String Beans - How to Plant? Haricot beans - growing and care

Both asparagus and leguminous varieties of green beans are considered one of the most valuable, tasty and healthy representatives of the legume family. Their homeland is the territory of South and Central America. Now green beans are cultivated almost everywhere; it is possible to grow a rich crop even in Siberia.

string beans how to plant
String beans have earned special popularity not only because of their pleasant mild taste. It contains vitamins (A, C, B1, E, B2), macro- and microelements, including calcium salts, phosphorus, zinc, iron and folic acid. In addition, the composition of green beans includes a sufficient amount of easily digestible protein and fiber. In this article we would like to talk about growing beans and answer such questions: "How to plant, how to care and what kind of beans to choose for your summer cottage?" We hope our recommendations will help you.

Green beans: planting, cultivation. We select the soil

Green beans are a fairly unpretentious plant. It is easy to get a rich harvest, observing some agricultural rules of cultivation and care. Light, fertile, and well-drained soils with moderate humidity are ideal for cultivating beans and green beans and asparagus. Medium or light loam, as well as sandy loam will allow you to get a really good crop of legumes. Too wet, swampy, heavy soils are unlikely to fit - the plants will hurt and develop poorly. Growing beans must be carried out on protected from the wind, heated and normally lit areas. But, in principle, penumbra will do. Of course, the selected place for planting seeds should be well cleaned of all sorts of weeds. It’s good if potatoes, tomatoes or cabbage were grown before beans.

growing beans

String beans: planting seeds correctly

In the fall, the site selected for planting is prepared: digging and adding organic matter (6 kg per 1 m²), superphosphate (35 g per 1 m²), as well as potassium chloride (20 g per 1 m²). In spring, a complex mineral fertilizer with a high potassium content (25 g per 1 m²) is added to the soil. On well-prepared soil, green beans will be better and more active. How to plant seeds? First you need to wait until the earth warms up to 15-18 ° C and eliminate the likelihood of repeated frosts. In southern Russia, sowing beans can be safely carried out already from mid-May, in other regions it is advisable to wait for the onset of June. Remember that green beans are very fond of heat. How to plant seeds?

haricot asparagus cultivation and care
Similar to other legume crops . Dry seeds are pre-soaked. And then placed to a depth of 3 or 4 cm in open ground (or under a film cover). Many gardeners recommend holding seed material in a solution of manganese for 15-20 minutes before planting, and then rinsing it with water. After planting, the plot is sprinkled with humus. For seed germination, a temperature of 20-25 ° C is required. Usually the first seedlings appear after 10 to 20 days. The distance between the individual plants should be about 10 cm, so a little later the extra seedlings are thinned or planted.

Features planting bush and curly beans

As a rule, all varieties of beans are divided into curly and bush. Bush asparagus haricot is sown in rows. The distance between the beans is 15-20 cm, and between the rows - about 30 cm. Growing bush beans and harvesting will be more convenient if you leave a 50 cm free space every three rows. Before flowering, one or two plants are needed times to spud. Then the bean bushes will become more stable and will not fall due to strong wind or rain. So, we have determined how best to sow bush varieties of green beans. How to plant curly varieties, we will describe further.

growing bean bush
Curly asparagus beans grow well along fences, in which case there is no need to invent props. If this is not possible, plant the bean seeds in rows, leaving a gap of about 7-8 cm between the beans. After emergence, sprouts should be spudded, and then support should be built and the seedlings tied to them. When curly beans reach a height of 2-2.5 m, it will need to be pinched to stimulate normal fruiting.

Haricot beans: cultivation and care. Watering, top dressing

Green beans and asparagus need good watering. With sufficient and regular hydration, the plants will form fleshy pods and will bear fruit abundantly. For watering, you can prepare a nutritious infusion: fill the barrel with more than half weeds and pour water into it. Leave sour for seven days. And then dilute 1 liter of the finished infusion in a bucket of water. This solution can be used to moisten bean crops.

green beans growing and care
Remember that with insufficient moisture in the soil, the stalks of the beans will develop poorly, and fruiting will deteriorate significantly. In addition to watering, beans need loosening of rows and weeding of weeds. Basically, that’s all it takes to get an excellent crop, asparagus beans. Growing and caring for this plant will not take much of your time and energy. The main thing is to water, sometimes to loosen and occasionally feed it. String beans bloom 40 days after germination. The ovaries appear 20 days later, and after another 10 days they reach sufficient maturity. During the vegetative period, mineral fertilizing should be carried out two or three times, one of them during budding.

Harvesting String Beans

Whole asparagus beans are consumed whole, that is, not only seeds are subject to cooking, but also green pods, which have a pleasant taste and aroma.
Harvesting leguminous and asparagus beans selectively, plucking milk fruits, preventing the hardening of their grains. Remove green "shoulder blades" several times a season, depending on the plant variety. Fruiting bean will continue in the summer and autumn, before the onset of frost. Bushes designed to obtain seed material do not scrub. They are left until the seeds fully ripen, and in September-October they are removed from the garden.

bean planting cultivation

Popular Green Bean Varieties

One of the most delicious varieties is Deer King (Holland). This undersized bush bean begins to ripen early and gives a large crop. The variety can be recognized by lemon yellow pods and white grains. Another good variety is Fana (Poland). The pods of this bushy asparagus bean are green in color and have white grains inside. The variety is particularly resistant to disease and high productivity. Popular varieties of curly asparagus beans are Golden Nectar and Hell Rem (both USA). They are distinguished by high productivity and excellent taste characteristics. Blau Hilde (Austria) is another excellent variety of curly beans. You can recognize it by the purple pods and large grains of creamy color.

Instead of a conclusion

So, in this article we examined the features of growing a valuable plant called green (chilli) beans. How to plant, how to care for him, feed and harvest - you now know. We hope that you will definitely be able to grow this beautiful bean culture at your summer cottage, which is a valuable source of protein, fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements.


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