The use of polystyrene foam blocks in the construction of houses

The ability of developers to count their money has become legendary. The fact that due to the high cost of houses, our compatriots nevertheless began to pay attention to issues related to the heating and thermal insulation of buildings, is encouraging. In particular, houses made of polystyrene foam blocks have become so popular precisely because of their excellent characteristics in terms of heat conservation.

polystyrene blocks
It is uncontrollably that the heat carriers that add to the cost make us look for such materials, houses from which would not require a lot of money for heating. In particular, not least for this reason, almost no brick houses are being built, since the ability of a clean brick to retain heat is too low.

But why did we decide to talk specifically about the characteristics of polystyrene foam blocks? They have many advantages, including the possibility of building three-story private cottages. There are brands of blocks intended exclusively for the construction of interior partitions, and there are those that are used to lift the box of the building and its supporting walls. Their strength is such that it is possible to use overlapping of reinforced concrete slabs without any fear .

Polystyrene foam building blocks owe their low thermal conductivity to their extremely homogeneous structure. Simply put, in their composition there is already a homogeneous polystyrene foam, which in some cases allows you to do without any additional insulation.

polystyrene block house
In particular, a house made of polystyrene foam blocks in the Urals will perfectly retain heat with a wall thickness of only 40 cm. Do not forget about the ideal geometric shape of this building material, which greatly facilitates the construction process. By the way, in summer weather in such cottages it is very cool, since thermal insulation involves not only retaining heat within the house itself, but also preventing it from overheating due to elevated outdoor temperatures.

An important feature of this type of lightweight concrete is the ability to erect door and window lintels, without the use of reinforced concrete and metal structures, which significantly weigh down the total weight of the house. In addition, polystyrene blocks in this connection have another advantage: since the wall is completely homogeneous, then there are no prerequisites for the emergence of cold bridges .

polystyrene block production
It is not worth saying that due to the low weight of the material itself during construction, the use of heavy and expensive foundations can be excluded. Despite the fact that large volumes of polystyrene foam blocks inspire certain concerns, you can work with them without using heavy construction equipment. For the construction of small outbuildings in this case, only one person will have enough forces.

The ability to withstand low temperatures is approximately 100 cycles. Given this, with a lack of funds there is no reason to rush much with the decoration of the facades. By the way, this wonderful material also does not absorb water, which is convincingly proved by experiments with its piece, which can float in water for almost a year, while remaining absolutely dry inside. It is not surprising that the production of polystyrene foam blocks is such a profitable business.


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