, and then a white thread should be connected to the work. Alternatively, you can connect several circles: large white and smaller color. Then they are sewn onto the cap in the desired order.

do-it-yourself funny hat

Additional small elements (eyelashes, mouth, mustache, smile) are embroidered on the hats with knitting thread.

Flat triangles are knitted in the same way as ears for a hat. Volume cones are obtained when, when working on circles, not six, but three single crochets are added. If you need to perform volumetric triangular cat ears, you can sew two flat elements or tie a cone, adding loops unevenly (only in two places of each row).

A cool hat with your own hands refers to those projects that are interesting to do with children. Their ideas are sometimes so fresh and extraordinary that they give the product a very special charm.


Do not try to look for detailed descriptions and patterns of unique hats, because it is much more pleasant and fun to create them yourself.

Even such unusual hats as a stylized helmet and a false beard found their fans.

cool hat crochet patterns

A cool hat looks great to which hair from yarn is attached. Of course, it is not suitable for daily use, but it is quite within her power to make friends at a party or colleagues at an office party. There are a lot of options for decorating: from the traditional Snegurochka braid to luxurious hair worthy of the Vikings.

So, we knit cool hats! Schemes of the base and geometric figures already exist, it remains to combine them.


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